Man in Battle

joecalkins's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks buddy! I'm working on it!

You know - I think you're right. In fact, now that I look at it again I think I'm going to rework my site. It's very busy and you're right about the consistency of the work. Some images were done for CCGs so they didn't need to contain much detail. You're right, I should only post my best stuff. Thanks for the compliments and advice!

Thanks Lilith! I'll drop him an e:

Does anybody need art for ther submission? I'm trying to figure out how to contribute art to Dragon or Dungeon. I've only been able so far to find material related to submitting adventures, artcles,etc. Maybe someone would like to team up with me and submit art along with their writing?

Joe Calkins

What about art submissions/contributions?

Joe Calkins

I for one would love to illustrate some new monsters for submission to Dragon or Dungeon. Anyone know how to submit a portfolio for consideration as a contributor? For that matter does anybody have a new monster or monsters they are planning to submit that need art? You can view some of my work at