epigonebw's page

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Yes, Traiel is correct. A shield that takes equal to or greater DAMAGE than its hardness gets a dent. Since the shield's hardness reduces the damage, a shield with a hardness of 5 would have to block an attack of 10 to get a dent.

Jimmy the fighter blocks an attack of 11 damage.
The shield's hardness is 5.
Jimmy takes 6 damage.
The shield takes 6 damage and receives a dent.

Jimmy the fighter blocks an attack of 9 damage.
The shield's hardness is 5.
Jimmy takes 4 damage.
The shield does NOT receive a dent.

The book CLEARLY states that items reduce damage taken by their hardness. Second line under item damage section.

It's a playtest. Not everything is an option rn. I'd wager that either it becomes available when 2e comes out, or if not, then when their add-ons come out. Don't get too up in arms over it yet!

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I think what we might be forgetting here is all items reduce damage dealt to them by their hardness. A shield with 5 hardness gets raised for a shield block. The monster rolls 9 damage to the hero. The hero takes 4 damage and the shield does NOT dent, because the shield only took 4 damage.

If we read page 175 under "Item damage," it states in the second line, "An item reduces any damage dealt to it by its Hardness." They even give an example in the section too.

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The direction they're going in, which I think is cool, is that we use craft checks to repair our shields in between fights, which makes sense. Better shields and better shield users (class feats) can make shields last longer. The cheap shields we buy shouldn't be able to take so much damage, IMO

Yes, wizards can wear heavy armor and cast spells from my understanding! They aren't proficient in any type of armor though, so they'd either need to take armor proficiency general feats to get up to heavy armor, or take the fighter dedication archetype.

Yeah, there's no restriction on that that i've read so far. Why would we not be allowed to wear 10 rings and two sets of goggles? It's a role playing game and if we wanna make a crazy eccentric character who wears all that crap, then we will!!