radarthomas wrote: The best solution I've seen so far has been to get binders and those document protector pages that hold a standard American sheet of paper. Keep the sheet they come on and just slide each sheet into the document protector. (Thanks to Adam from Jadekind Gaming)
For those who only have the pawns, but not the sheets they came on you can use business card sheets and Scotch velcro dot fasteners to double them over for the small and medium pawns (so they don't fall out so easily). For the larger ones 3.5 x 5 photo sheets will hold them. (Thanks to Mark Humphries on YouTube for this one.)
I have also seen variations using the original box and affixing cardboard box cuttings and just putting the pawns into the original box. This is by far the cheapest solution, but it does require some crafting skills to set up the rows. (This was shown by Dungeons and Coffee Tabletop RPG Show on YouTube. Parsley Mitchell also has a YouTube video showing his solution.)
Do you just throw them in there, or are they arranged, stacked, filed, I want to do something like this...I just have so many
Good morning,
I have some issues finding stuff when i look at events I GM'd
1. I remember being able to click on something in the events I'd run and seen who played. I can't do that anymore, or I can't figure it out.
2. When I click on my character name, I can't get a list of their adventures they played, I only get a page that treats them like a person, and shows their activity on the site (which is like mine). I have no way of seeing what is attached to them, unless i look at player sessions and thats just everything ive played.
3. next to GM on my list, there is GM 2 for most of my events, but two from Gen Con are GM -
4. How do i find the number of stars GM i am, I remember seeing it before when i went to my name, but its not there now. Do i misremember?
Any help would be great.
I am getting together a notebook to be better prepared for running games at cons. What should I have in the notebook.
I know that there was a file floating around that had all the definitions for things like stunned , dazed, etc...I need to find that somewhere
I know there is a file floating around with the special powers and abilities for each monster type undead, demon, dragon, in-law, etc...
What else. I am going to have a folder for each adventure with pawns and maps together. I have a wheeled container to hold everything.
Any help on suggestions would be appreicated
I recently sent emails to get a problem or two resolved. I posted on here and someone said I would get a quicker response if i called.
I called two days in a row, left messages and didn't get a real person.
I am unhappy that the wrong item was shipped to me and want to correct it and I want to cancel another before it ships.,
How can i get in touch with customer service. Email isnt working and apparently the phone doesn't get through to them either.
Ok, thanks. I was just surprised it wasn't as quick. (That wasn't a dig) You guys are always on top of things. Awesome job. Thanks I will wait to hear from you
usually i have no problem hearing from them, on the rare chance I have a problem, but I had two this week and they haven't responded to either email i sent to customer service...
Anyone know? I feel like my probs are easy saves
Hi, I am DMing at a con or two this season and I want to bring my stuff in a wheeled vault I have seen at cons, but don't know who makes them or what they are called. They double as a seat for normal sized people, they have extendable handle, made of metal, have some shelves and pockets for storage. It had a strange name with x y or z in it I think. I can't find them cuz I don't know what to search for...
Any help would be appreciated
For years I have seen guys show up at cons with their stuff in a wheeled storage vault thing. Its metal and has an extended handle and they can sit on it too. I have seen them and forget what they are called. I think the name has a z y or x in it. THey were kinda pricey, but I can't find them searching online either, since I don't know what to even call the product. Can someone help me?
I just found a character I had lost after 2008 Gencon and don't have the two chronicle sheets for Murder on Silken Caravan and Frostyfingers. I don't know how to acquire chronicle sheets from 8 years ago. I just need the gold count for adventures 3 and 4 but I wouldn't mind the sheets as well?
I have lost a few of other characters, is there a way to get the sheets? I have record online of them, I just want to see money and gear I could get? Anyone? I tried contacting a GM a while ago and never got a response. Anyone know anything else?
I played this in 2008 and promptly lost my character after GenCon. I played with mark l as the dm and just found the character but no chronicle sheets. Can someone tell me how to acquire a chronicle sheet from 8 years ago, or at least how much gold I would have earned at 1st level
I played this in 2008 with Craig as DM at GenCon. I lost the character after the con and just found it. I'm going to use it and I cant find the chronicle sheet. Can someone tell me how to acquire a chronicle sheet from 8 years ago OR how much gold I would have earned at 1st level?
Its been a while since I looked on here (ok a year or three)but I play PFS at cons. I saw that some Adventure Paths were sanctioned play. How do you get chronicle sheets for them. I am a GM for my group and I would love to use some of my unused paths for this. What do I do?
I have a copy of my character, but the chronicle sheets are gone. What can I do?
I didn't think there was
what do i have to do to be THAT venture captain for columbus
jamie noyes
not there yet, should i be concerned?
I have a couple questions about PFS
1. What do I have to do to dm adventures in PFS for my friends and make them official?
2. What do i have to do to run a few adventures at GenCon2012? I have played a couple years and i always run the games for my friends, what do I have to do?
3. How can I level my character if I am dm'ing adventures for my friends?
4. Is there a venture captain in my area? Columbus Oh?
Both of you thanks
The only First Steps thing has one spot left there are at least two of us
The classic on Sunday, we are leaving sunday morning.
We waited too long.
I just hope the rest of my riends can find stuff they want to do
cuz this looks like a bust. A lot of them this is their first
We were looking for events so they could play with another DM, Im the
only DM in our group.
Thanks for your help.
Looking for other events, a lot of is gone that I normally play
i can't imagine showing up at the con and trying to find an event
I found them
but the four adventures that keep showing up are high tier events.
There are no low tier events now.
We are all 1 or 2 level tier characters.
I dont know what to do now.
i don't want to play a non pfs event and findout its awful
I don't know what to do now...any suggestions?
so i should look for the events that start with 03-04 in the title?
I know its late to be looking for these, but I am searching the database at GenCon's site and I see a bunch of Pathfinder events but they say level 12 and such. How do I look up PFS events on the database? I want to see whats left? I have friends who want to play with me and I want to know what I am looking for.
Is there a listing or something that can help me narrow the search. We want to play PFS not just pathfinder if we can.
Thanks for your help.
Can someone tell me what products they use to supplement
the adventure? Like fold maps or other products that work
with this ap?
I am also lookin for the jpg map of the island i remember seeing months ago but i dont know where it is.
Is there a checklist somewhere or product listing of all the products for pathfinder (both 3.5 and pfrpg) including maps, cards, books, modules and everything.
I want to see what I still need and what ive missed and its seems like ii cant really find what Im looking for in fan wiki and stuff. is there a complete list somewhere of all published products? its not for anything but personal use.
Will i be able to get a copy of the rpg and besiary there at that point? can i rserve one? I an pay in advance. Is that possible. I am hoping to read it on my way home
Maybe I am not seeing it, but i was just at the Origins website and saw a list of Exhibitors as of June 5. There were no listing for Paizo having a booth. is that a misprint?
My browser is giving me this message (similar) when i go to paizo.com. I have to go backwards ands earch the web and find a way in.
I can get in on another comptuer but not mine.
What is wrong with the site or my software/ i browse with explorer.
I don't know if the officials are answering the questions in here or not, I have glanced through the thread since its been a busy weekend here but I need to know about weapons. Are magic weapons not Wonderous Items? I have been using some interesting items in my campaign this year and I thought of submitting one of my favorites just to see what happens, but I gather its not any magic item. I am missing a key definition someewhere i think. Any enlightenment...thanks
When the DM is smiling, it's already too late
If I subscribe now do I get gods and magic with the free pdf? or am i too late for that one?
Embarassing but true
Which I kinda think may work for the climactic song during the battles in book six of the Runelords
I just downloaded a second copy of the alpha!?!?!?!?!
OK So technical problems are obviously gonna happen...
Hey, was there a free copy of the one Night Stand Kobold adventure included wit this purchase? CuZ i just read the review of that adventure and it said it came free with some issue of this.
Looks cool
This may have been addressed previously, but I just got my MM and I realize the stats are laid out exactly like the cards for the new minis. But then, I noticed that there are no metallic dragons...wht is that?
Is there an event left in the GenCon on Friday Satu or early sun?
I want to play in Pathfinder world...
I run it for my players, but i want to BE a player...
I tried to get my card and it said it wasnt there
Thats a good sign?
Hello, I have been printing off the pages from the pdf and cutting the pictures or maps out to show players and the handouts as well. Is there a way to lift just the graphic or image and print it out? or do i hve to do this 18th century cut and paste where I literally CUT and paste.
I really want a map folio, but I don't want to get it and find out that the maps are not the ones I would want. I really would like a list of the places that are included, especially the poster maps. WHat are they.
And are the maps just the maps from the book, or re they larger or something different/
Does this last post show Lisa's alignment (or world view) to be Lawful Evil?
I think so. She is following the company line of not releasing it early, but she is Taunting us. She is the anti paladin of Paizo now right?
I spent the first session working with the town, mostly by accident. After the battle, the heroes were soaking up a lot of the local color and characters. We are almost done with book four right now and some of the npcs have been showing up and showing up. For instance.
My paladin of Iomedae lives at the cathedral and has become friends with Father Zantus.
The party's cleric was killed in the end of book 1 and I replaced him with an npc priest in book three. NPC priest had been helping the characters with research for book 3 had joined them.
My mage character formed a relationship with Sheleylou (who is now pregnant).
I have a couple townspeople who hired them for various things, my bard works at the two deer / doe tavern. Lord Foxglove was easy. no women characters so he was most impressed with the magcian's power. That particular thread has continued. The mage inherited the townhouse in magnimar which has lead to some side stories.
ALSO when players cant all show up, I solo with the player that is around. Essentially we roleplay their past or recent past. The magician has benefited most from this so his brother and friends have worked into it. He has also crossed paths with servents of other Runelords who are trying to rise. I think I have made the story larger than it should be, but the characters love it and I can't stop trying tofigure out whats next. They keep saying they don't want to stop after Book 6, so I am working out a way to send the characters that survive back in time to fight the runelords originally, but I don't know yet.
Ok i just read a post on here that said major npcs were killed. Without knowing who has been killed, I recently introduced my characters (who were new to D and D) to Elminster. I haven't explained his existance to my one player who KNOWS the Realms, but Elminster just crossed paths with them.
I would like to know about the changes to the Realms. Anyone have a link or canned email that would explain it?
They don't have to be d20 but i am looking for some rpgs in this area.
I know Stargate SG1 rpg is a dead game
I know Fringeworthy. Anyone else have some good ones
I just saw an advert for some new game that goes
into other realities but I dont remember the ad
I know there was an old FASA Doctor Who Game
and there was a newer version i think
thats all i know
Thanks in advance
Many were the gamemakers who told us "hey they are demo'ing our game over in this room or that room....they (Origins) is making us charge you for it, but you know...its fun..."
they would shrug and move on.
Then there was Mutant Chronicles where the demo'ers said the same thing and then said we don't want to but we have to...you get a cool poster...
I could understand maybe charging us for demos when we were getting something cool to add to the game, but come on. Pay us, we will teach you our game.
Thanks Paizo for not doing it. There were a couple other companies that didn't either but the majority pushed you on to play for cash.
Now I have budgeted some extra money for gen con just in case I get in a rpg and have to pay to roll dice.
Im hoping to get into some pathfinder stuff. I guess its too late to volunteer to run some.
yoda8myhead wrote: Lilith wrote: Mike Selinker wrote: I'm sorry, what now? Who the heck would charge for a game demo? Yeahhhh...that was my thought too! :) If you buy our game, we'll show you how to play it.
Sorry to interrupt, but i can't figure out how to ask you privately.
What is maptool and where is the paizo chat?
of which you speak
This game is awesome. It is the first game I bought at the Convention. It was also a FREE Demo, not like other dealers who are charging for demonstrations.
This card game moves fast, it is easy to learn, and it has a strategy that I only picked up on at the end (I won, but I think by default, cuz my buddy didn't get a rule til the end). The demonstrators were good, and it was a fun game.
I took it home (freshly signed by the creator, not the Creator (wouldn't that be odd at Origins)) and showed my wife my loot and she immediately picked up the game, asked about the monsters in uniform and we are now playing. Its a great game.
There is a proposed sequel that sounds entertaining and there is something about history with monsters that sounds great.
As a high school French teacher, I would like to see 100 years war or French revolution or something in the future. This is a GREAT Idea. I think the generals are even historically accurate.
Im trying to understand timing fo the Runelords.
I m lookin at the time line in the gazetteer.
When did the runelords rule the world in this timeline>
My heroes are doing somehting with timetravel device
Im reading a variety of things:
CUrrent paizo modules
Current paizo adventure path
Tom Deitz's Tales of David Sullivan series (re-reading actually for third time). One of my favorite authors and he hasn't produced a book in a while and if anyone knows what hes doing lately, that would be great. I would love to see more stuff from him...
My local FLGS is mostly Friendly.
I go to the Guard Tower in Columbus. Its got a good selection of stuff
and they are nice enough at the register,
but when you walk in, you don't get them talkin trash about your purchase.
You are lucky if you can get them to talk to you at all before the purchase. They are usually playing a game of their own or too intent on their computer screen (I hope its the internet and they aren't just staring at the cash screen that intently).
But they have a use Paizo selection
and its nice to see the stuff in person
without waiting for a convention
How can we sign up for things at Gen Con already? How do we know whats there?
Is Paizo going to Origins again?
Where did you find this info on quahs? Im just curious
I dont think im reading all the stuff I could be.
James Jacobs wrote: For all things Runelords, we generally stuck with groups of seven whenever we could as part of that adventure's theme. Groups of seven carry on here and there into other Varisia adventures as well here and there, but for the most part it's just a theme that we kept using (along with sins and giants and some other stuff) to give the adventure path more subtle ties to bind it together.
That there are seven quahs and there were seven runelords and there are seven sins is absolutely not a coincidence; it's very much by design, in other words.
Any Paizo info about Origins.
It was last year's Paizo space that re-ignited my D and D group. Since subscribing to the APs, I have a group at school where I teach and now I am the Club Advisor for D and D (well its called Super Secret Advanced Game Club by its members because Game Club is just board games) but I am hoping for more goodness.
I subscribe to APs and Gamemastery and I am hoping for new stuff to see
Any news?
Matthew Morris wrote: Guardtower was open at Midnight. No, I wasn't there. Guardtower here in Columbus? Thats a funny reference out of nowhere.
You have two groups in central ohio?
we are looking to get ONE together and you have two?
Jamie in Grv City