
jhartmann's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post (8 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


So... We're continuing to add new abilities that neither base class has and modify spell lists to use ones that are custom or don't matching either of the two original classes... Investigator loosing Sneak Attack for something "custom"...

How are these things a blending of the original pair any more? I get that you're trying to "solve" multiclassing, but you're actually just making new bases classes with restrictions... I mean, as it stands, why would I WANT to be an Arcanist 3/ Wizard 3? Whats the point in banning it other than to continue to force the idea that this somehow fixes multiclassing.

The problem here isn't these classes... I like these classes so far (Shaman lots), but these just need to be new bases classes and Paizo should give up on the multiclassing thing. The honest truth is that without a system rewrite we're never going to be able to be a Ftr3/Wiz2/Rog5 and be effective, and trying to make hybrid classes will never work, because what I think is important in a hybrid will never match what you think is important in a hybrid.