Personally, I am not pissed in any way, nor am I depressed. It's more like, hurt or dissapointment. I have seen the material that wizards has online and I am not impressed entirely with it. Occasionally, a shocker does come around and I am pleased with it. I am not a fan of eye strain from reading a computer screen though. I do agree that the online idea is a poor decision.
There is nothing more enjoyable to me than sitting down after I finish a huge paper or a final exam than reading an issue of Dragon or Dungeon. The hard copy is something I can hold in my hand. Something that I don't have to worry about my "hard drive eating". The writers at Paizo are accomplished and I am very pleased with the direction of the magazine over the last few years.
To sum my feelings up , Dungeons and Dragons has survived through many trying issues over the last three decades;if my faith is in the right place another company may pick up where the last one left off. For example TSR to Wizards. If I could create a graph, it would involve A "high" of where wizards recieved the franchize and a "low" of where WOTC decided to end Dragon.
I haven't decided if I am getting back issues or pathfinder as of yet, but I am excited for the final issues of both dragon and dungeons and I know that we will not be displeased. I am anticipating the new direction as a dissapoinment more often than not can lead to great amounts of excitement.
Ian Shears,
The lord of Imps