Blood Vol Cultist

hugodlr's page

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I finally found a site with the info I was looking for: library-please-upload-conversions-3-5-here.html

and s-conversion.html

and N_to_the_tomb_of_horrors.?pg=2

If anyone is still looking for this info (I realized this was an old thread after I posted) there you go :)

Blessings & Peace,

I'm getting back into DM'ing (and D&D) after a year and a half break, and I'm starting the group up with a modified Return to the Tomb with some premade toons just to get our feet wet. I've spent about an hour trying to see if there's a site (or file I can download) that converts just The City that Waits and the Fortress of Conclusion to 3.5 stats. If anyone can point me in that direction I'll be eternally grateful - thanks! :)

Blessings & Peace,