jexen's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters.


Just moved back to town after years of being away and just in time for Con Nooga, which looks to have a rather large amount of PFS. But I cant seem to find any place that runs locally the rest of the year. Any shops or groups in Chattanooga, Cleveland, or North Georgia run PFS games or any Pathfinder games at all?

So I have searched and searched and cant figure it out. The Adopted Trait allows you to get a race trait from another race. In another tread I saw somebody suggest to get Honeyed Words with that trait. Now I put it into Hero Lab and it allowed me to do it and so I didnt think anything of it. Now my DM has pointed out that Honeyed Word is a religion trait and cant be taken with adopted but it comes from the Dwarves of Galorian book, which our copy of has disappeared somewhere. So this is a pretty basic question. Can I actually take Honeyed Words with the adopted trait or do I even need the adopted trait (it doesnt look to be racially specific on the pfsrd) and can I take it naturally. If it matters the character is neutral good, does worship Grundinar, and is an Elf.