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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I'll at least be around to watch, though no guarantee I'll partake.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Shayde, Shadow's Champion wrote:

Shayde was also mutating in some interesting ways, though he was technically the recipient of the entity's 'blessing'. We were just in discussion about how to make one part more worth using. (he could have made a blade out of his blood, but it lacked the ability to penetrate DR, making it inferior to the cold iron shortsword).

His arm was also turning into a snake. Hence his keeping it hidden all the time. This was frustrating him significantly.

Hope all goes well for you, Icehawk! Maybe we'll find someone else to GM. Or just go out separate ways.

I hope things work out well.

I will definatly miss all you guys, overall. Been a good time for the most part, but my anxiety over the game, when it did happen, was far too prolonged for my own good.

You've all been wonderful, and I wish I was more able to stay motivated and avoid my stupid depressive anxiety spirals.

But with players as good as you, I should hope you have little trouble finding new games.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Thank you, all.

I'm going to take a while off, then see if I can muster some energy for this again, and make a decision then. Your Thank you all for your kind words and patience- it really helps.

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M Human Sin monk LV ???/Fighter LV ???

the man is silent. His expression once again hard to read, before he pulls the spear he was leaning on out of the ground and points it at the grey garrison.
"my prey are in there, but I'm utterly stuck on how to get in. Normally, I'd just break down the door, but it's solid stone, and I lack any suitable tool to chip away at it."

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

No need to keep rolling diplomacy
You can only change a creature's attitude once in a day, I believe, and your first roll was fantastic anyway.

If this isn't clear, the first check succeeded in making him more friendly to you.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I think I can work with that.

I'll have to do quite a bit of revision to some of the plans for the small party, but I'm already getting some ideas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Sorry for not getting to it yesterday, but Pazio being down was during the time window I had to post

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the howler drops dead from the arrow, so. No, it didn't miss.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


I got the map up...
I don't think anything is on fire...
I have a plan for altering the encounters in the grey garrison...

Now to just get the party there!

... when I'm lucid and not 70% asleep.
Sorry, once again, for this taking forever.

On the upside? We've almost made it through book 1

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I have some work to do on setting up this next "dungeon", but hopefully I'll get it done soon.

My apologies for everything always taking so long.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

these people you're presently interacting with are barely a threat at all.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Hanna wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:
"I-i. Flowering lattice, but.. all Roses. a... snake with silver eyes. Seems intelligent. Weasel? Rat? Uhm. Uhm. Dragonfly. Moth."
she nods, “a flowering lattice sounds better than most of them, I could weave the flowers through my hair... silver eyes on the snake? Do they do anything? May I see?”

The merchant holds up a finger, and opens one of the cages, taking out a viper. The merchant is oddly confident in it, considering he's holding it with his bare hands. It's eyes practically glow with silver, and it's scales catch light in odd ways, making one sparkle now and then.

"it's a little sweety, but it seems to unnerve people. I've honestly had it for so long, I donno... if you want it, you can have it. I don't think I'll ever sell it for any amount of money, but maybe I can give it away."

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Also mildly sick and feeling like trash, so long posts are going to be basically a non-thing for a little bit.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Also, I just realized I didn't say it yet.

LYN! Glad you're alive. Keep doing that alive thing.

Living is a good thing.

Hope whatever's going on irl gets better/easier/less stressful

And I apologize for rambling about my issues, as usual.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

The woman chuckles.
"that's one more then you should give me."
She pauses a moment.
"and... Hosilia. Perhaps, just perhaps, we won't dissapoint each other."

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


Alright, I just noticed the map, and I need yo put it up. I intended to post at work, but I didn't realize how cramped the fighting area is, and as a result, need to out up a map. Sadly, I cannot produce a map from work, as I don't have the tools on my phone.

Will hopefully get the map up when I get home from work.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I don't feel like interrupting this scene, just let me know when you're ready to move on.

Also, no worries, azlana! I've moved a double didget number of times, so I know how much of a pain it is.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Anvina shuffles a bit. "to my home, then?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I apologize for missing a day there, but I finally got some real sleep and I finally have a day off. Post incoming within the hour.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Due to expected real life stuff, I will probobly miss posting today.

My apologies.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

yes, it makes it an evil outsider.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

You can roll your sense motive, and I'll pit it agaisnt the roll I made earlier, letting you take the better for the suspicion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I've got adjusting to do for the map, to add an icon for shade and a few for some new monsters, and the tossing of shifts and sleeping issues kinda has me about to pass out.

I'll try and get it up when I wake, and if not then, when I return from work. Once again, my sencerist apologies.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

and the rats die just like that. They are just rats, after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Apologies, but I'm likely to miss posting today.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

According to my co-worker, I'm a real funnyman.

So I said "some people have silver tongues. Mine's mercury. It's toxic, quick, and is hazardous to the mental health of everyone around it."

That is all.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

.... aaand I figured out a lot of the problem. I had read some of the other room's description.

there's no pit in this room, but a ladder.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

That should work.

I'm super tired at the moment, but after I sleep I'll try and remedy this. Apologies all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Wow, the dice hate you indeed. At least that low roll had no real negative

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

At work at the moment, so I can't really get enough time to post all the details of what's in the lockbox- but I will say that you opened it with that (it was a DC 25 lock) and that I will get to it when I get home. (Though that will be a while.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I was going to wait until Adon actually entered this form before I showed it off, but, at this point, It's gonna be a while, and I wanna show it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Due to unexpected nonsense, I have to skip posting today. My apologies.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the patron of knowladge is only as knowladgable as a centimiter

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the beast suddenly explodes, covering those near it in hot guts.
those adjacent to the beast still take 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) = 9 damage, rexflex save dc 13 halves.

Also, congradualtions! The party is now level 2!

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Ok, so, I have a fair number of issues with shifter.


Why can Druid (or feral hunter) get the full blown emperor cobra poison on every single attack before shifter gets it on only AOO's

A simple comparison to normal wild shape reveals that in terms of abilities, shifter is constantly behind it's peers, while supposedly specializing in shapechanging.

Feral Hunter is an obvious example, getting abilities faster, with full acess to all it's "minor forms" as constants, and 6th level spellcasting, only falling slightly behind in terms of bab- and considering you use full bab for all natural attacks, this means that Hunter will almost always outclass shifter at the very thing shifter is meant to do, even if you ignore hunter's spellcasting outright

This new change is also a large downgrade for certain archtypes like weretouched, who were already hurting for viability.

It's great that you're working to fix the class, but I have to say I think more needs to be done.

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Titan fighter with butchering axe had a base damage of 4d6, 6d6 with the impact enchantment, and 8d6 with impact while enlarged.

Combined with vital strike, a nice 16d6.

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I'm looking forward to the possiblities of playing with the disadvantsges of blindness- even with her eventually getting blindsight, it only works in combat, and she can never read or several other things.

It seems like it could be really interesting to play.

Also, making toph jokes.

(Though, it's not without avantages either- immunity to invisibilty, most illusions, gaze attacks, and darkness/fog effects- mostly because she already has the debuff those apply.)

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Azlina, i keep forgetting how to spell it and basically often keep guessing instead of cosulting the PDF.

So, thank you for proposing a shorter name.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


"Azlana is shaking, staring at the silver blob."

Was supposed to be anvina.

So many A-names I'm losing track.

Sorry, I'd didn't mean to write your charecter's actions.


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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Also I love the Unchained Summoner. I love classes with strong flavour and built-in roleplay hooks.

I can't stand how restirctive the eidolons are.

Summoner was enjoyable because you could really build your own abberation, while unchained summoner restrcts you to outsiders that actually exists normally in game.

Unchained summoner bothers me less because of the nerf, more because it commits ths crime of being boring.

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I love options.

Like, a lot of options.

A LOT of options.

This is why I tend to love pathfinder, because there are rules for everything.

More classes, please.

Just preferably not nerf classes like unchained summoner.

Unchained summoner still makes me mad to this day.

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I was working on a charecter concept, and got super sidetracked, and did something silly.

Using serpent-fire adept, Ki leech from quinningog monk, and a non-magical waveblade, you can stay in the crown chakra state endlessly so long as you have a friendly living target with at least 5 points of dr of any sort.

The kobold will look something like 3 str, 16 dex, 8 con, 18 wis, 7 int, cha 14. (Before magic items)

Ki leech from quinningog monk.

Magic items:

+5 cloak of resistance
+1 agile, keen waveblade
+6 headband of wisdom and charisma
cord of stubborn resolve

important feats not given by serpent fire monk:

Great fortitude
Iron will
Extra traits (any trait that gives a +1 to fort)
Kobold confidence (targeting wisdom)

The end result-
the kobold has a +24 to fort saves and a +23 to will saves.
From there, the kobold gains +5 to both to saves vs chakra from thier cha score.

You can open all the way to throught chakra only failing on a 1.
When you get to throught chakra, you fail the will save on a 2.

Opening the crown chakra is the hardest, failing the will save on a 9, or the fort save on a 8.

Once you do this, though, you can stay in crown chakra basically constantly-
You get a +7 to maintain open chakras.

While this chakra is open, you roll all saves twice, only have to maintain once every 3 rounds, only need to roll either a fort or will save to maintain, and only fail on a fort save of 1. If you do fail your fort save, you take 7d6 damage, but you can heal 1d8+14 a round by picking crown and heart.

You'll never run out of Ki so long as you use Ki leech and flurry a 5 DR living target now and then- so long as you roll a crit (you roll twice per swing), you regain 1 Ki point per crit. This doesn't have to do damage, just crit, and your non-magical waveblade does 1d4-3 damage.

Remember to refresh your Ki leech spell now and then, and it goes on constantly.

Using your cord of stubborn resolve, you never have to sleep, instead taking 1d6 nonleathal you heal with heart chakra.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

A warning- depending on how today goes, I might not get a post up.


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The deck of many things has some huge, glaring problems, but, to me, the biggest one is simple-

the deck is basically made of anticlimax.

When you draw from the deck, you can get a fortune, alignment change, wish, killed, or deprived of all wealth with
no story, no reasonable events leading up to it, no climax.

Even if the climax is getting a deck of many things, you have made the climax of your story into "random things happen".

I honestly cannot image a climax is a good climax where the outcome has nothing to do with what the players did. (Unless you're playing a cuthulu game)

So, if I want to see a deck of many things, I want to see it watered down, made scalable and manageable, instead of into the artificial, nonsensical climax of a story.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I'm kinda giddy.

The inconsitancies are soon to start, the plot's getting going, the roleplay is wonderful.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Lothar Khalid wrote:
Say confirming a critical with a crit-range roll rather than just a normal hit?

That'll work, yeah.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Almsot ready to open the game fully!

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So, the upsides-

I can Probobly get the game going.
I've GM'd a fair bit.
I have waaaay too much free time on my hands, often.

The downsides-

I've never ran a premade adventure path.

I may need some help on some of the technical aspects- such as, if the book includes any sort of map, I may need help to figure out how to move said map to something players can see and interact with.

The other things-
Recruitment will be rerun for a while, allowing those who have showed interest to grab a spot back.

The game will likely not be run quite the same as waluigi intended.

I'm almost certianly going to modify the module on some level.

There will almost certainly be homebrew stuff.

The charecter creation process will be slightly changed.

There are other things i'm considering and may pitch later, but these are the big deal things that will fundimantally make or break if you want to bother, I'd imagine.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I want to see this game finished, not just started and abandoned.

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

If that becomes a problem, I will have no problem botting people.