Lion Blade

drennier's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

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Natan Linggod 972 wrote:

LG monk(martial artist)/bard(detective) with a bat theme.


More than anyone, ol' Batman exemplifies the the ambiguity of the alignment system.

Sovereign Court

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Tagion wrote:
Charisma represents your character force of personality and ability to lead others as well as looks. You can have a charisma of 6 and still have be cleanly shaved , smell good and be beautiful.

This can and has stirred up much debated. Mostly because the word "appearance" is used in the Charisma description. (At least on srd, not next to a CR right now.)

But, I would add that when a character receives stat damage, it only matters in increments of 2. Meaning a stat of 16 getting a penalty of -1 doesn't do anything. Most people think it modifies the stat direct, but in actuality, its just that every 2 damage gives a -1 to all things related to that stat. I see people miss that all the time. Including my group, regularly. The same is true for stat penalties.