
ikickyouindanuts's page

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So, my playing group is on an indefinite hiatus after two of our number, who are husband and wife, decided they are getting divorced, due to infidelity.

Is there anyone on here who lives in Las Vegas that would like an extra member or two to play with?

Hey all. I am running an Underdark campaign, and we are on our 4th or 5th session now. My PCs are all level 3, but they have shown a knack for taking on higher than normal CR challenges and all surviving. Oh, and they are also all evil. Last session, they hired up with basically a "thieves guild" type of organization, and are on a mission to retrieve some gewgaw out of an abandoned mine that has been overrun with aberrations and undead. (Think like the first "Resident Evil" movie)

Anyone got any good ideas of scenarios to present them with after they finish with the mission they are currently on? My group is extremely good-humored and will run through pretty much any wacky idea that anybody can come up with. Any thoughts?

My playing group wants to start a new campaign, and I am going to be running it, my first time as a GM. All the players are playing evil PCs, and I am starting them all out as level 1 characters. As the game starts, they are going to be slaves in an underground drow city.

I have a good portion of the world created at this point, and lots of ideas for challenges to run them through, but I am trying to think of a compelling way to get them to just start down the road.

I am planning on having the whole thing start with the house they are slaves in coming under attack by a rival house, and them escaping during the ensuing carnage. What I am trying to figure out is a way to have them either get out of the city and start down the roads to the rest of the adventure, or figure out a way to lay low for a while in the city until the chaos settles down a bit. What does everybody think?

I am trying to create a new game world to run a campaign in, and I am thinking I would like to have it so that there are no 'gods' or religions in it. So, in contemplating how to explain how clerics get their spells, I thought this idea up. Rather than have to figure some other explanation out, I want to make it so that both divine and arcane casters have full access to BOTH spell lists (i.e. mages can cast cleric spells, & vice versa)

What do you think about this idea? Does it greatly unbalance the game in any way? Is it making one or the other class irrelevant at all?

Hi there, I'm relatively new to PnP games in general, and particularly Pathfinder. I am having a hard time understanding the item generation tables in chapter 15 of the player's guide.

I've searched the forums and haven't found what I am looking for. Could someone help explain what the numbers mean in the item generation tables?