
gargoyleking's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

So I'm building my first Witch, a Dwarven Rune-Witch whose focus will be on more on being a melee beat-stick. Not the ideal build, I know. But I want to have fun with it. And Sentinel will keep him survivable from lv 2 on.

That said, I'm looking at an Aeon Wyrd Familiar from level 1. The rules don't specifically state that the familiar requires an Aeon Stone to be used. But at the same time, the descriptions of the familiar and it's primary ability both seem to hint that it requires one to 'exist'.

Since I'm building him for Society play, I'd like confirmation one way or the other. My other option would be to take a Poppet until I can get access to an Aeon Stone and just spend abilities to make it 'function' as if it were an incomplete Aeon Wyrd.

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So I've been trying to find more ways to get into PF2 games since the release. Obviously in the past months it's been really challenging to find any new game groups and while I have one, I'm the DM and have yet to get to play more than a level of any of my PbP characters so far.

I've heard more than a few people suggest Pathfinder Society as a way to get my fix, but haven't figured out how to really get started on it. Could somebody help me out with info, or at least a link to info that'll get me going with a step-by-step?

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Has anyone else noticed that the Witch's Basic Lesson feat is on page 101? Intentional, or accidental? I wonder.

First time poster, first time on site, really. But I came on a spell that seemed a bit underpowered for it's level even with the most generous interpretation. Still, true Target is a 1 action spell and that is always nice to have in this system. The thing that bothers me, is it seems like it would buff the entire party's ability to attack the target. The problem though, is that the actual wording of the spell seems to limit the advantages it provides to the very next attack that anyone makes against it(Friend or foe).

The new True Strike spell by comparison is amazing. But that's only taking up a 1st level spell slot. And can't be countered by an enemy shaman throwing a rock at their bbeg.