
duxfemina's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Radiant Oath

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So working with Crognus's simplified "Ruling Citadel Altaerein", I took the book stuff and his stuff and combined them to come up with this.

I used a combo of Crognus's simplified costs as representing total labor and supply costs but each activity still requires a single check related to the upgrade.

Basically, I've made Administering the Citadel more about planning the repairs and upgrades to speed the activities and organizing workers about reducing waste in labor and supply cost. So PCs will choose an activity, like "Build Infirmary". They pick one PC to do an Administer (society, crafting or recall knowledge) check. The crit success and success decrease the number of days for the activity and gives a bonus to the next organize labor roll. Failure means the activity takes the full time and crit fail increases the time it takes due to poor planning.

One PC can then Organize Labor and they recruit workers and the party's rep goes up in town for being good employers. Crit success and success reduce the cost of the activity and give a bonus to the next administer check. Failure means they pay full cost, crit failure the cost increases due to slow workers wasting materials.

So one activity gets 3 checks: Administer, Organize, and then the skill check for the activity. Crafting or Medicine for the infirmary, for example.

Anyway. let me know what y'all think and give me any corrections or feedback.

Radiant Oath

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AlastarOG wrote:
duxfemina wrote:
Hello Happy GM's. What about Voz's wand? The treasure entry for her encounter says "in addition to Voz's gear" you get her journal. She has a bonded +1 dagger. But her picture shows a cool wand as well. Did I miss something in the book about it? Did anyone give their players a cool wand or robes or something?
I didn't but I'm sure a wand of manyfold missiles 1st level wouldn't be out of place.

Unfortunately none of my players can use magic missile. I've got a primal and 2 divines. So what I think I'm doing is making Voz's wand a wand of fear and also giving her a poisoner's staff from Agents of Edgewatch. All the martial oriented players got +1 weapons so far so I need to give my casters some love. So I spent a silly amount of time editing Voz's image to put in the poisoner's staff. :)

Voz with staff

Radiant Oath

Hello Happy GM's. What about Voz's wand? The treasure entry for her encounter says "in addition to Voz's gear" you get her journal. She has a bonded +1 dagger. But her picture shows a cool wand as well. Did I miss something in the book about it? Did anyone give their players a cool wand or robes or something?

Radiant Oath

Psycoris wrote:
I have completed Hellknight Hill and the Cult of Cinders maps with a few bonus maps tossed in. They are available here:Psycoris Deviantart

Psycoris: My players of course went to Voz's bookshop early, but I was prepared with your map! They were incredibly impressed with the rugs in the bookshop to the point that they first did arcana/occult checks on them and then checked under for trapped doors and then one player decided he was going to roll them up and use them to decorate his home! :)


Radiant Oath

coyotegospel wrote:
FedoraFerret wrote:

I took my own stab at an annotated history of Breachill by Voz, although purely in text form.

** spoiler omitted **...

Inspired by FedoraFerret's great work here, I took this and turned this into something that could be shared as a physical prop. Then COVID-19 happened so I turned it into a digital handout.

My players just got to this point on Sunday and loved this.

Currently putting together some handouts for Voz's journal and research found after confronting her and can share that if anyone is interested!

Coyotegospel, this journal was a HUGE hit with my players. They were very impressed and we ended up having a player read the history text while I interjected Voz's comments. It really made for a nice addition to the session and got them all thinking about how weird the town is (I've given it full indoor plumbing, everyone stands outside at 0900 daily to hear the day's announcements, everyone keeps calling each other "good neighbor" and being excessively nice to each other, they are very creeped out).

Thanks for your hard work on this!

Radiant Oath

I also created a "notice board" landing page, using a bunch of random resources and also the "bloody blades wanted poster" someone posted in this thread. So this greeted the players coming into town for the call of heroes and is what I am using for when folks log into Foundry and we are getting assembled for a session. I'm updating it with their character pictures now that they've been officially "hired". sharing

It's GIMP file can be downloaded here: sharing and each thing is a separate layer so feel free to steal and modify for your own needs. I plan on having it change throughout the adventure.

Radiant Oath

My players have had 3 sessions so far in Age of Ashes. They have done the town hall encounter and cleared the 1st level of the citadel. I did go with the suggestion for having "last months" call of heroes adventurers be local and died under mysterious circumstances after agreeing to help the goblins clear some rubble from the lower levels. Voz is a cold-blooded killer who couldn't let them meddle down there. I also made it so the cinderclaws burst through the gate and kicked the goblins out only 3 days before the call of heroes. This has given them 3 starting quests: find and rescue the goblins, find Alak's ring and find out what happened to the kids. I went with the concept that Voz has been threatening/mind-wiping Calmont and had him killed by a mysterious arrow while on the battlements before he could say who "she" was that had the kids killed and what the "ring" was she was looking for. Anyway, all very helpful suggestions as my players are invested in solving a murder and clearing out the lower levels to figure out what chased the goblins out and to get Alak's ring.

So of course they want to go confront Voz before returning to the citadel next but will find her gone.

Anyway, one of my players made himself a barfly who hangs out in the Pickeled Ear until Roxie boots him out each night and the other made himself her cook. So I figure I need to make the Pickled Ear maps. So since y'all have given so much to me as a GM, I figured I'd share. Caveat though, first time using dungeon draft and such so pretty basic maps, but someone may find them useful. I've got the png files and dungeon draft files here for anyone to use and make better: p=sharing

Oh and I picked through the various official book list on the pathfinder wiki and selected a bunch Voz would have in her shop. There's a text file with this list also in the folder. She's also going to have an alchemy 101 book in the shop with a fake but deadly formula for a love potion and also will have some basic necromancy books to get them thinking she's an evil necro. . . .

Radiant Oath

So I'm starting Age of Ashes this weekend with 5 players. I have one player who wants to play a retired hellknight, old and out of shape and bitter about some atrocities he engaged in as a Hellknight. This PC will get lured back "into the game" because one of the other players is a cleric of Asmodeus with his sights set on becoming a Hellknight. They came up with this on their own with just the players guide for reference and I want to encourage them. They are interested in the dynamic of someone who maybe regrets being a Hellknight trying to keep another from making the same mistakes while the other is looking to see his young faith challenged by real life events and choices. This is great stuff, but leads to me wondering about changing some things:

1. eliminate Alak entirely
2. Make Alak older and a Signifier who is injured someway so he can't help them with clearing the citadel, but should they befriend him he can a. be encouraging to the cleric due to his positive love for the Hellknights and b. be able to actually run the Test so the cleric can become an Armiger during the campaign and they can found their own little Hellknight order outpost as a group together.

Any suggestions/thoughts? Also, do Signifiers also wear the same armor or something else? I know they get masks?

Radiant Oath

This thread is priceless with all the great content. Has anyone made a map of Monument Circle in Breachill? I was planning on having my players interact with townsfolk there before the call of heroes when we start up this adventure. I'm using foundry and loving it.

We can, of course theater of the mind, of course.