Agathion, Leonal

iMonkey's page

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I loved playing Meliski. If I ever play an OP game I would choose him as my character. I will have to try him out in Wrath.

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You have your morning cup of coffee and think, "For each spoon of sugar I can add 1d6 to my Productivity check this morning."

You go for lunch and think, "I will banish this sandwich to recharge 1 random card from my discard pile."

You go out for a drink after work with a good looking friend and think, "I am revealing this ally to add 2 to my Charisma check."

You get home at the end of the day and the door is locked and think, "Succeed at a Disable 6 check to open this location."

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Apologies! O_O

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Hello, I was wondering if I could ask you a question about this character, who has an non-traditional combat style. I'm developing a character who has a similar combat setup, whose combat power is basically: For your combat check, recharge an item to use your Int skill (d12) + 1d6 ([]or discard for another 1d6). I've only just gotten around to experimenting with him.

Similar to jones314's comment above, my main concern is that as the decks and enemies get harder, this ability will simply not be enough to defeat some of them. Have you experimented with Skyix very much? Did you find that you ran into the same problem, and if you did, what did you do to mitigate it? Also, I see that you gave her Melee as well; did you find that as the decks went on, she was using more and more weapons and less of her power?

Thank you for any advice you can offer.

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Pyrocat wrote:
I picked Olenjack largely because his character art is so bad ass.

Hear hear!

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Yes, the Shaman is another example. I recently acquired him in one game and was confused by the wording. Surely if they wanted you to heal first, then recharge the Shaman to avoid drawing it again straight away, they would word it like the surgeon. But it doesn't, so I didn't :)