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Somehow I fear that there is no correct/official answer. I think I read somewhere that Nualias Sihedron amulet was added in the AE to have a greater connection (I don't have the old version, so I can't check that), but I think that whoever added this detail didn't think this through.

So now I'm just trying to make this work somehow, because I'd like Nualia to kill an Aasimar NPC in Magnimar as the background of a PC, another Aasimar who would be that NPCs sister.

So my take on this (I haven't read beyond chapter 2 yet, so I don't know if this fits nicely):

  • Nualia comes to Magnimar late 4702 (winter)
  • She gets in contact with the cult and has Delek killed
  • She stays a few month, but doesn't know what to do with herself, but her dreams become stronger
  • She decides (on her own) to follow those dreams that lead her to the catacombs where she meets Erylium. This might have been in late 4703
  • Nualia stays with Erylium for a few month, maybe even till mid 4706 (almost 3 years)
  • She decides to find Melfeshnekor but knows that she can't do it without help. So she returns to Magnimar to find some help, again contacting the cult. She meets Tsuto and the rest of her new party. This takes a few month, probably till early 4707. This will also be the time when she kills that NPC I mentioned.
  • By now Xanesha has taken over the cult and finds some interest in Nualia, giving her the amulet only now (probably after finding out about her time with Erylium in a Thassilonian catacomb).
  • Nualia and her "friends" leave for Thistletop and begin their scheme on Sandpoint.

    Does this make sense? Am I missing something? Would this work?

    I'm still not sure why Xanesha has any interest in Nualia. Besides the lamias usual worship of Lamashtu. But Xanesha is working vor Karzoug now, wouldn't she try to have someone like Nualia work for her course and probably send her to Sandpoint to harvest some greedy souls, instead of Aldern later on? But I guess I can ignore that as this will probably not come up in game anyway.

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    I still have some questions regarding Nualias and Xaneshas Timeline.

    Please help me to get this straight :)

    5 Years ago the runewell was activated, Nualia miscarried her child and fell into a coma for about a month. After she woke up she burned down the temple and fled to Magnimar where she enlisted the help of the skinsaw cult to find and kill Delek, the father of her son. As I see it this took only a few weeks or month.

    At about the same time, Xanesha was enlisted by Karzoug to harvest greedy souls. I guess she went on her journey about the same time Nualia and the cult killed Delek. If another thread is to be believed, Xanesha journeyed about 3 or 4 years through Varisa until arriving in Magnimar. This would make sense, since the murders in Magnimar started about a year ago, probably just after Xanesha took over the cult.

    Now back to Nualia. The next info we have on her is, that she got the "Sihedron amulet" from the mysterious leader of the cult. That must be Xanesha, right? Or Justice Ironbriar? Why would he give her the amulet and tell her to listen to her dreams or something like that?

    Some additional information: In Eryliums background it says that Nualia arrived not long after the runewell was activated.

    So, as I see it, this doesn't add up correctly.

    Either Xanesha arrived earlier (after just a few weeks or month maybe) to give Nualia the Sihedron amulet or Nualia stayed far longer in Magnimar, raising the question what she did all that time. Alternatively Nualia got the amulet from someone else.

    So, what do you think? I know this might never come up in game, but I'd still like to find out how all of this could work out. Every idea/comment is highly appreciated!

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    I'm soon going to run RotRL and am reading this adventure now. I've got 2 questions (which are based on the AE):

    1) When did Xanesha arrive in Magnimar? I have read in another thread that she was wandering Varisia a few years and has only been in Magnimar for about a year. But I can't find anything like that in this adventure.

    2) How exactly were those people in Magnimar murdered?

    p.68 wrote:
    She began directing her new minions to "harvest" greedy souls (...). These unlucky men and women were brought back to the cult's headquarters within a lumber mill (...), where they were marked with the Sihedron Rune and then sacrificed.
    p.109 wrote:
    As the PCs explore Magnimar, they'll certainly hear rumors and news about a disturbingly familiar spate of murders plaguing the City of Monuments. Stories of merchnats (...) showing up dead - their bodies mutilated, faces missing, and chests carved with seven-pointed stars - seem to be on everyone's lips, and it seems every week brings a new victim to light.

    So? Did they move the bodys to the lumber mill? If yes, how would anyone know about the murders? Wouldn't those people just be "missing"? When did these murders start? And how many victims were there?

    I'm thinking of having a characters brother beeing murdered by the cult (as colleteral since he was a cleric) a few month prior as part of her background story, having him beeing found next to the real victim who has the rune and everything. Being unable to find any clues she trys to get out of magnimar for a while and makes a trip to Sandpoint for the festival. So she should later recognize the pattern when Skinsaw Murders begins and have a first real clue to the murderers of her brother and be able to revenge him (just to find out that all of this was just part of a greate scheme). Especially since she will probably also be the key NPC for Aldern as the most attractive female character, this should be fun I hope I can build up some major paranoia on her part, maybe having her think her brothers death was her fault in some way after reading the notes! :D