Prince Kasiya

djilas33's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists.

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Nooo!! What is going to happen to Ustalav? :(

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James Jacobs wrote:
Milan Djilas wrote:

Hello, everyone. Does anyone know something about a creature that looks like a bunch of Redcaps and Quicklings stiched together (fey, not construct or undead).

If I remember correctly, there was a mention in Know direction podcast that the art was ordered not long ago, so I hope to see the creature here.
Can anyone confirm it? Mr Jacobs, pls? :) Thanks.
No such thing in this book; I suspect you're recalling a podcast Crystal and some others did for Ironfang Invasion, and that said monster might be showing up in some point during that adventure path... not as a new monster in the bestiary, but as a variant creature in an encounter.

Yes, that's the one I recall. Great podcast episode. Sounds like a great idea for a creature, so I'm looking forward to see it in Ironfang invasion. Thank you for the quick reply, James.

Dragon78, I agree - "fused" does sound more appropriate for a fey than "stiched" (also more scary). Seems like I have to improve my vocabulary. :))

Greetings from Serbia.

Ps. Wayne, that cover is amazing!