Axe Lord

ghostofafrog's page

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These are great! Super useful and really well done. Players are just starting RotR, (some have done it before, but whatever) and session 0 went swimmingly.

Hey, If i wanted to print these maps, (particularly the GlassWorks one) how big would I need to make the paper to get the 1-inch-square grid that the players could put their pawns on?

Also, to contriboot, I always thought that Nualia would have been better as an Anti-Pali, so I stat'd her as one.

XP 2,400

Female Aasimar Anti-Paladin 5
CE Medium Native Outsider
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6
Aura aura of cowardice, aura of evil


AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 Dex, +2 Def)
hp 63 (6d10+17)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +10
Resist ACE 5


Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 Keen Bastard Sword +10/+5 (1d10+3/17-20) and claw +3 (1d4+1)
Ranged Mwk. Composite Longbow +8 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attacks Channel Neg. Energy (3d6, DC 17), Touch of Corruption 3d6, Smite Good 2/day
Spell-Like Abilities:
at-will—Detect good
Anti-Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 5th, concentration +6):
1st—murderous command  (DC:15), protection from good


Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 19
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sword (Bastard)), Lamashtu's Mark, Weapon Focus (Sword
Skills Acrobatics -1, Acrobatics (Jump) -5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist -4, Fly +4, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Linguistics (Goblin) +2, Perception +6, Ride -4, Spellcraft +5 , Stealth -2 , Swim -3
Languages Celestial, Common, Goblin, Shoanti
SQ aura of cowardice, aura of evil, cruelty x2, detect good, enhance weapon, plague bringer, smite good, touch of corruption, unholy resilience,
Gear +1 Banded Mail, +1 Bastard Sword, Mwk. Comp. Longbow, sihedron medallion, arrows (20), 16cp, 29sp, 8gp, 1pp, gold holy symbol


Aura of Cowardice (Su) 10 ft, -4 vs. fear; Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of you. This ability functions only while you remain conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
Aura of Evil (Ex)
Channel Negative Energy 3d6 (Su) DC:17 Will save to halve the damage. Using this ability consumes two uses of your touch of corruption ability.
Enhance Weapon Standard, 1/day, 5mins, Light Like a Torch, +1 Enhancement Bonus, or one of flaming, keen, vicious properties.
Plague Bringer (Ex) The powers of darkness make you a beacon of corruption and disease. You do not take any damage or from diseases. You can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but you are otherwise immune to their effects.
Smite Good (Su) 2/day, swift, +4 attack/+6 damage, bypass DR, +4 def. to AC vs. Smoted Creature.
Touch of Corruption 3d6 (Su) 6/Day, Touch attack, Shaken 6rds, Staggered 3rds

do saurian shamans get to increase their size?

Id say it has nothing to do with the Write up, an animal is an animal.
And, like i said before, It's NOT a template because you're NOT using animal rules you're using Wild Shape/Beast Shape rules. I wouldn't be playing as a Dire Wolf, I'd be playing as Myself - any AC I cant have, +or- any Ability Score that applies, +or- and AC that's granted by the spell level that LOOKS LIKE a Dire Wolf, along with it's natural attacks.
(I'd also argue for special abilities like powerful charge or powerful bite, assuming I had at least Wild shape 4 which you get at 10th level.)

Or rather,
You're not transforming into an animal from the bestiary, you're assuming it's form and granting yourself natural attacks, Ability Score changes, Natural Armour changes, Movement, Senses, and abilities.
Roleplay wise I always tend to adopt Mannerisms based on the animal, too.
There's no logical reason you could turn into a boa constrictor but not an Anaconda.

As far as I'm gonna play it: If the Games not broken it doesn't matter.

As far as I'm concerned, "Huge or Diminutive animal" needs clarification. Cause a Huge squirrel is still Huge. Don't be so g#$##$n sassy.

So what I'm gathering is essentially: Its not game breaking, so Your GM shouldn't have a problem with it.

And i'm not really adding a template onto a creature, I'm making a creature Large based on not the template, but the spell.

I still only get a +6 to str and AC, regardless if Its a Huge Badger or a Dire bear.

furthermore, Do i get say, If i turn into a Wolly Rhino, Do i get Powerful charge, Is it on the same level as Rake and Pounce.
Or powerful bite?

Super simple question, and It makes sense either way but I cant find any rules on it.

Can I as a Druid or someone casting Beast shape, decide to go into the shape of a creature that's larger or smaller than the actual creature?

IE, At level 8 could i decide to turn into a Huge or Large badger or Wolverine, for example?
Since the stats are based on SIZE and not the individual ANIMAL, i see no reason why not.

And if so, does it/could it work the other way,
Like turning into a diminutive Wolf.

So specifically in my case, a +1 returning Warhammer would be 8000, right? and if i wanted to add throwing onto it, it'd bump it up to a level 3?

Do the enchantment bonues stack for purposes of pricing.
That is, when something is already +1, can you give it a +1 enchantment at the +1 price, or is it at the +2 price?
For example a returning sword.

+1 Longsword is 2000, and the returning is another 2000, right?

Or does it function as a +2, being 8000?

That's okay, 1d6+3 isn't bad at all for just extra damage every time I grapple someone. And I'd take animal Fury just cause it does the extra damage before I grapple, not because I'd get another attack.

I mean, with greater grapple at level 7 I'd do like...
Bite, grapple, bite, unarmed damage.
bite, unarmed damage, bite, pin.
bite, Full attack (unarmed, unarmed, bite.)

that's like, 5d6+12, 4d8+20, and another 1d6+7.
Assuming no Crits, average damage, that's about... 78 dmg in three rounds.
Also Not factoring rage, or enlarge person potions.
that's not bad for level 7 eh?

First post :)

Ok so I wanted a really kinda lonesome character, And my DM and I came up with an Orc that was born of a female giant - granting it powerful build - as well as taking the "Sharped tusked" train for half orcs - which naturally would also apply to full orcs.

My question is, grabbing the Animal Fury rage power adds a bite attack, but does it stack (or one up the Die) if I already have one.

Example, my bite attack is a natural attack at 1d6, (1d4 for normal Upgraded to 1d6 for large, we just used the bestiary) Would it increase to a d8 with the introduction of Animal Fury?

Just a question. My barb is a grapple barb, so dealing unarmed and bite damage is what its all about.