
jason schultz 848's page

Organized Play Member. 61 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Lantern Lodge

You can play this game with out feats. It would be fun for people that
like a faster game play or flow. Also I also think it cleans up the game
some. simple is better in my book.

Lantern Lodge

works fine but you hafe to make some small changes. At every 5th level or 5 hit die add 1 AC point + dr 1. Note! make sher to give your villans and monster this bonus also.

Use the called shots rules with the dr rules it helps with weapons that
can not pass threw dr.

Make monster that are 3 size bigger than you not able to do called shots!! Its just to big to pin point.

Now if the monster is large they can do called shots but only when they
have you grabed.

this is what we have come up with hope it helps.

Lantern Lodge

Corren28 wrote:
On a semi-related note, I've always wondered and always forget to ask. Can you stack the benefits of rapid shot with haste?

i would think so?

Lantern Lodge

Jiggy wrote:
No, Manyshot only gives you the extra arrow on your first attack - it says so right there in the feat.

thank for the help was told that i could not use many shot and rapid shot in the same full round i thout that was strange

Lantern Lodge

gourry187 wrote:
As stated, 3 rolls, 4 arrows

ok thanks that was a bit confuseing.

Lantern Lodge

Jiggy wrote:
You get three attacks. Two of them at BAB +7 and one at BAB +2, and all of them with a -2 penalty. The first of those attacks uses two arrows (I assume you're doing all this with a bow, yes?) in order to deal some extra damage, but it's still just one attack.

yep its with a bow so i can do many shot frist then on my next attack i

can do many shot agin with one more shot from rapid shot so five arrows
all together go flying?

Lantern Lodge

I need some help on this. Do i get 5 shots all together in a full round?

Lantern Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
By the way, if you focus on Shuriken, then a few single special material Shuriken, and a Wand of Abundant Ammunition is your friend.

Great call on that i will note that one!! I was thinking i could use

ki charg and flurry of stars in the same action but found out that will
no work but i do like what you thout of may do the trick now

Lantern Lodge

jason schultz 848 wrote:
thanks for the help on this

my dex is 18 so +4 so that would put me at a +1 on all my attacks?

Lantern Lodge

thanks for the help on this

Lantern Lodge

Grick wrote:
jason schultz 848 wrote:
Ok so lets say i do not have flurry of stars ninga trick, so can i still throw more than one stare from one hand? If i can how many for each hand?

You can throw as many shuriken as you have attacks, since drawing a shuriken is treated like drawing ammunition, a free action.

You can also use Two-Weapon Fighting to throw an additional shuriken.

Ok i do have TWF and have flurry stars trick so i would be able to throw 4 stars at most im only lev 2 ninga

Lantern Lodge

Ok so lets say i do not have flurry of stars ninga trick, so can i still throw more than one stare from one hand? If i can how many for each hand?

Lantern Lodge

Are wrote:

No. Ki charge uses a standard action, while flurry of stars only affects a full-round action. So those two can't be combined.

thanks Are

i was likeing the idea

Lantern Lodge

Can i use ki charge and then use an other ki to use flurry of stars in the same round or action. or mabe 2 ki's at the same time?

Lantern Lodge

I have the Pdf but never got the novel book?

Lantern Lodge

map tool, and its free

Lantern Lodge

VRMH wrote:
You make a new Concentration check for every distraction. If you take damage from multiple sources, you make multiple Concentration checks. If you're being shaken about too, you have to make a separate check for that. Fail any one of them, and you lose the spell.

thanks for clearing that up for me VRMH

Lantern Lodge

To cast a spell, you must concentrate. If something interrupts your concentration while you're casting, you must make a concentration check or lose the spell. When you make a concentration check, you roll d20 and add your caster level and the ability score modifier

So has i take it, to just cast a spell i will need to concentrate unless im in an area where i could take 10 or 20. That is what the rule sounds
like. So is this right or an errata. my players say you only need to make
the concentrate check when your interfeard with.

thanks for your help

Lantern Lodge

I do not use traps that much but when i do they work the players will let down there guard at times and has a gm i know when my players let down there guard a few drinks later lol

Lantern Lodge

The Crusader wrote:

Casters do not need this skill to use Spell Trigger items (like wands) or Spell Completion items (like scrolls) if the spell the item casts is on the caster's spell list.

If, however, your wizard wants to use a Wand of Cure Light Wounds, then, yes, he/she would need Use Magic Device to do so.

thanks that sounds much better and thanks for the quick reply

Lantern Lodge

Do casters classes need to use this skill to use,lets just say a wand? My friend told me that all other classes must use this skill but not caster classes. I do not see anything saying that states that they do not need to use this skill to use a wand.

Lantern Lodge

I would think the nat crit would take away the -20 then the player just need to confirmation role. Its a great spell but not that great. But this should be address in a better way. The confirmation roll to me just means did you hit that hard. the nat 20 is aways a hit. If you roll a nat 20 you hit even if its out of your range with a bow for example.

Lantern Lodge

nat crit i mean.

Lantern Lodge

Its gm call its not away good to have the higher ground but in most cases its a benefit,do we give large best the benefit?

Lantern Lodge

Does the Bungle spell negate a crit?

thanks for your help

Lantern Lodge

I like to just keep role playing just to player back grounds if any. If the player roles high on his check i let him have some fun with it for a bit. I do agree with a lot of the posts on this topic but i found with role playing to much can start being big head aces down the road and some people just have the gift of gab witch can turn other players away but in the end role playing is part of the game,its just on DM brake time for me

Lantern Lodge

Morbidsoul40 wrote:

Typically precision damages such as sneak attack only count for the first thrown/ranged projectile.

Two weapon fighting just gives you an extra attack with your off hand weapon when you take a full round attack action with less penalties than without the feat, therefore you would not truly be throwing them at the same time.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

that is how i take it also,

Lantern Lodge

Can a rogue knife master throw both his daggers at the same time and get 2 sneak attacks out of it in the same action?

the rogue has the 2 weapon fighting feat also

thanks for your help on this

Lantern Lodge

i would say yea 500ft but after 50ft you start taking - to hit. 500ft, 150 yards,nfl qb can toss a football 70 yeards so a small rock in a sling would go about 500ft i would think?

Lantern Lodge

Is there a map with all the main roads and routs?? Will Paizo make one down the road??

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder tales Deaths Hairiticks is a great read on this subject

Lantern Lodge

shallowsoul wrote:
Tempestorm wrote:

By no means am I ever looking for consistency in my games. Consistency means I know what to expect and can easily anticpate what is coming. I prefer flavor injected both from the players coming up with creative ways to do things and DM's in altering things to suit their story.

So you want a game that has ever changing rules that are never the same?

If you have Power Players or a Godding DM's You will have rule problems all the time. like Morgan said also. If you play with people that been playing like this for sometime your not going to change them. The best thing to do is look for some people who never had played a d20 game,and then you have a group that will follow and see what you do has a DM. You got to breed them!! I got a new group like that and they never give me head aces. Now for the older group its hard for some of them to follow my order of Gameing. I already told some of them "this game my not be for you" but they say they want to play then they cry when they do not get thare way strange??

Lantern Lodge

i have a player that says that, when you charge you do extra damage even when your not mounted or with out a lance. I looked in the book today and did not see anything saying that he get extra damage when charging. Have i missed read it or is in some other book? I only saw double damage when charging on a mount with a lance. thanks for your help

Lantern Lodge

Skull wrote:

Yip. Basically whenever you add your dex to AC Also add the +1 dodge AC from Dodge. And all dodge bonuses stack :P

This also reminds me of this

LOL right. I want to avoid that.

Lantern Lodge

thanks for clearing that up with me on this.

Lantern Lodge

Does the "dodge feat" grant a +1 to all Dex Mods,REFLEX,SKILLS,INIT??? Or does it just grant +1 to Your AC and that it. I feel that the dodge feat would make all your dex mods go up but my friend says its an AC bonus only. Also does your armor check apply to reflex saves??

just wondering about this


Lantern Lodge

What do the tiers mean in society play?? I am thinking of running some of the senarios modules for my group but not knowing whats the right tier for my group?? Does tiers mean the size of your party??

I have 8 players that are going to be all 3lev and 4lev soon. we are also playing at slow xp.

thanks for your help.

Lantern Lodge

Malfus wrote:
jason schultz 848 wrote:
Would my group be about a cr 5??
No, closer to 4. In fact, with so many members, it actually lowers their overall effectiveness, making them possibly fall between 3 and 4 (upper end of the scale).

i came up with cr 4.2 then round up becomes cr 5 i forgot how i got that number?

Lantern Lodge

bigkilla wrote:

What is the point buy for the game?

Any other rules or additions that make them more powerful than normal?

Without knowing those factors and assuming they are standard characters with proper wealth I would put them at APl of about 4, so throw CR 7 max 8 at them.

i would say are point buy is 20 and we are useing the slow xp table also the weat is at slow. i think ever pc has about a 1000 to 1200 in gear??

Lantern Lodge

Would my group be about a cr 5??

Lantern Lodge

1. whats my groups apl? 3pc at lev3 and 5pc at lev 2

2. whats the hightest cr i could toss at them??

does my group fall under the "epic apl" having 9 players



Lantern Lodge

whats normal climb speed 1/4 or hafe movment?

Lantern Lodge

Cheapy wrote:

Oh! Another idea: just 900 gp for the base weapon, but the first magic enhancement to it costs an extra X gold.

And hello!

sounds good 900 should not brake the bank to bad.

Im thinking 30% of the city "restov" gards would be caring these type of weapons.We are in that location right now,going to start the kingmaker just the frist book then they move on not sher yet. we have 9 pc and going at slow exp. im thinking it will takes us 2 years to get threw this book??

Lantern Lodge

Cheapy wrote:

If using the magic enhancement rules. But they're asking for supermasterwork, without the extra baggage of an enhancement bonus.

Does this stack with magic enhancements? If so, you are looking at around 2000 imo. The attack bonus is by and far more important than the damage bonus.

hi cheapy i see alot of your post on here.

supermaterwork is right!! out side of a magic cyristal these weapons are only +2 no enchantmet.

Lantern Lodge

Mage Evolving wrote:

A plus 2 weapon is going to be +8,000 to the cost of the weapon.

thanks my friend was thinking about 600gp but that sound so wrong. I made these weapons so that they can not ever be enchanted,befor they are made and after thare made so i was thinking the cost would be a little less than the norm. Do you think 6,000 would do becaues they can never be more than what they are. Our stick with the 8,000

Lantern Lodge

We made some custom weapons in are game and was wondering what the cost should be?

"+2 to hit only "??+ master work weapons cost, varies on weapon type

so would the +2 to hit add about 2000 gp to the cost of the weapon??

Lantern Lodge

We made some custom weapons in are game and was wondering what the cost should be?

"+2 to hit only "??+ master work weapons cost, varies on weapon type

so would the +2 to hit add about 2000 gp to the cost of the weapon??

Lantern Lodge

Game sounds good!! Im more of a lover than a fighter so i hope to bluff my way out of some tricky situations.

Lantern Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:

Also, check the free downloads for a PDF conversion guide from around the time Pathfinder first came out. It gives pretty good guidelines for converting prestige classes. In particular, it is not necessary for a converted prestige class to have any class skills -- remember that in Pathfinder you retain all class skills from prior classes, so a prestige class with no class skills of its own would work just fine. You only need to add class skills to cover skills that should be class skills for a given prestige class but that the character might not have as a class skill from his prior class(es).


Lantern Lodge

mplindustries wrote:

There were hundreds of Prestige Classes printed during 3.5. Some were super powerful and many were junk.

I think it would depend on which ones you wanted to convert--maybe with some specifics, help would come more easily.

thanks i think it will work out fine as long as the 3.5 prestige classes are not so diffrent from pathfinders. I do not know what prestige classes may come up yet but i know we will use some from 3.5. I do not own any 3.5 books so i was just wondering on the balance but it looks like some are junk and some are good so i let them find out. So i would say they fit in pathfinder.