
JherethJax's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'm so curious as to if anyone wants to redo their write up after King of Chaos? Awesome story!

Happy Birthday Wolfgang! Thank you for all of your wonderful creations!

Story Archer-

I'm not familiar with Runelords- I'm more of a player than a GM and we're still making our way through Age of Worms.

But the way to make things more difficult is to turn the character's strength into a weakness. If at any time the BBEGs figure out what her capabilities are all they need is a "dead spy". They give misinformation to their mooks and send them off against the party. The party enchants them and gets incorrect info. The BBEGs can use this to do all kinds of nasty things- ambushes, sending them off to do their dirty work for them, etc. Essentially they can start to make the characters react to them instead of reacting to the

Information is only as good as it's source. If the party starts being slightly gun shy as to the source of the info it won't be used quite as much. And then when they figure out a way around that it's even more satisfying for them!

Sounds like a great group of players- good luck!

Absolutely not the only fan- love the characters!

We're currently running The Age of Worms with a terrific party- folks I've been gaming with for over a decade now.

We are-

Jane- female human Druid 11 (shapeshifter variant)
Archie- male human Ranger 11 (archer)
Long Fist- male half-ogre Sentinel 11 (mash-up of NG Paladin/Monk)
Scar-Eater- male human Duskblade 11
Tyrrell- male human Rogue 11
Riddle Whoreson- male human Chosen 11 (cleric variant)

...The Infidels!

you can check us out at:

How about a Celestial Bloodline Sorcerer 20/ Arcane Archer 10? Gives you an interesting "god touched" elf who is also a kick-@ss warrior/mystic? And at that level he'll have wings all the time if he wants them (although it would be kind of cool if instead of angel wings they were more insect wings- in fact it would be really cool if that was the framework for his nation and subrace- insects! Just like the Malazan Quorls and castes of Gold/ Blue/ etc.)