Darl Quethos

jakesand2000's page

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im running a dwarf cleric any ideas on making him large.. just for shits and giggles.. to go with my storyline

doing a naval run.. would like to be armorsmith anyone have ideas for putting a forge on a ship without it catching the boat on fire.???

i saw what everyone is saying.. but the way it is worded.. it is the same thing basically .. it uses the same power.. im saying if it doesnt work for the eidolon it shouldnt work for the summon monster ability you have either.. since they use the same power and are essentially the same thing.. no big deal to me.. i havent taken the feat.. just wanting to clear it up in my mind.. really makes no sense to me..

im doing a sea run currently and using a buckler in one.. hand.. anyone have some good ideas for weapons i can use?? maybe something i can throw..??? or any magic items that help swimming.. just and open thread on some ideas..

i have seen in past posts where people say augment summoning works for your summon monster ability as a summoner but not for your eidolon.. but i have been reading and it says they use the same power.. so im not understanding..

Starting at 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned

well if it uses the same power..?? why cant the eidolon have the augment summoning rules also???

what about enhancements?? on the shield?? would they both work?? say ?? say one shield had spell resistance and the other had deflect arrows?? would both propertys still work??

i made a summoner.. and would really like to have alot of ac.. i was just wondering.. could i use 2 shields?? at a time?? i thought of using a buckler in one hand. so ican still cast spells.. and instead of a weapon in the other.. hand could i use say a light spiked shield??? possibly taking some feats for shield fighting??? or is there a rule against more then one shield??? just a thought??

well thank you everyone seem s to agree im wrong.. i like my summoner even more now.. not sure my dm will since he will never hit it now.. i guess i just thought it was to overpowering adding 10 to ac.. considering my summoner isnt that bad either..

and u also know that they share spell slots.. so if eidolon is useing bracers the summoner cant. same with rings.. ect....

Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the eidolon’s base total armor bonus. This bonus may be split between an armor bonus and a natural armor bonus, as decided by the summoner. This number is modified by the eidolon’s base form and some options available through its evolution pool. An eidolon cannot wear armor of any kind, as the armor interferes with the summoner’s connection to the eidolon.

it says its modified by base for evolutions and the ac bonus they give you no where does it say add 10 to that.. i think your classifing and eidolon as a character.. they are basically just another summoned creature.. if i used summon monster 1 my dog wouldnt have a ac of 16 it would be 6.. you guys are just reading the rules the way you want too.. and overpowering it...

every character gets plus 10 ac.. eidolon isnt a character.. when u summon a monster with summon monster one.. it doesnt have a ac of 16 it is usually 6 or something like that.

we always go out of the core rulebooks.. instead of websites...

from what i understand.. its a monster so u dont add 10 to your ac its not a character.. plus when u summon a dog.. they have and ac of like 6 which would be similar to your eidolon.. thats how im playing mine at least.. or else they would be way overpowering...

whats a jinxer??

just made a new summoner.. looking for some feats to take.. doing a ship run on the ocean.. using light weapon and a buckler.. took eschew materials.. kinda trying to make him a tank.. with the eidolon being able to defend me and all.. any ideas on some cool. feats.. ? ? ? i shoud take?? thought about eldrich heritage so i can start swimming underwater.. able to breath and swim speed ect give me some ideas..

well.. thats all nice.. i dont really want to cheese.. just thought there may have been a shield or rule saying light shields were also useable this way.. i guess ill just use a buckler.. and not use the shield bashing like i wanted tooo.. no biggy..

not sure that will work.. because my gm.. would prolly decide to cut my weapon cord.. and it has a hardness of 0

any other ideas?? it doesnt actually say you cant cast spells with a shield.. but it does say you can cast spells with a buckler which makes me think... i havent seen it on any other shields.. just wondering any others out ther.e. that i can still shield bash with..

ive recently made a summoner and i want to use a sword and shield.. ive noticed that only the buckler says that u actually have a free hand to cast spells..??? are there any other shields out there that give me a free hand to cast somatic spells.. i also want to use the shield bash feature is why i dont want the buckler any thoughts??

ive recently made a summoner and i want to use a sword and shield.. ive noticed that only the buckler says that u actually have a free hand to cast spells..??? are there any other shields out there that give me a free hand to cast somatic spells.. i also want to use the shield bash feature is why i dont want the buckler any thoughts??