Shoanti Tribeswoman

gBeeSoft's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


I think it says everything. About the second one: I mean the pages a bit of mess. I can find everything but its a bit hard, not very transparent.

Memorizing the worst thing ever made!!! I need manapoints!!!!

Go buy good old hungarian M.A.G.U.S. rpg. Lots of way better with this dnd thing....

DM Wellard wrote:
The true answer to this question is..NOT ENOUGH!!

Thats wonderful that paizo publish this but as you said....yes....NOT ENOUGH!! ;)

I think it depends on the GM...Personally i allow to do this and the players get bonuses doing it. Or if a bad GM then they get negative modifiers....rofl

Unarmed attacks rockz if monk! So means that they are DPS and a bit of rogue! Depends on the skill choices...

I played NWN1 on a hun server (RP) and the maker of the module played with a monk. he easily killed and beated everything in the module by himself alone! Its just a good traits and skill choices thing....

Iron-Dice wrote:
I was recently noticing the lack of good choices for Halfling avatars when creating an alias for a play by post game. A suggestion would be to create avatars from the various races of Golarion books. Any chance of that?

What? i cant upload my own nice picture? Why?????

Ohh i might have money!!!!