goblin161's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

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"And I hate to tell your player characters, but you're going to need several fire demons to pull off the campaign appropriately."

Oh, my. I've yet to ever work one of these guys into a campaign, let alone multiples. But as fearsome as Khorramzadeh looks, I relish the opportunity.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure if this is the right spot for this but here goes. I have been an avid mini collector for some time. I was VERY happy with the pathfinder battles products especially shattered start, which in my opinion is an awesome set. Regretfully, I have not been happy with the last few releases. Specifically, most of the minis look poorly inked and "dirty." This is in stark contrast to the very clean and detailed job on some of the rares in the SS set. The poor paint job was very evident in the undead hoard, which I thought was just for the lower production cost "builder series." (this gives a head to head comparison agains earlier sets) But, after getting the Legends of Golarion set, even the rares looked poorly done (the goblin pyros on the other hand are awesome). I was particularly disappointed in the two iconics, the hellknight, morklep, king irovetti, and queen ileosa.

Liberty's Edge

Does anyone have or know of a pathfinder conversion for RttoEE? I found a 3.5 conversion as a starter and I really would like to avoid doing the rest by hand.
Thanks for any help,