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Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Need some help with my Arcanist (Occultist). My current setup is:

STR 16, DEX 20, CON 16, INT 22 (Headband +1), WIS 12, CHA 18

(We rolled as a group picking best of 5 rolls for each stat, generous DM). Race is homebrewed, loosely based on Catfolk.

Feats: Spell Focus (Conj) as a racial trait, Augment and Superior Summoning, Extra Reservoir. Exploits: Conjurer's Focus, Dimension Slide, Quick Study.

Problem: I'm only succeeding at about 15% of my spells that allow a save. Succeeded at 1 / 7 Color Sprays, 0 / 4 Glitterdusts, and 1 / 3 Webs, with save DCs near 20 (10 + 6 Int + 1 Arcane Reservoir + 1 Spell Focus + Spell Level) . I do plan on taking Potent Magic as an Exploit, and keep my Headband upgraded as much as I can. Is there anything else I can do to boost my save DCs? I'm getting extremely frustrated, as I spend a turn casting a spell only to have it fail, wait until my next turn, rinse and repeat.

Blasters don't appeal much to me and I prefer to save the summoning unless really needed, since it slows down gameplay so much. It's getting bad enough that I'm considering dipping into Swashbuckler and going Eldritch Knight just so I can take offensive actions that actually make me feel that I'm contributing.

What are my options? Thank you in advance.

Need advice concerning the rest of my feats as an Oracle of Life. She's primarily a healer/Summon Monster character. Current feats are:

Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Quick Channel
Selective Channeling
Superior Summoning

I was thinking that I'd pursue the Eldritch Heritage line, but wanted input as to whether it's worthwhile. Specifically I'm considering the Abyssal line for the added creature(only for fiendish or demon summons), the Air Primal Wildblood line (ray attack, extra summon damage, and potentially flight), Sage Wildblood line (ray attack, arcane spells known).

Are any of these paths worthwhile, or should I look more at, say Spell Penetration feats?

Thanks in advance for any help!

First question is on Superior Summoning:

The text states that your summon spell needs to conjure more than one creature in order for the feat to take effect. So, if I use Summon Monster V to get me a pack of d3 Fiendish Bison, but get a 1 on my d3 roll, how many Bison show up?

Second question on Versatile Channeler:

Text states "neutral cleric" among the choices. In various places through the book, references are made to "Cleric" when it really means "Cleric/Oracle." If my character is a Neutral Life Oracle with the Channel Revelation (and she is), does she qualify for this feat?