doombotmecha's page

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Capital Ships

Battleship Condescension (Homestuck) Link

The Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer (SW Legends Verse) Link

Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren (Gurren Lagann) Link

Mid-Size Ships
Pretty much any PC ship from Starbound but the Floran one is cool imo because its jury-rigged, the Glitch get a flying castle, and Novakid fly the Hype Train Link

Starlord's ship from Guardians of the Galaxy

Most of my favorites have been stated here already, but the SW literature has some great ones. Also, I'd count spaceworthy Mecha here.

What about Far Thrower Monk?
you get to flurry ranged weapons, and you get access to weapons whose quality approaches longbows.

the main problem is that you're MAD as all getout. mostly because neither of your two secondary stats contribute to saves.

The only advantage of MoM is not needing knowledge skills to qualify.
but Time THIEF gets nearly as many ranks as the rogue

I've seen a build (never played it) that focuses around weapon focus (whip or net) and then using cha, str, and display feats to disable and debuff opponents round after round, in a reasonable area.
nets force concetration checks on casters, prevent charging, and generally keep the other guys nearby.
stat order is cha>str>other stuff>wis