dj2's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I can pull the whole PRD down with wget. I'd just prefer if there was a single zip file. It would take less bandwidth to transfer then grabbing pages individually. Would also make life easier.

HTML5 storage isn't want I want as I want to parse the files.

Would it be possible to have a zip or tar archive of the whole PRD added to the site? Would make it a lot easier for offline usage (and less bandwidth then pulling all the HTML pages).

A little outside of the PRD site itself, has there been any consideration of creating either a PRD API, so people could query for PRD data from other applications, or a more machine friendly representation of the PRD so it could be downloaded and processed by peoples tools?

Scraping the HTML is possible, but it's also a real pain when attempting to identify rules, headers, titles and such.