jknight5422's page

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kelvingreen wrote:
I notice, with some amusement, that WotC still have their own "Previous Edition Dungeons & Dragons Downloads" page up and the files are still there for download. The files that are available for free, and with no watermarking or protection whatsoever. Oops.

I just checked it & I just see the stuff that was

never sold. Free stuff, errata, etc. That probably
isn't going away.

My own theory as to why they are removing these
files is that they don't like it competing with
their current products. Why pay tons of cash for
their new books released when you can buy & use
the old stuff for cheap?

Well, I bought 12 PDFs last night at around
11pm cst. I was going to buy some more this
morning but they've all been taken off the
website!! :( timmaD! Had I known these PDFs
were only going to be available for a limited
time, I would have been buying up a chunk of
them every month until I had it all for the
past 4 years.