Scuba Diver

geoffrey davey's page

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You could expand on the House of Stolen Kisses and give Quent a brothel/pleasure district. That would help give it a little more identity.

Appreciate the ideas for Hell Harbor, Ollo, and Drenchport, great stuff!

I'm having problems with a barbarian steamrolling everything. Aside from Bonewrack Isle, it's been mostly 1 encounter per day. So he just rages out and demolishes... without really having to deal with the drawbacks of rage.

Anything he can't smash is handled by a very effective gunslinger and Rogue archer combo.

But next session, they'll be confronted by Inkskin and they just made lvl 5. So I'm hoping she can finally put a hurt on them .

Good point about Eleder, Vikingson... looking at the population, it's just barely at 9,000. Not exactly the vibrant trade capital I was making it out to be.

I agree, anyone GMing this path should probably get a little creative with the local economics.

If you think of Garund as Africa, a continent of untold natural riches (mineral and otherwise) and Sargava acts as its main port, then it stands to reason that there'd be an IMMENSE amount of of shipping and trade going to and fro. Even with their agreement, the pirates could plunder 10% of ships and Sargava would still have a thriving lucrative trade route. Besides, I didn't see any indication that the agreement covers ship destined for Sargava, just ships headed North.