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Rednal wrote: In other words, I think Paizo is also a victim here, and I'm not sure what - if anything - they could have done differently with the knowledge they had at the time. A good number of people pointed out when the kickstarter was gathering funds that Ninja Division had a terrible track record of fulfilling on time, and had unfilfilled kickstarters. Heck, the first page of this very thread shows people pointing out problems with Ninja Division. "Ninja Division couldn´t hold the initial date for the unpainted AND painted Starfinder miniatures and has no current release date for them." "You should seriously reconsider." "Buyer beware is all I'm seeing from the comments on this KS project." And more, and more. And Paizo said that they had trust with Ninja Division and believed things would go well. ![]()
Hawkmoon269 wrote: It was also announced that after Summoner, the line was put on hiatus for the time being. Oh? Where'd that get announced? I did notice there didn't seem to be any new decks upcoming... ![]()
So, I'm a bit confused by "Blessing of the Gobs". The last part of it reads: "If you have the Goblin trait, after you play this card you may discard the top card of the blessings deck, if that card is a blessing, you may bury this card to automatically acquire it, then recharge it." When does the blessings deck contain anything other than blessings? And why would I want to shrink the blessings deck? (Well, okay, Goblin, but still.) Was this supposed to say "location" deck? ![]()
Hm. I'm not sure why I don't get notified when someone replies to me. Tanis O'Connor wrote:
I have done so! Thank you. ![]()
So, here's a funky question. I'm running a party through Harrowstone. For whatever reason, they ignored the upstairs and went downstairs, and through some luck have managed to clean out the basement... which means there's a decent chance that they'll actually run into Father Charlatan last, and he doesn't trigger until something odd happens to you. What strikes folks as a good way to handle that? I'm tempted to just have some leftover stirges attack, or something. ![]()
Hey folks, I'm slowly starting to lead a party of adventurers into Harrowstone, and just noticed something funny. The Gurtis Vortch encounter shows an AC that doesn't include the character's 16 Dex, and at the end of the listing notes that he has to make an Acrobatics check to move at his full speed. But... he's got the Blind-Fight feat, which says that you don't lose your Dex bonus to AC, that your opponents in melee don't get a +2 to hit you, and you don't have to roll to move your full speed. Thoughts? I'm not entirely sure if my players will survive going against him if I play his AC as 16 (+1 dodge, +2 natural, +3 Dex), especially with one of them being a Monk! Or am I missing something? ![]()
Ah... Finally got my copy, and quite enjoyed it. I've already got copies of the stories, mind - I've been picking up whatever Silver John books come my way for years now, and I've got a really nice set of the stories of MWW that Nightshade put out in a lovely set of five leather-bound volumes. But I can't lend that to others like I can lend this. Thanks again for bringing more of MWW's wonderful work back to light, and I hope you continue to publish more of it. |