A summoner who is willing to do dirty deeds for money and isn't above murder for hire could make a VERY interesting assassin.
lets say for example:
A disgruntled prince decides it's time to retire the king, so he can come to power, and puts out a hit to his less than reputable contacts. A summoner accepts the job.
the level 8 ne'er-do-good summoner finds a shed/barn/vacanthouse etc. near the castle and summons his oh so unfriendly beast. puts on a peasants hat or clerics hood to cover his rune (unless he's a flamboyant assassin and wants to bear his crest to the guards) then goes to the castle by himself with no armor, weapons, or spell components with urgent news for the king stating he has information on an attempt on his life, and also knows the name of the assassin to boot! and ask for compensation for such knowledge from the king beforehand (making a little extra profit is always a plus. if he gives it awesome, if not all the same). When the king asks the identity of the assassin the crafty summoner smiles and simply says "I am the assassin." Then uses his transposition ability to transport safely out, and transports in his big mean pet who shreds the king then the summoner dismisses it. The summoner walks calmly out of the barn as if nothing happened and goes to find the prince for payment.
I think the ability to switch places with your hidden meanie might make for very interesting role playing opportunities. A la "actually this isnt a pepsi, it's a pepsi TWIST! and I'm not really a squichy caster... im a mass of angry teeth and claws and horrible horrible death."