goldband's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


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ok lol, sorry must have missed a line, making it unable to make clubs and staffs out of cold iron , my apologies. I did not mean to cause such strife thanks for letting me know.
also was not my intent to be cheaty it was to be cheeky about something I thought I understood hence why I put it up here for discussion.

I have been looking for a weapon that would be cheap to give a cold iron for lower levels and realized that per the instruction on cold iron cost (double the weapon normal cost) that it would be free on clubs and quarterstaffs. because both are free and free times two is still free. so in essence if I'm reading this right that every character should be able to just go get a cold Iron club for without costs.
this is kind of broken but RAW unless I missed it every player should have a CI weapon right of the bat for free lol.
also makes me want to play a blacksmith

step 1 "buy" a ton of clod Iron Clubs
Step 2 melt them down
step 3 mold into other weapons
step 4 profit
step 5 laugh maniacally

any thoughts?

I was just playing a game and the GM asked me to post this question for future use.
I was using the spell Sonic Thrust and as the spell says I can attack with my level worth of items as long as they dont exceed the wieght cap. so I put it out as the first attack was from a tanglefoot bag, so if it hits they have -4 dex(-2ac) for the rest of the attacks, then since i have the carpet of flying I had loaded up 10 large great swords(11 lvl assmiar bard) and basically used them as darts at the big bad that was now entangled. mind you I also have the discordant voice feat and the full banner/flagbearrer cheese so each attack was +6/+6 attack/damage and +1d6 sonic. this was doing roughly 150ish damage before dr to the enemy.
so is this legit? if so my bard that usually just buffs, just became a great sword turret several times a day

I just got finished playing this, It is one of the most ridiculous adventures I have been on. It is so railroaded that the GM was apologizing to us about how limited our choices are. there was so description on things that really did not need it and so little on actual plot. It became a running joke that we were on the tracks about halfway through the game. and we felt like it was a really bad Scooby Doo episode( we had a large cat for scooby stand in). all in all the best part was taking the villain and making them a pincushion in the end. and mind you my character started this adventure really not a big violent person but by the end he was the biggest supporter of murder death killing. all in all the adventure is one that try's to be investigative mission without really letting and/or you dont make the rolls and you are kinda left wanting. sorry for the rant but damn was looking forward to this and was more comedy (for the wrong reasons than suspense)

Preston Hudson wrote:
I am not sure but I have tried where actions at one table affected all tables. While it was enjoyably chaotic, it was very difficult to adjucate and something I will not reattempt.

I gotcha, lol I just got a picture of the first level group getting the buffs from the high-level groups and just walking through the area like its nothing I mean just using the inspire courage that I can think off the top of my head that's at least a 4 for bare minimum to attack and damage. I'm trying to think of other things that could cause crossovers to the other tables but I can't think of any at this moment

I have been wondering about this since I have a upcoming multi- table event special. If there is a buff that effects everyone that is considered a ally does it effect the other tables? for a example, an 11 level bard inspiring courage by singing, does it help the other tables and give them the buff if they can hear the Bard? It was something that has had me pondering. thanks in advance.

Roger that thanks guys for the answers worth a shot to ask lol

Quick follow up question so if a bard singing 2 performances only counts for I proc of discordant voice, would 2 bards using both still only do a d6?

I can see that, it was just the wording is one of those situation that could lead to people like me , questioning it due to the wording because technicall you do have two performances up at the same time. Maybe it is just me trying to come closer to not just being a semi OK buffer and good face.

Did I miss something or is in the wrong board?

I was in that games still kinda crazy that it couldn't get out.

I have been trying to find out on the FAQ and through the pages to see if there is a consensus on this but I can seem to find one here, I was reading through the description of a feat I have again Discordant Voice, and it states:

Prerequisites: Bardic performance class feature, Perform (oratory or sing) 10 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever you are using bardic performance to create a spell-like or supernatural effect, allies within 30 feet of you deal an extra 1d6 points of sonic damage with successful weapon attacks. This damage stacks with other energy damage a weapon might deal. Projectile weapons bestow this extra damage on their ammunition, but the extra damage is dealt only if the projectile hits a target within 30 feet of you.

which by it self is pretty awesome for the damage of most the parties im in but then I saw
and I have the spell, virtuoso performance's that;s spells effect is:
While this spell is active, you may start a second bardic performance while maintaining another. Starting the second performance costs 2 rounds of bardic performance instead of 1. Maintaining both performances costs a total of 3 rounds of bardic performance for each round they are maintained. When this spell ends, one of the performances ends immediately (your choice).

Virtuoso performance does not stack with any other method of maintaining simultaneous bardic performances.

so I went looking to see if you did a spell-like AND supernatural effect with virtuoso performance would you be giving your party 2d6 sonic damage or just 1d6? or am just really off base. would really help if i could get some clarification about this, thanks in advance.

Hey sorry about this, but I just noticed that when I first started out my character named crocket (whos id number should be -7) I had been giving the wrong character id number(-8). It became a issue when I played the next character and the sessions for foxtrot the real (-8) showed all o the crocket sessions how do i fix this?

I saw this and had to add to it.

I was playing my 2nd level new lame legged life oracle I was calling brother zanedu. every thing was going fine until we came int a room were there as a completely visible pit trap we make it threw the battle in the room and we had a kid at the table trigger the next 2 encounters at the same time before I could heal everyone with my wand. leading me to have to angle my channel in the room to heal my party and not the mooks.
unfortunately I forgot that the pit trap rule say if you are on the edge of a pit trap you need a reflex not to fall in. I roll a natural 1 and since I was at the back of the party all the rest of the part heard my loud yell of oh @#$%. after the rest of the party apparently finished off the last of the mooks and after 2 turns yelling for help the new player that made a bard character finally grab the the rope so i could slowly limp my way (lame) 5 ft up each turn out of the 20 ft pit. unfortunately the kid got restless and triggered another encounter while I was climbing with out thinking and even after being warned what would happen the new bard(not the kid stated ill pull out my crossbow and shoot at it.
my character who was 8 feet from the top suddenly had a lot of slack and proceeded to fall back down into the pit. yelling oh "@#$% not again!!" going to 0 hit points.
needles to say brother zanedu and the bard have pfs together since then and every time we do it seems that there is something we have to climb and my character say ill climb but no where near that blasted bard!!!