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I'm playing in my first PF homegame starting Monday and I'm trying to build a beefy lvl6 unarmed combatant by then. Please assist. I'm interested in full progression, planning ahead, etc.
I'm having trouble finding pf monk charops that take into account material outside the core book.
The world is going to be very One Piece inspired. I expect lots of ship travel. I've been itching to play an unarmed combatant anyway, so this works. We start in prison on prison island, the size of South Carolina.
No worries about what the rest of the group is, tanking and spells always get covered with this group.
We start at level 7. With no money and no gear that costs more than 1GP and/or could reasonably be made in prison.
PF rules base with almost anything from 3.5 allowed expect Savage Species.
The DM has a bunch of homebrew stuff and I'm using some of it:
race is cool fluff that results in +2 to two ability scores and -2 to one, all my choice; 120ft darkvision
1st level feat can be large creature, small creature, flight, really good swim - I'm leaning towards large creature - +2 str -2 dex and fist die size goes up by one then be str-based with wis DC stuff like scorpion and gorgon
Later when we have money I can get "handwraps" if I want. They can be enchanted with any bludgeoning or generic weapon enchantment. Wouldn't stack with enchanted fist necklace.
Sounds like anything will stack to add to fist die size.
At level 4 I get +2 to one ability score.
I'm fine with multiclassing and grabbing lots of PrCs as needed. I really don't want weapons and don't really care about offensive spells. Self-buffs are cool if lengthy.
Base ability scores are:
any order
My thoughts:
Been reading about Fist of the Forest, con to AC, bigger fists, 1/day increase to dex, cool fluff.
Can't find any PF monk PrCs.
Ability Scores:
Given my stats, do Monk 6/Forest 1. Take the DM's large feat, focus on wis, str, con, dex in that order for AC/DC, hit/dmg, AC/HP, AC/Ref/Init.
Wis 22 +6
Str 21 +5
Con 15 +2
Dex 14 +2
Cha 13 +1
Int 10 +0
(Cha over Int for personality over skills - I know this DM)
Then once I have cash (depending on how combats are going), I'll grab gear to up either str for hit/dmg or con for ac/hp.
That means:
22 AC (6 wis, 2 con, 2 dex, 1 dodge, 1 monk, 10 base)
DC 19 (6 wis, 3 half level, 10 base)
11 ki (3 half monk level, 6 wis, 2 vow [see below])
51 HP (max at first, rolled, con)
+5 BAB
flurry: 5/5/0 (am I doing this right?)
+ 10 CMB (maybe +2 when grappling, see below)
22 CMD (maybe +2 versus grapple, see below)
WF: Fists
Power Attack
Great Fortitude
Scorpion Style
Improved Grapple OR Gorgon's Fist (Thoughts? iGrapple for mages but I dunno if bonus is needed badly right now versus Gorgon's to stagger melee guys and deny full attack)
Use the Ultimate Magic thing to swap Slow Fall for either Ki Stand or Barkskin. Since it's prison stuff then open sea stuff, I don't expect to fall much. I figure grapple, pin as an anti-mage thing then when he's dead stand back up easily with no OA. OR Barkskin self for the AC since I dunno how long until I'll be able to buy a wand for the caster.
Take Vow of Truth for more ki. Fluff-wise also probably why I got sent to prison. I told the truth about some situation I misunderstood and they thought I should have understood and acted to stop whatever.
How does my plan sound? Thoughts? Redesigns? Links to charop guides that include PF splat book and 3.5 material?