dungeonmaster1967's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hello. I am in the Memphis, TN area and am seeking players for my current PF game. I am having difficulty finding lists though. Any help?

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Lessee...the Mind Flayer (aka Illithid) is an original work of WoTC, I mean TSR, uh, I mean HP Lovercraft, uh I mean Japanese folklore. I, too, went looking for the Mind Flayer in my newly acquired copy of the Beastiary only to find it wasn't there. I immediately assumed it was due to IP infringement rules. OF COURSE I have created my own version. After 31 years of gaming as a die-hard D&D RPGer, I have made the switch to PF and have not looked back, nor will I. 'D&D' is dead. WoTC killed it. Nuff said.

I may post my version here if anyone would be interested. I have stuck as true as possible to the original, but changed a few things (non-psionic for one as I have yet to see anything from PF regarding psionics). I must say, this version of the Mind Flayer is scary dangerous compared to the WoTC version.