Spectral Dragon

illuminar's page

Goblin Squad Member. 77 posts (740 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.

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Male Human Paladin 4 (HP 30/30)

Having decided that Auchs should be spared despite being out voted, and that he will take it upon himself to teach the man how to be a good person, Jon walks out to the gallows with the gleam of pride that comes from knowing one is doing the right thing.

As he makes his way through the crowd to pull Auchs from the line, his heart drops as he notices that at the insistence of the crowd they have started early. "No no no!" Jon yells as he races through the crowd.

And then just as he breaks through the crowd he sees Auchs drop and as Auchs drops, Jon's heart drops with him stoping in his stomach for what seems like an eternity, until the sound of Auchs neck snaping breaks him out of his time stop.

"No!" Jon yells as he drops to his knees. But nobody seems to notice over the cheers of the crowd.

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Male Human Paladin 4 (HP 30/30)

Cue impossible ending montage...

"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen;
Nobody knows my sorrow.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen;
Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm down;
Oh, yes, Abadar.
Sometimes I'm almost to the groun',
I wish that I could find a way to save the day;
Oh, yes, Abadar,
But life is just one long, dark night."

Will our draconic speakers survive to save their friends and teach them the secrets powers of draconic speech? Stay tuned for round 10.

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Unfortunately I submitted a lackluster item in round 1 before I realized what the RPG Superstar was all about. I might still post an orgainization in the comments just for fun. I'll wait to see if by chance I made it in the top 32 first though.

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Mogart wrote:

In the game that I am currently playing in, every player is level 5.

At level 5 we are supposed to have 10,500 gold worth of items.

Each player currently has 1/10 of what we should have as level 5 characters. It has gotten so bad that the cleric refuses to memorize any restoration spells because it is too costly to cast it.

The summoner is afraid to send his eidolon into combat because everything we have been fighting deals ability damage and the eidolon can not heal it.

What class would you guys take so that you had no reliance on magic items provided by your DM?


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James Jacobs wrote:
Beckett wrote:
I wasn't making a comparrison. I was giving examples to show that there is room for religions that don't have deities, or their worship is not part of the religions focus, but do have a history of various miracles. It's also very much on topic, as it shows that there are things not being accounted for and that there is room for improvment.
Well... while all clerics are religious, not all religious folks are clerics. There's plenty of room for non-deity religions in Golarion—we've included many of them in the world specifically because non-deity religions are interesting, in fact. Druids and oracles are more or less the primary spellcasting agents of said religions.

To me that's the beauty of the domains system. Clerics can be made that worship an idea instead of a deity. And by that reasoning so could a Paladin (even though their "domain" wouldn't offer them any benefit since the class doesn't receive a domain).

However, that's a game mechanic application and not a setting application. In specific settings Clerics and/or Paladins could be required to serve a specific deity because that's how the magic works in that setting. If I understand correctly Paizo's Golorian requires only clerics to have one. Yours might require neither. So the answer to the question is that the answer isn't known because you haven't made it up yet.