jeldorain's page

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I don't want it. Imagine a Wisdom Sorcerer (there is an arcana that allows this) with a level of Monk. Imagine a Druid with a level of Monk, for that matter. Imagine a Wizard with a level of Crossblooded Sorcerer. I want none of these things. So, how do I ban this in a way that does not overstep my bonds as GM?

go old school on them. 2nd edition D&D you could "dual-class" which meant you stop leveling as your current class and start a new class. you can no longer level as your previous class (the 2nd edition reasoning being that in order to start a new class you must dedicate all your attention to learning the new class)

So if you used this old school rule level "dipping" would become obsolete, but you still allow room for unique character builds and dont have players complaining that you "wont let them multi-class"

Just a thought :)


Squawk Featherbeak wrote:

Think about it. 2 levels of MoMS monk. you now have Dragon Style and Dragon Ferocity. multiclass to brawler fighter. You're eligible for both Boar Style (organically) and Elemental Fist (due to DF). By level 6, Boar's Ferocity OR Weapon Specialization. By this time, you should have Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) and Two Weapon Fighting (Since you won't be flurrying)

at 18 strength, you've got 1d6+17+1d6elemental+2d6bleed+stun on one hit at level 6. Not bad. You also can have two of these hits. By the next level, you should have Improved TWF, allowing 2 more attacks, even if you move back to monk. By this level, you have a huge possibility to have a Monk's Robe.

Also note that Dragon Style is filled with multipliers, making a bonus to Strength a whole lot more effective.

I just wanted to point out that the +2d6 bleed damage only occurs if you hit the same opponent 2 times in the same round and only once per round. Still a really good combo tho :)


If a master of many styles wears armor or uses a shield does he lose the fuse style ability as a regular monk would lose the flurry of blows? It does not say in ultimate combat that he would, although logically since it replaces flurry of blows one might think the mast of many styles ability would be subject to the same requirements of use as flurry of blows.
