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I appreciate the help it does make a little more sense I did go back and have been looking up and reading on spell casters.

My question is how many spells do you get on a daily preparation for the sorcerer to use.

So if the sorcerer at 1st level you know 3 first level spells and that is the amount you can use so when you go up a level it increases to 4 but you can only know 3 spells unless you retrain yourself to know others.

When you get to lv 3 you have 4 1st level spell slots and 3 second level spell slots and if you did not retrain yourself to learn the newer spells you acquired you would only be able to cast the 3 first spells you took at level 1.

I am new to pathfinder second edition I have looked for answers everywhere cant really find the ones I am looking for.

also can you play only 1 item, armor, blessing, spell, or ally once per turn or can you play 1 of each as long as there in your hand

From what I have read and heard you are only allowed to play one item at a time

and when do you get to help a friend on there turn before they encounter the monster to roll for their check

for light crossbow it says for your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or ranged die + 1d8

Now harsk has dexterity d8 but under his dex it says ranged:dexterity +3
so my question is if i play that card i would roll a 1d8+1d8+3 for my combat check

I got to say for me buying this game and learning its already a challenge but very fun and thanks to all you guys that have helped me so far it has made it alot easier for me does anyone else think the rule book does not explain stuff like it should

Jjiinx wrote:
ironbloodfist wrote:
I seen in a video if you dont kill the main villan and he runs i seen that you add another 2 henchman if you playing with 3 locations and you shuffle them into the 3 decks when you dont defeat the villain escapes no matter what

You add blessings, not henchmen. When you defeat the Villain you may immediately close that current location for free, if there are any other locations remaining the villain will escape to one of those randomly.

When you defeat the villain and he escapes then you draw one blessing from the box for every remaining open location -1, so if there's 3 open locations remaining, you would draw 2 blessings from the box and shuffle the villain and the blessings together, then place each card on the remaining location decks. Afterwards, shuffle each of the location decks.

If the Villain defeated you, you may not close the current location and instead of drawing blessings from the box you will draw them from the Blessings Deck. Shuffle the villain and the blessings together, then place each card on the remaining location decks. Afterwards, shuffle each of the location decks.

okay that helps quite a bit thank you

I seen in a video if you dont kill the main villan and he runs i seen that you add another 2 henchman if you playing with 3 locations and you shuffle them into the 3 decks when you dont defeat the villain escapes no matter what

jubrayl vhiski says that you have to recharge 2 cards do you have to recharge two of them or what if you dont have two you can recharge them

csouth154 wrote:
ironbloodfist wrote:
I am using Harsk for a combat check do you use dexterity or does it have to say on the card what kind of check to use if it says on the card or can you just choose like harsk has dextrity of d8 and then ranged dex : +3 its confusing but fun to learn
For combat checks, you use Strength or Melee, unless you play a card or use a power that says "for your combat check...", in which case you follow the instructions on the card.

that helps me alot thamks cause i was using dex but now i know the right way

I am using Harsk for a combat check do you use dexterity or does it have to say on the card what kind of check to use if it says on the card or can you just choose like harsk has dextrity of d8 and then ranged dex : +3 its confusing but fun to learn

ryric wrote:

If you fail to close a location after defeating the henchman, usually you have to empty out the rest of the cards before you can try to close it again.

There are situations where there might be a second henchman or a villain in the location deck, however.

When you say empty out the deck do you mean banish all the cards back to the box

QuantumNinja wrote:
ironbloodfist wrote:

Oh ok now it makes sense thank you and I also have a question about the blessings deck I know it says they are there just for turns do you need to do any of the stuff on them, cause the rule book says you have to see if any of the text affects your players and the FAQ on here says no I am a little confused on it

Generally, the blessings deck just serves as a "clock" that counts down the number of turns you have left to beat the scenario.

The blessings you flip generally have no direct impact on the game-play by themselves.

However, sometimes *other* cards will interact with the most recently revealed blessing from the blessing deck.

For example, a Blessing of the Gods played from your hand can match the effect of the most recently revealed blessing from the blessings deck. As another example, some monsters you encounter can have their difficulty increased if the most recently revealed blessing is a certain kind. This kind of thing is always made clear on the cards themselves.

That makes more sense I am also playing a solo round to learn it better and i defeated a henchman and I lost the attempt to close it and now I am on my next turn can you explore a the location your at and then try and close it.

How would that work

Memetix wrote:

It means roll a 4 sided die and randomly select that many weapons from the box.

Say you roll a 3, shuffle the weapons deck and draw 3 cards from it

Oh ok now it makes sense thank you and I also have a question about the blessings deck I know it says they are there just for turns do you need to do any of the stuff on them, cause the rule book says you have to see if any of the text affects your players and the FAQ on here says no I am a little confused on it

I just started trying to learn this and I have tried playing a game and I think I was playing it right but I have watched videos and I am reading the message board for help on how to play

my question is : on the barrier large chest when you defeat the card it tell you to draw a 1d4 random weapon from the box how can you tell which weapon cards are 1d4

I have the base set of pathfinder adventure card game with the add-on character pack

I have looked at the board and the FAQS and I cant find anything that helps answer my question