fey'Dorian |
Aside from the staying on their feet and avoiding being washed overboard there isn't much for PCs to do until the mashers show up at the end of SWW. I know there's a laundry list of what happened to some of the passangers and crew but I'd like to give my players a shot at at least keeping some (ie the named) npcs alive.
I have to reread through HTBM but I wonder about some of the mechanics of the attempts. Like say saving someone falling from the crows nest (can feather fall be done at range?) I intend to have Amella (the second in command) to STRONGLY suggest if not out right order everyone to get secure once she spots the oncoming storm.
Also I have an artificer who created the little "helper golems" from the Ebberon book. I'm concidering half of them being washed away and/or becoming masher chow but any ideas on how that would effect the progress of the ship limping along to shore?