goat77's page

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Mikaze wrote:

This is one of those things that's really going to depend on the GM.

Y'know, I'm not so sure about making it a complete absolute on the "unwilling" part(more like evil the vast majority of the time, GM discretion), but I absolutely love that it specified with the implication that willing beings are kosher. Could lead to some very interesting character dynamics.

Yeah alright, my GM agrees that in this case it would basically be universally evil. It would be fairly inappropriate character-wise for an inquisitor anyways.

"The blood must come from a living creature of the specified humanoid subtype. It cannot come from a dead or summoned creature. Feeding on unwilling intelligent creatures is an evil act."
So am I reading this correctly when I interpret it as saying that it would even be considered evil to feed on a grappled intelligent creature (specifically a human) in the midst of combat? Does it matter if the human is evil or if the battle is in self-defense? I plan on playing a neutral or good inquisitor so it will definitely affect whether or not I take fangs.

edit: One other thing, what if the human was bleeding out and/or unconscious? Would they still be considered unwilling?