grahamrodrigue |
I designed my current Homebrew Campaign to be Levels 1-10 in Varisia and 11-20 in The Abyss. At Level 13 we have now had many sessions on about six different Layers of The Abyss, and here is what I have been doing: Dog likes to eat
In addition to, or sometimes instead of, Abyssal Traits -- Each Layer of The Abyss has its own Turn in Initiative (I have it go one Initiative 1.) and I select Spells that I think 'The Abyss' would cast against the PCs. Maybe a list of 10 spells and when it's The Abyss' turn in Initiative I roll a d10 to see what The Abyss does to the PCs. (Maybe I pick 12 spells and roll randomly a d12, or 20 spells and a d20.)
For The Rasping Rifts, maybe stuff like Summon Swarm, and Summon Monster IX: Great Big Insect, and Insect Plague or whatever.
Anyway, my 2 CP
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