icarus falling's page

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Thanks for removing the wording "simply click" at the top of the download page :P One does not simply click to download PDFs from paizo.

But all seriousness set aside, I'm a novice gamer, played various D&D editions and Shadowrun, and had heard of Pathfinder but never seriously considered investing time into it. But when I saw the HumbleBundle, I thought: Hey! I could give them some money and some money to charity and maybe give Pathfinder a try!

It's my experience that maybe 80-90% of the games, 50% of the audiobooks, and around 70% of the comics/books I've purchased from Humble Bundle I've never gotten around to downloading. It's nice to know that I own them and maybe someday in the far distant future those percentages will drop, but that's what I see happening with this Humble Bundle. In a few hours/days/perhaps a week I will give up on trying to download the core book (which I am excited about atm) and get distracted by some other game or show or book or project and add Pathfinder to the pile of "things I own through humble bundle but have never read, played, or listened to."

For me it's not about the money, it's that right now is when I am most likely to get into Pathfinder and become a player and member of the community, but due to the frustration with getting the files, this is becoming less and less likely to happen.

Hopefully the good and hardworking folks at Paizo figure something out in the near future!!