Initiate of Flame

hippster59's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Holland O'Connell
Mysterious Stanger 1
Sleuth/Steelhound X

Holland is an a** and a drunk.
He has vague memories of working as a sheriff and detective. He is also haunted at night by vivid images of a woman and small girl burning alive....

Since the rest of my group is playing heavily themed characters, I wanted to play the guy who has no understanding of what's going on.

@RobRendell: Thanks for the heads up! My DM has made it very clear that 1)There are a lot of 15 minute work days but that 2) We should be open to negotiations in encounters and 3) Be ready to run away. Its good to hear it re-iterated though so thank you.

@T.A.U and pipedreamsam: Good to hear about Slashing Grace though still seems annoying that I can't actually play my character until 3rd level. (Story of Pathfinder though right?)

Rules Questions/Curiosity:

1) Can Samurai take Cavalier Archetypes? I assume yes because the class abilities are all named the same thing but I haven't been able to find anything official.

2) If yes, if you take an Archetype like Daring Champion that swaps out Weapon and Armor Proficiencies does the Samurai retain their training with the Eastern Weapons? RAW it seems you would lose them but that doesn't seem to make sense to me from a fluff perspective. Thoughts?

I have been giving the Swashbuckler a close read for the first time and I am intrigued so thanks to both pipedreamsam and T.A.U. I didn't realize until last night the wording on Swashbuckler Finesse allows for the finessing of one handed piercing weapons which, in turn, with Slashing grace allows the finessing of one handed slashing weapons. Swordlord is the first place my mind went to after figuring this out.

My next question is what race works best for this sort of build? I figured human to get Slashing Grace at first level but I was wondering if there was anything more interesting? Azata-blooded Aasimar seem like a good choice as well but I am concerned about not having Slashing Grace at 1st level. Thoughts?

Thanks pipedreamsam. My concern with the Cavalier is that 1) I won't realistically have a CHA higher than 14 which isn't really much better than the Cleric's 12 and 2) if I am going to spend on a high CHA I think I should pick a class that leverages a high CHA score better.

It seems though that yes I need to pick something that is going to be a high CHA class which leaves me with:


Unless I am missing simething?

Hey folks my friends and I are starting a Kingmaker campaign in the next month or two and I was looking for some advice on what to play. There are 5 players counting myself in the group and here are what the other 4 people have decided to play.

1) Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum. This player has dumped CHA but took the Conversion Inquisition and plans on having a jacked through the roof Intimidate score. will also have some Knowledges and Sense Motive.

2) Human Cleric of Erastil. Plans on building an Archer Cleric. The player hasn't decided on Domains yet but the DM has strongly suggested Law as one of them.

3) Human Slayer. Plans on taking TWF, Weapon Finesse, and Slashing Grace tree. Will most likely be our skill monkey and outdoorsy character with Survival. This character has also dumped CHA all the way down.

4) Elven Wizard. Plans on Controlling and Buffing I believe and will be the Knowledge Monkey. This character has also dumped CHA all the way down.

Now a Few Notes:
1) Using Point for Stats with 20 points to spend.
2) Mostly everything in the Paizo line is available to take but no 3PP
3) The 4 players listed above are very new to Pathfinder and Roleplaying all having started playing in the last year or so. The DM and myself are very experienced with both Pathfinder paper based roleplaying games.
4)The player playing the Inquistior and myself were hoping to both worship Gorum and attempt to build a society were only the strongest have the right to rule.

Obviously at this point we need somebody with a good CHA, but I am also thinking we might need a frontliner to go with it. I have thought about Cavalier but I am not super blown away with the class. I would be curious to see what (if any) suggestions everybody would have and maybe see if something I haven't thought of pops up.

Marik Whiterose wrote:

I went ahead and statted Aaron up as a Rogue 2/Ranger 1, thereby keeping the CR:2 rating he had as a ghast.

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks Marik!

Cool. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I like the idea of leaving Ivey alive. I was thinking about eliminating the swarms all together but the repellant isn't a bad idea. It gives the PC's a chance to figure things out without completely eliminating the danger. I was also thinking about extending the time they have on the island. The module gives a 48 hour deadline before Plugg sails away but I was thinking about giving them at least 72 hours. Thoughts?

Hey guys and gals as the title suggests I have some concerns about Bonewrack Island in the first book of the AP. I have a group that is still relatively new to role-playing and I am worried that the island just might be to tough for them. Does anybody have suggestions on taming the island down a bit but without making the island a cake walk?

I agree that your best bet may be to just walk away. If three of you are upset enough maybe you have the start of the next group? With that many people i'm sure you can find one or two more people to make a more reasonable group.

ALthough I agrees that RotRL is the best choice of the ones listed I would be careful with it. I am running through RotRL with a brand new DM right now and there have been multiple near TPK's. The new DM has had trouble recognizing when to scale some of the tougher encounters down due to the complete lack of optimization in our group.

If you can gain access to it I would think Curse of the Crimson Throne would be decent for a group of newer players and DM.

I will absolutely purchase from Paizo. The only reason why I was looking elsewhere in the first place is because I have gift cards from Christmas burning a hole in my pocket.

Hello Community,

First time long time. Anyway, I plan on starting Skull and Shackles for my group next month and I was pricing out the cost of a hardcopy of Wormwood Mutiny on the internet. Needless to say I was shocked to discover the cost of the book on various websites was upwards of 50 or 60 dollars. Paizo has it for sale at MSRP so I was wondering why Wormwood Mutiny is so much more expensive than the rest of the books in the AP.