Tsadok Goldtooth

itschase's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I hope there will be smaller sets of pawns with just the new creatures introduced in the Monster Core series as I already have the pawn sets from the 3 Bestiaries.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Is this new inventor iconic Droven from Fumbus' backstory? Even if it's not I really like to think it is for narrative reasons.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

So I was talking with my friends about using lore to gain intelegence alternatives to wisdom based skills. The idea of lores in general is you can't use them to completely replace the existing skills. I came up with a few useful ones and what the limitations they offer compared to the main skill.

•Lore Theology: You know the history, major cults, denominations, public rituals, symbols and core tenets of religions. For more specific aspects of individual faiths, you have to roll a step higher DC of that required by religion. This does not give you access to secret teachings of faiths or knowledge regarding outsiders.

•Lore Barbery(as in medieval barbers, lay surgeon) or Medic: You are trained in treatment of tramatic injuries and minor surgery including removing projectials and shrapnel, lancing infections, stanching wounds, stiches, setting bones and splinting. You can identify diseases or poison at a step higher DC than required by medicine. You can not use it for long term treatment with mundane medicines and cures.

•Lore Herbalism/Pharmacy: basically the inverse of Barbery/Medic lore. Knowledge of mundane medical compounds and treatments, limited diagnosis abilities, no knowledge of surgery or advanced first aid of tramatic injuries.

What do you all think about these? Do you have any of your own Lores that come to mind like this?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I was thinking about building a ranger character as a woodsy outdoors sports man. Largely basing it off of my dad who is a Timber Faller and loves hunting and fishing. Probably using the skirmisher archetype.

The main weapon I obviously want to use is an Axe, but not a double bladed axe of war but a single bit felling axe. The Rough and Ready trait from A.A. would get around having to take an exotic weapon proficiency but now I am scratching my head about the damage it would do and how to keep it balanced and reflect the type of damage you would expect.

I was thinking it would be a two handed weapon able to dole out slashing or bludgeoning damage, as a simple spin of you grip and you could bash them with the butt of the axe. As far as damage, should I use that damage dice from the Greataxe, 1d12, which is also a two handed axe, the damage dice from the Battleaxe, 1d8, because the head could be argued would be shaped different, or use 1d10 to place it somewhere in between the two?