Lord Soth

ditch2099's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I did receive the Hangmans Noose Mod. U2 but unfortunatly I subscribe so I had to pay for it. Its well worth it!!

Stegger wrote:
ditch2099 wrote:
so since I new to this conversation is it a fact that Pathfinder #7 is a new start (first lvl character) or does it continue on from PF #6. I have not finished reading PF#4 yet. ok I'm slow.
Yes, it is an all new adventure path, starting at lvl 1 and scheduled to go through to... 17th or 18th level as far as I remember.

Thank you. I may have to put together a new group to play with now.

so since I new to this conversation is it a fact that Pathfinder #7 is a new start (first lvl character) or does it continue on from PF #6. I have not finished reading PF#4 yet. ok I'm slow.