filipham's page

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my kingmaker software tool is now ready with early beta. The features it has are mostly for the first kingmaker adventure, but i plan to add more terrain types and regions for the other adventures and regions as soon as time permits.
Currently it has two features and no frills:

1: Weather generator.
Generate weather for x amount of days for a season. Only temperate climate so far as that is what we have in kingmaker. With some custom house ruling added, storms and rain lasts longer as it does in the real world in my opinion.

2: Random encounter generator, including data entry.
Generates random encounters for you on entering hex or daily. (one or many at a time). The random encounters are based on the random encounter tables loaded by the application.

The encounter tables can be edited and updated as wanted and will be saved as "EncounterList.xml" on "save" button click. It is in other words possible to create your own encounter lists for the different terrain types and then run the random encounter generator to quickly generate encounters one by one or in chunks.

The chance for encounters is hardcoded for now to coincide with what stolen lands says: 5% chance on hex entry, and 15% daily. This will also be editable in the near future.

I am aware that the app has a very limited use as of now (and looks quite plain). It is early beta after all.

If will keep adding to it for my own needs in my campaign. If you have any suggestions or wishes, let me know. I might take them into consideration, i might not. I'd like to give back to the community with this app if people want to use it, but the primary goal is to use it for my own campaign after all :)

my skydrive folder

Contains app in the file, and the source code in seperate zip file.

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Figured I would upload the Excel sheet i am using to keep track of time passing. Link

I use the same sheet for adding notes on weather and random encounters from my custom kingmaker e-tools as well. I will share that tool as fast as its presentable.

If any of you are .Net coders and want it now even though its only partially finished, let me know and ill send the source files.

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Hey everyone. I figured we could compile a list of all e-tools that will help in making running this campaign better.

Who knows, this might even get stickied?

Anything from generic tools you use in all your campaigns to specific tools for kingmaker are welcome additions.

By e-tools i mean everything from spreadsheets and online tools/generators like dingles npc generator, to more complex software like maptool.

I use:

- Dingle's NPC generator (Site
Good NPC generator for not too complex NPCs. For The complex ones, i take the time to create them properly either through just text in OneNote, or through CharacterFolio (see further down).

- Maptool - For PC (any OS i think)
An awesome free java-based tool for maps. It can act as a server and have the players connect as clients, or just be used standalone by the GM. You can import maps or just images for showing the players how that NPC looks, and also has alot of built in feauteres like dicerollers and such (not that i use them, I only use the map part. I like rolling the dice).

There is also an Ipad client for maptool that allows you to connect to a PC based maptool server or just have a local map (to pass around the table to the players): Mapnakotic.

- CharacterFolio - For Ipad
Awesome character builder for PCs, and any NPCs you want to create in detail. Is currently missing export functionality, but that is requested on their forums and confirmed that will be part of future release sometime.

- PFR - For Ipad
Good offline version of the pathfinder reference document (I use when surfing it online instead). Sometimes i find it easier to look up things here than open my PDF books when im on my ipad.

- Bookman - For Ipad
Good book reader that has a few features that seperate it from the other readers:
1. No Sync b~%!$$@! (hate itunes sync, i use multiple computers at the same time so its a hassle). Just drop pdfs into the app document area on itunes and they are copied over to the ipad.
2. Optimized/Cached viewing, makes turning pages faster.

- Dicenomicon - For Ipad
Easy to use and pretty flavourful diceroller for those who can't/won't use physical dice. Shows physical dice rolling around on the screen, so its the closest you get to rolling dice without actually rolling dice.. :)

- Paint.Net - For PC
Free and easy to use image editor for making all those nifty maps and handouts to show players.

- Office 2010 (Excel and Onenote) - For PC
Not free, but very useful for not just GMing. I use Onenote for my journal and everything else, awesome note tool that i sync to the web so i can read/take notes on any of my computer, phone or tablet one the same notebok. If i get an inspirational idea, it doesnt get lost.. ;)

I know there are lots of other tools like this, i just like this one better than evernote and such. Its a personal preference. I think no GM should be without some kind of online synced notemaking tool at least.

Excel for spreadsheets. Enough said :)

- Excel spreadsheet for calendar. - For PC (windows and office 2010)
Custom spreadsheet that allows me as a GM to plan weather ahead of time and easily keep track of dates going by. Allows notes entered per day, and week/month/quarter/year view. Taken by getting a real world calendar spreadsheet template and modifying it. Supports up to 3 notes per day in week view, so it can show weather, encounter and misc for instance.

- Kingmaker pathfinder tools.
My own custom software for making weather generation and random encounters easier to handle.
(in .Net (C#): class library in one tools assembly with seperate assembly for GUI in WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation. This can easily be modifed to any other GUI that uses the tools assembly)

Still in early development. Short term goal is to have the app generate text i can put in the calendar sheet above (already done for weather generation, in the works for encounters), long term goal that might never happen is adding map of the areas being explored, and allowing interaction with the map when exploring and building (generating random encounters and weather based on time passing and players moving on the map), so it kinda becomes a mini civilization game. Again, the long term goal will most likely NOT happen and I will stop when i reached my short term goals, but its nice to have ambitious goals right? :)

I will share both the application and the source code with you guys here as soon as i got something presentable for the short term goal. For now, I'll add a screenshot. (the background stuff in the screenshot is my development environment and some of the codebase, so ignore it. its the 3 windows in front thats the application)

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Hi. After reading multiple posts on these forums it has become clear that adding more plot foreshadowing for things to come is probably a good idea.

I have some plans on what to add in my campaign, and I started this thread so we can all share foreshadowing tips.

I am using some other modifications to my campaign already, like dudemeisters Hargulka's monster kingdom and some others. This forum is already a treasure throve of information for this campaign :)


I plan on adding a recurring villain sent by Nyrissa to help oversee the region and discourage settlements. A fey (fey creature template) elf ranger/rogue: Cecidis. (From the latin word fallen - cecidi)

Naryssa has developed a greater reincarnation spell that only requires a part of the body from before death, as well as a (quite painful) process to bestow the fey creature template to a creature. Having gone through both of these processes (the reincarnation more than once), the former elf is quite different mentally than most elves (and other living creatures..). Death no longer holds any fear, and his current race and body means little to him. His identity revolves more about his fierce loyalty to Naryssa than what he (currently) looks like.

I plan to have him keep levelling alongside the players and be 2 levels higher than them (which combined with his fey creature template puts his CR at party level +2). He will most likely be killed many times, but each time come back in a different body (and race), working on assisting Hargulka and other foes, and sabotaging anything he can.

Stolen lands

Initially he will intercept the players (in his elf body) in the woods.
He will step out from behind a tree, long step past the agressive fighters to right next to one of the casters, whisper "your kind does not belong here, leave..", then use vanish and move stealthed a move away.
Aided by his fey abilites (vanish and long step) this should be an encounter where the players most likely cannot kill him.

Later they will meet him again and most likely defeat him in combat. (Details not decided).

Rivers run red

Early in this adventure or late in the previous one, Cecidis will be back as one of the servants of the players, (reincarnated as a halfling or gnome most likely). After he serves the players poison food at the dinner, he will stand there grinning, observing and finally offer his "advice" again: "Your kind does not belong here, leave..", before vanishing and trying to escape. At this time the players might kill him or he might get away.

After this, Cecidis will be mostly appearing in this adventure as an advisor to Hargulka, sent by Naryssa to convince and assist him. He is the one that brought the gift of a magic item magic Hargulka smarter and 2 will of wisps to help with scouting and other duties. He will be coming and going from Hargulka, as he is not his underling.

He will be part of the delegation to the kobold dinner along with the trolls.

in later adventures I plan more appearances by him, but the details for these are so far up in the air. With his mysterious abilites, and fey looks (have a look at the fey creature template), this should both foresahdow the fey part and the fact that someone does not want them there..

Feedback on my plans here are always welcome, but I hope that the rest of you will share your tips and tricks for foreshadowing here as well :)

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