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Hello Guys,

If it was me and I was attempting to shorten the Adventure Path I would stop at Lords of Oblivion. I think Orbius is the real arch villain of the campaign and the plot would not seem to be completed unless their was some resolution to his influence.

If you were only to choose 5 adventures I would make it -

1) Life's Bazaar - introduces adventure & Orbius
2) Flood Season
3) Demonskar Legacy (Demonskar Ball - biased here ;))
4) Secrets of the Soul Pillars
5) Lords of Oblivion/Foundation of Fire/Thirteen Cages -

I would not bother with Drakthar's Way (even though it is a good adventure) because it offers nothing to the story. 'Zenith Trajectory' and 'Test of the Smoking Eye' follow the Adimarchus/madness plot thread so unless you modify these adventures to link with the Vlauntru/Orbius theme somehow.

I would modify the 'Secrets of the Soul Pillars' to link back to Orbius obsession in finding clues to opening gates into the realm of Canceri.

With Lords of Oblivion, instead of having Orbius completing unholy rituals under his manor, I would fast forward and have this as the location of the Tree of Souls and the final conclusion to the Adventure Path.

I would use the beginning of Lords of Oblivion, then choice encounters from Foundation of Fire and then lead the players to Orbius house where he is has the Tree Of Shackled Souls beneath. Throw in a few allies and end with the dramatic battle between Orbius and the party.

To be honest this is probably what should have happened and the whole Adimarchus last third of the path removed. This was always a big bugbear of mine and the reason I decided to make the modifications/foreshadowing to try and make the last portions of the path more relevant and linked to the earlier parts.

Imo Orbius Vlauntru should have been the ultimate villain of the SCAP.



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I'm not sure this is what you have but here is what I have found. If you have any suggestions to improve it please let me know -

Nidrama - Adimarchus’ Lost Love
When the party learn about Nidrama from hearing the mad rambling dreams of Adimarchus when their party member sleeps, they may attempt to seek her out. If they use magical means, Nidrama is revealed to be imprisoned by Alurid somewhere in the Haunted Village.
To free Nidrama the party would need to track down the last two Cagewrights they did not face during Thirteen Cages – Alurid and Embril –as part of a side trek into the Haunted Village and beneath the village lakes dark surface to find them in the Kopru Necropolis.

The Haunted Village

Event One
Travelling to the shadowy ruins of the Haunted Village and searching for the magically hidden Embril. Alurid ambushes them with any surviving ‘undead villains’ from the path such as Mhad the vampire and/or the Necroaunts or failing this, with some flesh golems of his own creation. The party discover that Embril has taken Nidrama beneath the lakes surface and into the Kopru Necropolis.

Event Two
Descending into the lake the party see the alien appearing Kopru Necropolis resting in its murky depths. A wave of powerful Kopru ghosts appears around the party and attack.

Event Three
As they enter the ruins the party find a great temple alit with green ghostly light at its zenith. When they enter the temple they are assaulted by visions of Adimarchus’ madness and continue to grow in strength as they move towards the temples heart. (Will DC 15 + 1 for every ten feet closer to altar, for a maximum of DC 25 or be confused as per the spell for 1d4 rounds)

Event Four
In the temple corridors the party are assaulted by two sets of guardians –Two Darkwalkers and, as they approach the air-filled inner chamber, 3 Demodands.

Event Five -
Temple of Adimarchus, depicting Adimarchus more as a ‘fish-like/Kopru’ creature. Embril and the Spellweaver (as per same encounter found in Ruins of Shatterhorn) with the following exceptions.

- Embril and Nidrama lie next to each other in tranquil sleep. Standing over them is a Spellweaver who has weaved a dome of silvery web which glitters like a myrad of stars. Held in one of his hands is a strange device in which the Spellweaver continues spins and twirls, weaving ribbons of the stars around the sleeping figures.

Any items which move into the curtain/dome of stars disappear. Stepping into the dome casts the character into the Realm of Dreams.

When the party step through the gate they float in a great glittering violet and sliver haze 'sky'. Sparkling clusters of dreams float through the landscape like clouds. Looking deeper into the haze they find great black and red rivers slowly reaching out from a great lake of darkness (Dreamheart).

Embril has summoned 'Nightmare Creatures' (any ideas) to immediately attack any creatures stepping through the gate. Once the party desposed of the fiends, they can see two faint figures flying down one of the 'rivers' towards the inky heart of the Realm. The party can see the inky fingers of madness washing over countless dreams and into countless creature’s minds.

Willing themselves forward the party find they can 'fly' (Movement equals one foot per point of intelligence). The party attempt to catch the party but are again attacked by summoned fiends. This time Embril has relized the risk and returns to face the party leaving a bound Nidrama to continue to flow down the river towards the heart. The party have 6 rounds to rescue Nidrama who is 100 feet away from the party at the beginning of the encounter.

Once Embril is defeated and Nidrama saved, the party can return through the gate and emerge within the dome. The party can then attack the Spellweaver who immediately stops 'dream weaving' and attacks.

After they rescue Nidrama and take her from the Haunted Village, Nidrama asks for them to find rest. As they sleep Nidrama shares with them the final dream where Adimarchus commits the crime which is responsible for him being expelled from heaven and being torn from Nidrama.

As a side note

Embril captured Nidrama in an effort to finally destroy Adimarchus’ mind and therefore releasing his Inner Demon to fully control the angels body, effectively transforming Adimarchus into the demon mind and body.

Embril attempts to ‘find’ Adimarchus and show the angel his love before she kills Nidrama in front of him and destroys his mind altogether. Embril is unaware that she can not enter Adimarchus’ nightmares from the temple.

The party can not enter Adimarchus' Nightmare Realm in this way. Anything appraoching the heart of his Insanity is consumed in this manner. The only way to enter his dreams is to use the Dream Catcher while in his direct presence.

The party can claim the Spellweaver’s Dream Catcher to ‘Dream Travel’ 1/day, as per the Manual of the Planes spell. Only passing into the dream world in Adimarchus presence and through Adimarchus’ mind (while directly looking at the fallen angel) can the party hope to enter his nightmares and free him from his Inner Demon.

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TOZ wrote:
He lives! :D

Yes been a while but intend to haunt this board more regularly now as we build up to the end of the campaign. I can't even tell you how long I have been Dming this path for now....

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Skies Treasury (Chapter One)

Inventory & Prices

+1 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp
+1 chainmail 1,300 gp 1,170 gp
+1 dagger (Small) 2,302 gp 2,072 gp
+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp
+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp
+1 leather armor (2 1,160 gp each 1,044 gp each
available; one Small)
+1 light mace (Small) 2,305 gp 2,075 gp
+1 longsword (2 avail- 2,315 gp each 2,084 gp each
able; one Small)
+1 scimitar 2,315 gp 2,084 gp
+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp
Arcane scroll of flame arrow 375 gp 338 gp
Arcane scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp
Arcane scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp
Arcane scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp
Bag of holding (Type 1) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp each 900 gp each
(2 available)
Divine scroll of dispel magic 375 gp 338 gp
Divine scroll of lesser 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp
Divine scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of speak 375 gp 338 gp
with dead
Golembane scarab (flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp
Heward’s handy haversack 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Potion of cure light 50 gp each 45 gp each
wounds (8 available)
Potion of cure moderate 300 gp each 270 gp each
wounds (3 available)
Potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp
Potion of owl’s wisdom 300 gp 270 gp
Ring of feather falling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp
Ring of protection +1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp
Sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp
Wand of cure light 375 gp 338 gp
wounds (25 charges)
Wand of cure moderate 1,980 gp 1782 gp
wounds (22 charges)
Wand of Melf’s acid arrow 900 gp 810 gp
(10 charges)

Descriptions & Stories

+1 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp

Description: Armour crafted with alternate bands of silver and gold, etched with depictions of majestic eagles. Along the arms of the armour are gold wings while the gauntlets are crafted, and fingertip slightly pointed, to resemble birds talons. The full-face helm is toped with a golden eagle poised to take to the air.

Story: Skie – ‘I’ve had this beautiful armour for years and have grown quiet attached to it. A few guards have inquired about it but I turned them away. Armour like this deserves to be worn by a hero, not a common soldier… ‘

Side Note : Skie purchased the armour years ago when the Hatil noble family were executed for treason and their estate was divided up. The armour was sold to Skie for a fraction of its worth but since that time she has found it extremely difficult to sell it. The truth is that most of Cauldron locals know of the items past and are reluctant to buy the banded mail in fear of getting bad luck themselves or worse still – have the Hatil Family ghosts come back to get it from them….

+1 dagger (Small) 2,302 gp 2,072 gp

Description: A small stiletto bladed dagger with a deadly sharp tip and a crescent shaped crossbar. The hilt is bound with black, soft leather and the base embedded with a small emerald.

Story: A member of the Last Laugh claimed this dagger in a duel with a group of Alleybashers who attempted to ambush her on a rooftop. She was able to duck, weave and tumble past their series of awkward attacks before taking them down with a flurry of pinpoint strikes. A dark gnome offered the blade in exchange of his life. The Last Laugh assassin took both.

+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp

Description: Heavy, curved dagger with a razor-sharp edge made of glittering mithril on the inside of the curve. Soft black leather is wound around the handle with a pattern of white linked hands imprinted into the leather.

Story: Skie – I purchased this exotic beauty for my more discerning, worldly customers. It takes a masterful fighter to wield such a blade, one versed in abilities and skills rarely seen in these parts. A different breed of warrior is exactly what we all hope for in our little city and this blade would make the perfect tool for just such a hero…

+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp

Description: A large rectangular shield blanketed with small spikes.
Story: This shield has been in Skie’s possession for years. Sold to her from an adventuring band that has since left for Sassarine (Vhalantru). As far as she can recollect, Skie remembers the shield was once owned by a crazed half orc mercenary that was struck down in a bar brawl by none other than young Sylar Krewis. Skylar had been forced to kill the man when negotiations turned sour and the mercenary struck down two of his team.

+1 leather armour (medium) (1,160 gp each 1,044 gp each)

+1 leather armour (small)

Description: Stone grey coloured with a symbol of a black rearing horse carved into its chest and on each shoulder.

Story: Skie – This mystic armour was found by a farmer who chanced upon a halfling lying dead by the road with not a mark upon him wearing the treasure. The farmer swore he saw a strange ghostly fish like humanoid floating away from the corpse at the time but the old fellow is know for his theatrics so take the story with a grain of salt. But on the other hand he did say he found it not 20 miles from what we know in these parts as the Haunted Village…so who knows.
What I can be sure of is the strength and craftsmanship of this fine armour. Just make sure you avoid ghosts cause even magical armour isn’t going to protect you from them!

+1 light mace (Small) 2,305 gp 2,075 gp

Description: Spiked diamond-shaped head sits upon a short silver shaft. The maces head is gold coloured contrasting with the weapon handle and grip. The base of the weapon depicts a smiling halflings visage and a horn. Etched along the silver shaft in a flowing hand is something written in halfling. The shaft and head of the mace seem strangely mismatched.

Story: Skie –‘Just another one of Maavus wares so not much of a story with this one. Perfect size in my opinion. I had the writing translated. It reads –
‘ Strength in Life, Faith in Mirth,’
Lovely don’t you think?

Strange thing with this weapon is that only the shaft is magical, almost as if the head and handle were put together later and don’t really belong together. Maybe its part of a much more powerful weapon, who knows? I would be keen to purchase the weapon on promise alone, let alone the fact that it is a powerful mace in its own right. All it needs is a wielder with the right potential and stature…

Side Note: The shaft is one half of a powerful weapon known as ‘Last Rite’ - a Mace of Disruption created by the church of Yondalla. A lich from the Haunted Village region defeated its previous owner and attempted to destroy the weapon but only succeeded in dividing the weapon into two parts. He then had his followers disperse the head and shaft to different ends of the land, believing this would ensure he would never come in contact with the item again.

The head of the weapon has the second half of the poem –
‘Peace in Death, Promise in Birth.’
Bringing the two parts of the weapon to a skilled weapon smith will reform the weapon. Skie can direct the party to such a smith if need be.

DMs Note: The head can be found in any number of locations preferably as part of an existing weapon perhaps wielded by one of the villains such as Ike. While Triel is probably an ideal owner for the ‘head’ of the mace I recommend discovering the item later in the Path due to the power level of the weapon.

Small Longsword +1

Description: Dark iron blade with an ivory hilt carved to resemble a Zorn with outstretched arms creating a cross guard and with the blade emerging from the zorns 'mouth'.

Story: Skie - ' I was sold this remarkable blade from Cauldron own heroes known as the Stormblades. Have you heard of them? After battling through the deadly catacombs beneath the city and slaying countless yapping bloodthirsty kobolds they faced off against the leader of the tribe - a monstrous kobold with red scales and long horns. After yipping a command at its bodyguards the leader drew its gleaming blade and attacked.

During the ensuring combat one of the Stormblades, the fiery redhead, slapped the devilish leaders blade from its grasp and with one quick motion caught the blade in her off hand and trust it into the astonish creatures heart.
This is that very blade.

+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp

Description: Long thick black length of chain with wicked curved spikes permanently stained with blood. Red worm-like symbols squirm around each link endlessly, quickening and glowing when the weapon is wielded.

Story: A strange stooped figure shambled into my shop one rain swept evening, cloaked in a heavy hooded robe and dragging one leg behind it. In a raspy voice the figure asked for the owner of the shop and I quickly blurted out that I was the one he sought. The figure slowly drew something out from beneath its robes which rattled and clinked disconcertingly, and then held the item high. The act reminded me of a tyrannical general triumphantly holding aloft a defeated victims head to his bloodthirsty army. The image sent a chill right through me.

The object dangled down and swayed like a serpent. Lowering the chain onto the counter, the figure said it had heard I enjoyed hearing stories of the objects I purchased. I replied that this was true and, with a cruel smile, the figure began to describe the hundreds of cruel deaths the chain had inflicted upon creatures in the past.

He recalled with glee and delight how it had ripped people apart, how it had teared away their flesh, how it had dismembered and disfigured. With each story the figure became more animated and more excited but I couldn’t muster the will to stop him. He sickened and frightened me.

But for all my contempt I could see a profit to be had and offered the figure a pouch of gems for the weapon. Smiling with an overcrowded mouthful of rotting sharpened teeth, the figure snatched up the pouch and slipped from the shop and back into the rain.

This is not a weapon of grace or honour, but it is definitely a weapon of terror and death. I fear to say, but I believe it is a weapon that will have a place in Cauldron future too. What that role will be is only for the gods and heroes such as you to unravel…

Side Note: This weapon and will disappear at the end of Chapter 2 if it is not bought before this time. An Alleybasher will purchase the weapon and, sneaking a peak out the window and onto the rain blanketed street, Skie will see the rogue fearfully hand it over to a black armoured red head outside. This is Triel who will give the weapon as a gift to Takilar, the undead gnoll Ebon Triad leader from Chapter 3.

Due to this purchase, it is very likely the party come in to contact with the weapon during the next chapter and see it used to full, terrifying and brutal, effect.

Arcane scroll of flame arrow 375 gp 338 gp
Arcane scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp
Arcane scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp

Description: These three scrolls have been scribed on the same parchment. All of them bear a wax seal, stamped with a sigil depicting a mountain crested by a sun and stars. One of the scrolls (levitate) has a circular hole on its edge, barely touching the arcane writing.

Story : I bought these three scrolls off young sir Splintershield, before he became the master of the Malachite Hold. Says he found them in a grotto beyond his ancestral home, deep within the mountain. They were in a small frayed sack buried under a caved-in section. Sir Splintershield told me he found the grotto in a most peculiar state. Sections of the wall apparently melted away, unnatural cave-ins everywhere, as if it was the site of a great battle. He never did find out what exactly happened there, though...

Side Note: The scroll of levitate is slightly damaged. It has a 10 percent arcane spell failure chance. The scrolls where scribed by the wizard member of a band of adventurers named the Wayscouts. The adventurers were one of the first to be ambushed by Vhalantru. Vhalantru made liberal use of his disintegrate eye-ray in that battle and hit the wizard as he was digging out a scroll. Vhalantru cleared out the cavern after that, but missed the three scrolls. One of the statues in Vhalantru's manor may bear a sigil on his gear identical to that on the scrolls.

Arcane scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp

Cloak of Resistance +1 (red) 1,000 gp each 900 gp each

Description: Long deep ember coloured with a myriad of white symbols covering it. A white thin roper tie encircles the neck with both ends finishing in a white pearl.

Story: Skie – A wandering wizard, in exchange for quick cash, sold this magical wonder to me. He claimed to have secreted it from right out of Hookface’s overflowing horde as the massive red dragon slept. I was a bit sceptical myself until he produced a red shield sized scale to verify his claim. Dragon or not the cloak symbols sometimes glow with power. I believe this cloak hold more magic than it has initially revealed. Perhaps all it needs is the right owner…

Cloak of resistance +1 (blue) 1,000 gp each 900 gp each

Description: Just over waist length, twilight blue with white wolf fur lining and silver clasp resembling a wolf.

Story: The gallant Alek Tervical sold this beautiful prize to me. He told me he took it from an orcish shaman in the jungles to the north. The shaman had gifted the item to Alek after he rescued his familiar from a pair of trolls wandering the region.

Divine scroll of dispel magic 375 gp 338 gp
Divine scroll of lesser Restoration 150 gp 135 gp

Divine scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp
Divine scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of speak with dead 375 gp 338 gp

Description: Large ash coloured parchments rolled and sealed with a red wax seal stamped with the symbol of death and magic. At the head of each opened scroll is the glaring symbol of Wee Jas that seems to follow the reader’s eyes wherever he moves. The writing is a red spidery script which glows and disappears once read.

Story: Skie – ‘Not much of a story here I’m afraid. I commissioned these scrolls from the Church of Wee Jas and had to pay through my ears to do so. But not to worry they are all in mint condition, never been opened in fact, were created by Ike Iverson and most importantly to you I won’t be passing on the high prices I payed to get them!

Side Note: Hastily penned in one corner of the Raise Dead scroll is a small note
The three shifted to Plain of Cysts. Contact Velior.
Ike hurriedly wrote down this message as he began preparing to create the scroll when Embril sent him an unexpected Sending. He later overlooked the small scribble used the parchment to create the scroll and then sell it not realizing his mistake. The message refers to the three Pelor clerics who were killed and then Plane Shifted to the Plain of Cysts in Ocipitus by Embril. Velior is one of the Last Laugh Jesters. The rest of the sending was written on another parchment and destroyed later by Ike.

Golembane scarab (flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp

Description: Black, beetle shaped pin with pearl eyes and white tipped legs. The white underside is warm, soft and distinctly flesh-like to the touch.
When the user activates the scarabs detect ability, the beetles eyes change from white to black the closer a golem approaches. Similarly, when the scarab is used to bypass a golems damage reduction, the beetles legs begin to scurry as if it is attempting to attack the golem itself.

Story: This little fellow was part of a collection commissioned by a group known as the Tomb Rats who recently sold of all their adventuring possessions in Sasserine. The recently retired party were famous for researching, locating, exploring and plundering ancient tombs, cities, cairns and pyramids in the region.

After undead, undoubtedly the most numerous and dangerous guardians they combated in these ruins were golems. To better prepare themselves for such encounters, the group had a collection of scarabs created, each attuned to a different type.

This one was specifically designed to combat the terrifying, zombie-like golems made of corpses body parts - flesh golems. Horrific to see they are even more horrific to battle. Few live to see the other side of combat with such shambling nightmares.

That is of course, unless you have a secret weapon such as this on your side….

Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp

Description: Floppy leather artist hat adorned with a blue peacock feather.

Story: Skie –‘ Would you believe Lord Vhalantru himself sold this amazing hat to me. Just strolled in one day and told me an adventuring group gave him the item as a parting gift before descending beneath the city and then never returning. I remember cheekily asking him why he did not use the item himself and after an few uncomfortably seconds of silence he mentioned something about being out of fashion and too small for his head. I never thought he had a big head but incredibly hat none the less. Just between you and me I’ve even used it myself a few times when I’ve seen the tax man coming my way or worse still – an annoying family member on their way to visit…’

Heward’s Handy Haversack

Description: This backpack is made of fine red leather and bears an eight-pointed star symbol on the left strap.

Story: Skie - 'A few years back, a spry young man passing through Cauldron came by to purchase a scroll, which I happily sold to him. I sensed that he was looking for something else, though. As he spoke, his eyes wandered over many of the items I had on display. I thought I saw his eyes glimmer when he spotted something, but I'll never know what it was. When I came in to open the office the next morning, I found him dead in front of one of my display cases. The town guard, at the suggestion of Lord Vhalantru, granted me possession of his items.'

If asked about the eight-pointed star symbol, Skie replies 'I tried researching that symbol, but it doesn't seem to mean anything in particular. At least, not in these parts...'

If asked what the young man wanted to purchase, Skie answers 'I don't think I'll ever know. The display case I found him at is where I place my rings. But I thoroughly checked them, and they held no special properties other than what they were intended to hold.'

If asked how the man died, Skie says with a twinkle in her eye, 'Well, it's a dangerous business, sneaking into shops at night."

DM’s Notes: Maavu purchases this item during Chapter Two if not already purchased previously.

Potion of cure light 50 gp each 45 gp each
wounds (8 available)
Potion of cure moderate 300 gp each 270 gp each
wounds (3 available)
Potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp

Ring of feather falling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp

Description: Gold ban moulded to resemble tiny overlapping stylised feathers.

Story: Skie –‘Strangest thing, this ring came into my possession in the most peculiar and mysterious of ways. I came to work one morning and there it was silently sitting on this very counter with a small note lying by its side. The note itself was dusty and cracked with age as if it had been resting undisturbed there for centuries. Written upon the parchment in a broad hand was a simple message faded with time – ‘Pillars of Lore, City of cages, Circle of feathers, Key of pages…’

‘Never did find out what the message meant nor how the ring or message was left in my shop’ adding more to herself than any who listen she whispers ‘particularly with all the traps and guardians I have guarding my wares.’ Remembering herself Skie winks at the adventures and states – ‘I suspect this little ring is more valuable than it seems but I’ll still be happy to part with it for a pouch of gold or jewels to the right buyer…’

Side Note: The underside of the ring has been cut or marked with a small series of indentations. These ‘cuts’ form an uneven pattern. This item is a key to Fetors (or any other of the Cagewrights, of your choice, spell, diary or lore book). Placing it into the circular indentation upon the cover of the tome, unlocks the book and secrets within.

Ring of protection +1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp

Description: A thick steel band crafted to resemble a snake curled around on itself and biting into its own tail. The snake’s eyes are small red gems.

Story: A captain of a troop of Sassarine soldiers sold this delicate marvel to me some years back after retrieving it from the jungles west of the mountains. The captain took the ring from a creature he described as part man part snake and said he had lost half his men to the ambush the creature had led.

The captain recounted how from the trees and ground itself swarms of tiny and giant snakes set upon his patrol and if it was not for the fire obsessed war wizard he had accompanying the troop, the rest of them would not have survived.

Rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp

Description: Silken black rope with a blue pattern of a vine climbing and weaving its way up the item

Story: Skie – ‘One of the many marvellous items sold to me by Maarvu the magical merchant from this city. I believe he told me he purchased this item from Sasserine but told me little else about the rope. I have tested it out myself though and I was able to scale my shop as easily as climbing stairs. An amazing item indeed.’

Sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp

Description: Midnight blue feathers, white shaft and tipped with a rounded, sandstone blunt tip. A trail of glittering sand marks the arrows flight when fired.

Story: Skie –‘I’ve had these arrows only a short time. They were sold to me by a academic and wizard from the BlueCrater Academy. They are a new type of magical weapon. A far more civilised method of combat I suggest using these arrows. The battles could be won without a drop of blood spilled. If you want more I’m sure I can get them for you.

Wand of cure moderate 1,980 gp 1782 gp
wounds (22 charges)

Description: A 2’ long ivory wand carved with winding golden pattern of tiny clasping hands.

Story: Not much of a story with this item I’m afraid. Sarcem, the High Cleric of St Cuthbert, created the item and kindly granted it to me after a fairly hefty ‘donation’ to the church on my behalf. Very kind and powerful man Sarcem, and not a bad negotiator either. I found myself being far more ‘charitable’ with my gold to gain the wand than I would ever had been here inside this shop. Something to do with being inside a church I’d imagine.

In any event this wand will save you more than money during battle. It may save your life as well.

Wand of Melf’s acid arrow 900 gp 810 gp
(10 charges)

Description: Clear, thin, crystal 2’ in length that appears to be half full with yellow bubbling liquid.

Story: Another of Alek’s treasure is the deadly wand called – Molten. It was taken from a venerable, reclusive ogre mage who lived in the Cauldron Environs, west of city, in the jungles close to Redforge.
Alek servery burned his arm, leg and lost his metal shield to the ogre and the wand when the stooped giant raised its item and, laughing with delight, sprayed the paladin with yellow sickly acid. Alek managed to cast aside his smoking shield and strike out at the Ogre, severing the creature’s arm holding the wand with the blow.
Alek dragged himself towards the prone giant and watched in surprise as the creature’s arm began to grow back before his eyes and it began to cast a fearful incantation at the injured knight. Before it could complete the spell Alek mustered his strength and drove his blade deep into the monsters chest, killing the evil giant and claiming the ancient horde including this prized wand of acid.

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Werecorpse wrote:
Sorry for being off topic but can someone tell me where the old RPG genius stuff posted by Delevesdeep is now located?- Is it all in one spot anymore?

G'day Werecorpse - I find the site nib has put together excellent expect there are documents that I have included over the years that I can't find or that have not been credited for so if you were looking for things that I had written you wouldn't find it.

Some of these things are -

1.Skie's Treasury
2.Cauldrons Coins
3.The Cauldron Aquirers
4.Foreshadowing Documents
5.Knights Chivlar
7.Alternative Adimarchus and the Cagewrights
8.Invasion of Regorge
9.Demonskar Ball
10.Last Laugh Guildhouse ideas

If you want any of these please let me know which ones and I'll either post them up here or forward them directly on to you.


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Sounds like an interesting senerio.

Have you thought about another possibility...make them BOTH recieve the Smoking Eye! Kourophan (sp?) had effectively murdered the paladin so fufilled the requirements but the fighter was awarded his life and the smoking eye to stop the demon from claiming the plane and therefore dooming Adimarchus in the process.

This would make for a tremendous rivalry between the two and allow you to motivate the players in seeking to thwart his future plans.

Kauraphan (sp?) could immediately attempt to use the Eye's Powers to attack the party, such as controlling one of the phlasms, until the fighter 'returns' and causes the demon to teleport away in horror/shock etc.

You could even then have the demon join the Cagewrights.

Hope this helps


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Finally I am almost finished the Invasion of Redgorge Adventure. I understand that many other people have created their own versions of the event including the original innovator - Chef Slaad.

I plan on posting my version of the adventure up in parts on this messageboard to get peoples feedback, advice and general help on making the adventure run smoothly for my game (and anyone elses game who wishes to use it in the future). I am beginning this adventure for my party next session which will probably be in the next couple of weeks, so the more help I get before this date the better!

I don't have any maps draw up for the adventure besides the two 'offical' maps included in the Hard Cover of the town of Redgorge and the Hall of Carvings so if anyone has a flair for such things (I definately don't :( ) and the interest and time to help with this, that would be fantastic.

Well here is my version of the Redgorge Seige.

Hope you enjoy it.


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Fang wrote:
Dedekind wrote:
When the PCs defeat Vhalantru , they uncover his desk and all his research on the Cagewrights, giving them a +10 bonus on research related to the Cagewrights.

That's another good idea.

I'm leaning towards doing at least some of the replacements as Delvesdeep suggests, but one of my main concerns--apart from it being a lot of work ;)-is that knowing my group, the minute they get a name, they're going to be howling for blood. I foresee all the Cagewrights dead in their tracks long before the end of the AP if I make them too obvious.
I've played with these guys for the past seven years (though not as DM), and one of the group's major problems is that they don't back down. Ever. And I'd hate to have to kill them all off...


Dedekind's idea definitely has merit, whether you use my structure or the original number of Cagewrights.

In terms of workload I plan on posting a document on everything written here on RPGenius once we have finished discussing all the intricaties.

At the moment though there is little changes you will have to make. I'll include a few Foreshadowing ideas below.

In regards to your over suspicious, eager and bloodthirty party. If a few Master Cagewrights get killed before they are 'supposed to' then I can't see any harm. If they are smart enough to see through lies and disguises then they should be rewarded with the evil villians death.

But if they bite off more than they can chew...then the same is try the other way. As Koramado stated, it would be a good lesson to not take on every NPC they disagree with or who upsets their sensabilities.

The death may cause an uproar initially and a lot of tantrum throwing, but it will give the message to them from that point on that you will not protect them and if they upset the wrong person then they will have to pay the consequences.

If you are really nice just have a true resurrection scroll in their possession at the time or make readily available. Either way the point will be made and they may be more agreeable to NPCs in the future ;).

Here are a few foreshadowing ideas you may choose to employ sooner rather than later whether you use the smaller cagewrights numbers I have wriiten up above or the original version.

Hope the ideas help.


The below Cagewrights are not foreshadowed in the SCAP at the moment so hear are a few ideas to make the them more memorable to the party.

Khyron Bonesworn (Apprentice) & Alurad Sorizan (Master)

Khyron is the clerical leader of the Necrocants and apprentice to Aluizid the Blackguard slayer of adventurers.

Possible Foreshadowing for these villains could involve –

Chapter 4 or earlier
The party here from a reliable source (possibly Meerthan) that a group of adventurers known as the Red Riders were ambushed on the road to Cauldron by a group known as the Necrocants. The Necrocants were lead by a handsome man with yellow eyes who wielded a skull caped mace and a shield adorned with a white skull. Only one member of the Red Riders survived the attack.

Chapter 5
At the beginning of Chapter 5 the ‘Strider’ of the party is contacted by Meerthan, urgently summoning them to the Drowning Morkoth. When they arrive Meerthan is prepared and quickly tells them that Fario, Fallian and Shensen were ambushed by the Necrotaunts are hiding in the jungles a few miles from the Lucky Monkey.

Meerthan teleports them to the Striders and find Fallian unconscious and the other two badly injured and out of spells. Within a few rounds the Necrotaunts find the party and Striders and attack.

The Necrocants are Khyron (see HC write up), Ranita (8th level Wizard/Necromancer), Malruin (6th level human ghost rogue), Sir Hellin (Swordwraith) & Dralan (Frost Giant Mummy).

Khyron retreats after things start to turn against his group and Meerthan commands the party and Striders to let him go hoping to magically trail him back to his Cagewright Master.

Later the same day Meerthan asks the party to come to the Drowning Morkoth to help him scry for Khyron and to try and remember everything they see in case his scrying is discovered and what they see is the only clues they have to locating the Master Cagewright and the other Masters.

Meerthan produces a large ornate silver mirror and begins to chant. The reflection begins to waver like a pond disturbed by a stone before the image becomes clearer and the party find themselves looking at a the ruins of a dark temple.

A figure clad in spiked armour climbs the stair of the temple which is easily recognizable as Khyron. The dark cleric walks through the shadow filled hallway, his footsteps echoing off the ancient walls before approaching the dimly lit altar.

Stooped over the altar with his back to Khyron, is a man wearing a cloak made of human skin covering his shadowy full plate armour. Shaggy black hair protrudes from his scalp and a great bloodied sword sits at his side. A huge red badger sits atop the altar snarling at the clerics approach.

‘I have failed Master’ you hear Khyron say breaking the silence, ‘the Striders still live….’

The man spins around, anger blazing in his bloodshot eyes. In his blood covered hands he holds the torso of a man who he has carefully begin to tear the skin from. His face is covered in a pattern of blood-red tattoos and hanging around his neck is a necklace of fresh hearts.

Khyron quickly continues -‘They called for help and we..’

‘Silence!’ the dark man raises his hand in fury, ‘and you came straight back here?! I said never to seek me out unless I summon you!’ he screams in anger at his cowering apprentice.

The crazed looking Cagewrights looks about the room until his eyes stare directly at the party. ‘And now you have brought them to me!’

‘Meerthan. I know where you are now. I will come to take your heart soon!’ he cackles before casting non-detection and ending the scry.

After the scry Meerthan sits stunned for a moment.

In a trance in whispers to himself - ‘He was meant to be dead, my leader died killing him’

Pulling himself out of the introspection Meerthan tells them the man is Alurad Sorizon, crazed adventurer slayer and sadistic blackguard slaughter of the Cagewrights. When the Striders attacked the Cagewrights Alurad had cut sway through many of their strongest members before Meerthan’s leader finally slew the man with his final breath.

Meerthan devotes his attention over the next chapter in finding Alurad.

Chapter 7
Khyron has been disfigured when they see him at the party. The skin of one half of his face has been torn off in payment for his mistake. The party will combat Khyron once again at House Rhalandi and likely kill him.

Shebeleth Regidin (Master Cagewright – Spiritual Leader)

Shebeleth, Spiritual Leader of the Cagewrights and High Priest of Adimarchus, abhors other faiths and the hope they provide to the future agonized slaves of Canceri and his master – Adimarchus. He is determined to wipe all potential spiritual resistance from Cauldron before he initiates the evil ritual that will turn it into a permant planar gate to the Prison Plane.

Chapter 3 or 4

The High Inquisitor and Arch Bishop of the church (either St Cuthbert or the party clerics church), His Divine Holiness, Shebeleth Regidin arrives in a white and gold carriage to help the faith in its dire of hour. Shebeleth is adorned with a high peaked cap and long white and gold robes. He walks with a golden staff.

The party may see the coach or just meet with the High Bishop at his request. Jenya, Asfelkir, Kristof or the leader of the party clerics church should be respectfully thrilled by the arrival of Shebeleth and be very keen to introduce the party to him. Shebeleth tells them he was wriiten to by Jenya/Askelkir/Kristof about the troubles in Cauldron and has come to help. He asks the party about their adventures and listen to their thoughts, worries and suspicions. Shebeleth gives the party each of minor magical item to help protect the church and defeat the evil that seems to be washing into Cauldron.

Items: Necklace of Fireballs (Type 1), Hand of the Mage, Phylactery of Faithfulness* and Eyes of the Eagle.

* The Phylactery dictum is a little different – far more militant and tolerant of other faiths including other ‘good’ faiths.

Shebeleth encourages the party to work to help the Cauldron community in any way and return with any information about the evil that Jenya/Asfelkir/Kristof had written to him about and he will personally reward them.

If they seems suspicious about Shebeleth he questions them directly about their concerns and even asks them to detect his alignment, read his thoughts etc and uses his remarkable trickery spells and abilities to twist them.

Chapter 5
Shebeleth begins to make some changes to the church, ‘encouraging’ more acolytes to be trained (hand picked and loyal to him), more funds to be used to train more holy soldiers/guards to protect the faith and go out and bring the faith into the homes of the needy and frightened. He uses a great deal of his personal treasury to help fund the improvements and uses some of his wealth to help repair the church petitioner’s homes which were damaged from the floods and riot/s. Shebeleth says he is becoming concerned with the other churches connections with the corrupt government and nobles

In reality these improvement are being used to buy loyalty, eat up the churches funds and prepare for an attack on the other good churches.

Chapter 7
Shebeleth has asked the church leader (Jenya etc) to step down because of past incompetence’s and the new direction of the faith at the start of the Chapter.

If the party resist this Shebeleth says he will give the leader one more chance but only if they openly take actions against the evil that is building in the city hidden in the churches themselves. Holy defence and strong resolve is required immediately.

If the party tell Shebeleth where they are going he makes sure he warns Fetor of their potential arrival before beginning to gather his flock and manipulate, mass charm etc them into a religious fever.

When the party travel to the Demonskar, Shebeleth gathers the church faithful and new holy defenders to attack the evil hidden in the Church of ….(Pelor, Kord or other). The ensuing conflict kills many needlessly and damages both churches.

When the party kill Fetor and discover that Shebeleth is his Cagewright Master that will return to the city to confront the evil cleric.

Shebeleth greets them with his headgears off revealing the ruby eye embedded into his forehead. He cackles insanely as they approach saying – ‘The damage is already done my pitiful servants. The churches will never recover in time before the Cagewrights terror is unleashed upon Cauldron. You have been little more than gullible pawn I’m afraid…’

He then uses time stop to summon 2 Fasastu and 1 Kelubar Demodands to finish off the party and then Word of Recall to return to the Fiery Sanctum.


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Let me know what you think of the Perform DCs and the structure of the competition itself in terms of game mechanics.



Event Five – The Song of Heaven

Once the formal greetings are over the party can find somewhere to stand, chat and enjoy the refreshments for a while as the rest of the guests filter in.

Professor Palendor approaches any party member who he has taught with more warmth and charm than he expressed in all the lessons they spent together combined. He remarks that he has been invited to judge the ‘Song of Heaven’ competition.

If the player brings up the meeting with Lord Taskerhill and threatens him with telling all those here of the incident or similar sediments have the player roll an intimidate check (modified on how well the players roleplayed this situation) DC 18. If they succeed Professor Palendor will judge the Song of Heaven fairly. If not he will simply remark he is offended by such unsubstantiated remarks and quickly retreats.

Once all the guests have moved into the Ballroom the Demonskar Herald moves to the stage and once again addresses the guests -

Demonic hordes of the Demonskar could you please stand to the right of the battlefield. Heroic founders of Cauldron please move to the right.

(Most guests quickly move in to place familiar with the annual ritual)

(Placing one finger to his lips dramatically until the guests are quiet, the herald once again continues)

After losing his legendary blade – Celestia ,slaying the horrific dragon Vittris Bale, Sundabar stood without a weapon to face the demonic general Nabthatoron and his approaching infernal horde.

The beautiful feather winged angel Nidrama appeared to Sundabar heralded by a song of heaven while he stood alone one morning in the jungle. She told him of her belief in his strength and wisdom and granted him a weapon to combat the evil that threatened to overwhelm his forces – Alakast.

Tonight we honour Nidrama with our own ‘Song of Heaven’, a competition to see who will be our angel this evening and reward Alakast to Sundabar during the Demonskar Dance.

I humbly invite last year’s angel to the stage to defend her position - the beautiful Annah Taskerhill. (Applause follows) Contenders to the auspicious position please step up onto the stage. This evening’s winner will receive the golden Alakast trophy (The Demonskar Herald holds forth a beautiful 3 foot long golden rod, while the guests gasp and applaud the glorious trophy)

The herald waits for a minute before once again asking for contestants. If no one comes forth after this point the Demonskar Herald announces that Annah Taskerhill is the angel once again this year and asks her to perform the ‘Song of Heaven’ alone.

If a player character chooses to take up the challenge Annah watches them all the way to the stage with a scowl firmly fixed upon her face. The character is applauded as they approach and directed to the right hand side of the stage.

Each contestant is offered one of 5 instruments to play – lute, harp, flute, mandolin and voice. Annah chooses the harp.

The Demonskar Herald then introduces the judge for the contest to the guests – Professor Palendor - Head of the Musical Arts Facility of the Cauldron Blue Crater Acedemy, who is greeted with respectful applause.

Professor Palendor positions himself at the base of the stage ready to judge.

# Unfortunately for any player character, Lord Ankhin Taskerhill has bribed Professor Palendor to favour his daughter in the competition. Professor Palendor will not put his reputation at risk though so unless the results are close he will judge fairly. In game terms this equates to an additional +3 to each of Annah Taskerhill’s perform checks.

The Competition
The competition is broken down into 6 increasingly more difficult components. Both contestants play 3 verses alternatively without pause, while the guests begin their first dance for the evening. Last years winner begins the first verse.

The first two verses are the easiest – DC 15, the second two harder – DC 20 and verse 5 and 6 the hardest – DC 25.

If both contestants succeed in all there perform checks the audience erupt in spontaneous applause for the brilliance of both performers and the Demonskar Herald asks each contestant to preform the complete song together in its entirety.

This equates to six Perform checks DC 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 30.

If the competition still has no clear winner the Demonskar Herald announces joint winners. The winner/s are given the golden Alakast trophy and angel wings to don before the Demonskar Dance where they are expected to hand Alakast over to ‘Sundabar’.

The Alakast Trophy is valued at 1500 gp and can be sold back to its maker – Gurnezarn’s Smithy, for its full value.

The Song of Heaven Dance
While the Song of Heaven Competition is progressing the guests are encouraged to dance. Not all guest choose to do so preferring to watch the competition without being distracted.

This dance is traditionally a casual progressive dance that enables all the guests to intermingle freely. Men stand on the outside of the circle and women on the inside. The women move.

The dance is quite simple and requires little concentration (Dance/Charisma Check DC 5) so the guests can easily listen as the competition unfolds.

• As the dance progresses Cora uses the opportunity to try and ‘accidentally’ damage/destroy one of the men characters costumes. Damaged or destroyed costumes that have been hired need to be bought and can not be returned.

• Cora does this by stepping on long flowing costumes and grapping at tighter costumes as she twirls or steps. Make opposed dance checks to see if Cora can make the attempt and then make an opposed grapple check to see if Cora is able to damage the costume.

Demonskar Points

- Award one Demonskar Point if the party can intimidate Professor Palendor into judging the competition fairly

- Award the party 5 Demonskar Points if one of them wins the ‘Song of Heaven’ Competition.

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Event Four – Formal Greeting[b]

After ten minutes (or when the party have had enough time) a herald steps from behind the grand arched doors. The Demonskar Herald is a sight to behold. He wears a robe split evenly down the middle – one half red and one white, and dons a full head mask similarly split – one half a hideous snarling red visage of a demon and the other a angelic handsome blond haired man.

In a loud clear voice he says –

[b]Welcome dignitaries and noblemen, denizens of the Demonskar (turning to his left so only his demonic visage can be seen) and founders of our fair city (then turning around to reveal his angelic half).

Tonight is a celebration of Cauldron’s most glorious and monumental of historical events – the battle between good and evil, heaven and hell, arcane hero and demon general – between the founder of our grand city -Sundabar Spellmason and the demonic lord who sought to destroy our ancesters -Nabthatoron.

Please enter through the grand doors to formal greet your Ball Patrons and begin the fabulous festivities!

The Grand Ballroom
The visitors begin to move to the doors immediately and form a line. After a brief minute the party enter through the doors and are greeting with the spectacular sight of the Grand Ballroom.

From the top of the small stairs the party can see the cathedral ceiling and exposed beams sitting thirty feet above their heads. Huge floor to ceiling arched glass windows reveal the lights of the city, the countless stars in the night sky and the bright light of the moon. Great red banners depicting a demonic army hang the full height of the wall between each window on the right side of the Ballroom while equally impressive gold banners showing an army of knights, commoners and robed wizards hang along the left wall.

White light floods the room emanating from the huge crystal candelabras hanging from the rooftop while the polished floorboards softly refect the light. A grand stage sits at the end of the Ballroom filled with musicians to one side and a choir to the other, all wearing robes and masks.

Scores of servants flitter about the ballroom to serve the guests as they enter, all similarly costumed as the musicians, serving drinks and nibbles.

The Patrons
Standing at the base of the stairs, lined up along the left, is the hosts and patrons of the annual Demonskar Ball. At the top of the stairs a servant writes down everyone’s name and asks him or her to pass this to the Demonskar Herald when they reach the base of the stairs.

The Demonskar Herald takes the card and introduces the party collectively at first and then every member individually. The welcoming party are –

• Margaret & Zachary Aslaxin I –
Watching from the stairs while they wait to be introduced, the party observes Zachary and Margaret acting coldly towards the two nobles preceding them. Zachary analyses the nobles costumes with a look of contempt and Margaret scoffs at their attempts at flattery.

When the party are introduced to the hosts this cold façade is quickly replaced with welcoming looks of appreciation and excitement. The two compliment the party on their costumes (if Elaborate), recent rescue of the city (Flood Festival) and recommend any musical members to participate in the ‘Song of Heaven’. Margaret also whispers to the party member who received the ‘Nabthatoran Invitation’ to meet her in the foyer after the banquet.

Have each party member make a diplomacy check (DC 20) during the conversation with the Aslaxin’s. If over half of them succeed the party have completely enchanted the couple with their charm and heroic reputation and the Aslaxin’s mentions the parties past heroics in his opening banquet speech along with the Stormblades. If they half the party fail by more than 10 this will disappoint the couple.

• Zachary Aslaxin II –
If the party have impressed the Aslaxins Margaret Aslaxin, Zachary II mother, doesn’t wait for the Herald to introduce the party to her son and excitedly says – ‘No doubt you have heard of the famous – League of Swords!’ Zachary relies with open contempt dripping from each word – ‘Of course Mother. They are Cauldrons saviours after all’.

Zachary says very little to the party after that merely saying that he hopes they enjoy the Ball tonight because the nobles and the rest of Cauldrons citizens will soon see them as the frauds they truly are.

Zachary then proceeds to ignore any responses excusing himself briefly and walks over to Annah for a quick discussion.

If one the other hand the party have disappointed the Aslaxins Zachary uses the opportunity to tell his parents that the group recently assaulted him and his friends without provocation. Without some quick talking (make sure you get the party to at least attempt to come up with something before making the diplomacy roll DC 15) the group are asked to leave the Ball immediately.

• Lord Mayor Severen Navalant
The Lord Mayor speaks with authority and confidence, politely thanking the party for their work assisting the town guard in rescuing the kidnapped orphans and retrieving the wands. If he is corrected he smiles politely but takes the comments as a personal insult. Never the less the Lord Mayor thanks the party sincerely for their work in the city but then quickly changes his mood and remarks sternly ‘that now that the city is safe the party will surely be moving on to Sasserine or another more needy city’.

Have the party make a Spot Check (DC 25) when talking to the Lord Mayor to notice him take a worried glance over to his side where Lord Taskerhill watches on with interest.

• Embril Aloustinai
The ravishingly beautiful High Priestess of Wee Jas, Embril is dressed to appear as the angel of death, with black wings, thick black robes, gloves which appear like skeleton hands and a scythe. Her head and exquisite facial features have been left untouched.

Embril appears very cordial to the party gracelessly taking them for their bravery and heroics in the city- ‘Your skill at arms and bravery in battle are more than welcomed in our fair city. The church of Wee Jas rejoices at your success and offers you aid whenever you need it.’

She may even flirt with one of the more charismatic male party members saying after they speak to her or compliment her in some way- ‘I did not realise that your skills included charming ladies also! Be careful the rose that seems to have no thorns.’

With a Dipomacy Check DC 20 she adds –‘We value adventurers of your ilk in the Church of Wee Jas. If you desire magical power, our church’s doors are always open to you.’ and gives the characters a disarming smile and wink.

A Sense Motive Check (DC 25) reveals that Embril is hiding her contempt for the party behind a friendly façade.

• Asfelkir Hranleurt
The half-orc cleric currently heads the church of Kord in the city. Still basking in the aftermath of a thoroughly successful Flood festival. Asfelkir has all but ignored the near disastrous floods that almost took the city. Afterall the city was saved wasn’t it?!

Asfelkir despises the party for their success and will attempt to belittle them for whatever reason he can – dress, manners, size etc. Asfelkir is a huge beast of a man, with small tusks and a pig like nose.

Asfelkir is proud of his recent recruit – Zachary Aslaxin II, and his churches association with the cities nobility as a result. The party are a problem that needs to be rectified as far as he is concerned.

• Lord Alek Tercival
Alek Tercival is an honoured guest of the Aslaxins at the Demonskar Ball after being a longstanding hero of the city and rescuing young Zachary II from bandits when the noble was a child. He was also invited as the representative of the Church of St Cuthbert.

Alek has been absent from the city for quite some time and has only returned recently (wearing his gift from the ‘Trumpet Archons’ – his ruby cloak and eye clasp). Alek has unwisely chosen, to the Aslaxins dismay, to wear his shining armour and sword rather than any costume. He felt, wrongly, that he was above such traditions and people would not care one way or the other,

Alek is warm and flamboyant, eager to share heroic stories and his opinion to anyone and everyone. His etiquette and social graces are noticeably reduced this evening and he offends many nobles with his unyielding convictions and opinions.

If the party have met with Alek before give them an Intelligence check (DC 20) to realize this.

If the party has developed a previous repour with the Paladin of St Cuthbert have him discuss with the party the untimely death of Sarcem and the strength of character his childhood friend – Jenya has shown as High Cleric since his absence. Reveal his obvious remorse for not being present to assist during the parties search for the culprits and wands.

Demonskar Points
- Award a Demonskar Point if the party spot the Lord Mayors worried glance towards Lord Taskerhill.

- Award the party a Demonskar Point if they can learn of Embril’s true feelings towards them.

- Award the party a Demonskar Point if they impress the Aslaxin’s during the Formal Greeting.

- Penalise the party 2 Demonskar points if they disappoint the Aslaxins.

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I've got a copy of 'The Whispers of the Vampires Blade' so I take a look when I get a chance. A murder mystery during the Ball would be exciting. I'll have a think about it.

Frank - in a word: fantastic! Great adds detail, descriptions and magical feel. I love the self cleaning garments, growling illusions and the overall additional colour you have added to explain the high prices. Do you mind if I 'borrow' these ideas for my final copy?

Until then please everyone keep up the feedback and suggestions. Here is my next event -

Event Three – The Arrival

When the party arrive they notice a large throng of common citizens outside the Coy Nixie and the gathering of costumed dignitaries standing high above on the top floor balcony watching the guests arrive.

The party is taken through the glass and gold main doors and up the grand stairs to a landing and grand Ballroom doors where they have their invitations checked and their names taken. A small line of nobles stand waiting to be announced, while two musicians play a harp and violin providing beautiful background ambience.

Nobles may turn to talk to the players at this point and remark on their costumes and exploits within the city.

After a brief time the party is announced to the party and many of the nobles smile, acknowledge and welcome their arrival.

They are then free to mingle with the other guests in the foyer or wander through the side door out onto the large balcony. The party are offered trays of biscuits, cheeses, meats and biscuits to nibble on along with glasses of wine or juices.

The party can mingle with a number of people at this point including –

Lord Vhalantru
Vhalantru sits in one corner on one of the few tables positioned in the foyer ‘sharing’ a decanter of port with Celeste. Lord Vhalantru is dressed as one of the founders, with long grey robes, a white wig and a staff he has laid upon the table. A few nobles approach him to converse during this part of the evening but he seems quite content to sit and watch alone or with Celeste for the majority of the time.

If the party approach Lord Vhalantru introduces Celeste to the party as a noble lady from Sasserine. Celeste is breathtakingly beautiful and seems very interested when Vhalantru mentions some of their exploits. Lord Vhalantru is quite pleasant to the party and offers them to share his liquor with them while he discusses his previous experiences with the night.

Vhalantru also mentions that he was just taking to Celeste about the alarming recent damage to public property in the city and the escalating citizen concern about their safety. He may even mention how Tereson has been petitioning the Lord Mayor to better equip, train and increase the presence of the guard in the city which he has ‘mixed feelings’ about. Vhalantru says he is much more concerned though about the ‘diminishing city treasury’ due to all the repairs and doesn’t believe the cities priorities should be the guard but rather the repair of property. He then asks the party and Celeste what they think? (Of course this is all just a ruse to shift suspicion away from himself and to Tereson when the half-orcs are added to the guard and to disguise Vhalantru’s true motivations behind increasing the taxes later)

After a few minutes of idol chatter Lord Vhalantru asks Celeste politely if she could excuse himself and the party for a brief time so they can discuss something in private. When she excuses herself Lord Vhalantru tells the party about the regular events of the night and in particular the Demonskar Dance.

He may also advise them to watch out for the Stormblades and informs them that they may have been invited to the Ball for more than just their exploits in the city.

The Stormblades
At this point in the night all of the Stormblades stand with their perspective parents. Zachary Aslaxin is nowhere to be seen.

• Cora stands with her parents and four other minor nobles animatedly describing a battle. Until she is made aware of the fact, Cora is unaware of the presence of the party. Cora appears noticeably uncomfortable in her antique silver gown but never the less would be very beautiful if she could wipe the scowl from her face and remain still for longer than a few seconds.

• Todd Vanderbourn stands looking bored by his parent’s side. They show him no interest all. He has painted his face and hands to appear like a skeleton and has long grey robes. Todd thought himself funny and has come as a dead founder as much to embarrass his parents than to amuse himself. Todd sees the party very quickly and goes straight over to Annah to share his find, looking over at the party with a look of evil glee.

• Annah Taskerhill is surrounded by a large group of nobles all hanging on her every word. Her parents look on proudly. Annah has dressed to appear like an angel with a halo, beautiful white-feathered wings, a pure white robe and a tall powdered white beehive wig. When Todd makes Annah aware of the party, she watches them closely and points the party out to her father who scowls in there direction in response. Annah then instructs Todd to inform Cora. If the party gesture or acknowledge the Annah she merely smiles and curtsies.

• Zachary is assisting his parents at this point in the Grand Ballroom.

Ophellha Knowlern

Ophellha looks breathtakingly beautiful in an antique billowing white gown with gold embroidery. Like the majority of the other noble women at the ball she dons a tall white powdered wig but only seems to accentuate her flawless shin and brilliant blue eyes.

Ophellha seems very cold and aloof if the party approach. She will tell the party she actually does not live within the city proper but in the village of Hollowsky where her family’s estate lies.

Ophellha attitude can be changed from indifferent to helpful if the party talk about rescuing the kidnapped children, their relationship with Jenya or their knowledge of her family (Diplomacy DC 20). If Ophellha’s attitude can be changed to helpful, she will advise the party to avoid the Bubbling Cauldron drink other than a mouthful for the official toast.

Demonskar Points
Award the party a Demonskar point if they can learn to avoid partaking too heavily of the Bubbling Cauldron drink from Ophellha.

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Once again feedback or information how you ran the night is extremely welcome. What did you do about delievering the invitation and the players obtaining costumes etc?

Here is my take (unless I change them because of a better idea from you:)

Description of Sequence of Events

Event One – The Invitation

A hawk delivers the invitation that has the small elaborate rolled parchment tied to one of its legs with gold ribbon. The hawk remains until a reply is tied to its leg.

Investigation from the party reveals the following – (Feel free to modify the Gather Information DC depending upon who the characters go to for the information.)

DC 10 – The Demonskar Ball is one of the most prestigious events to transpire in the city and only Cauldrons elite is invited.

DC 15 - Guests hire or purchase a costume for the night of one Cauldrons Founders or Demon Invaders. Costumes are hired out quickly. The symbol at the top of the invitation indicates which costume you are expected to wear –
Mountain = Founder, Crater = Demon

DC 18 - The ball is a celebration of the Cauldrons Founder and his victory over the invading Demonskar army. The night is organised and run by the Aslaxins on the top floor of the Cox Nixie. Guests arrive in a coach while onlookers watch from the street and guests from the top floor balcony.

DC 22 - Features of the evening include an elaborate 5-course banquet with delicious foods and wines from the Frontier Lands, musical renditions, and a series of complicated dances, awards and games. Guests often seek dancing, etiquette and even musical lessons from the Bluecrater Acedemy before the night.

Event Two – The Costume, Coach & Lessons

Costumes & Masks

Each party member will need to hire or buy a costume and mask for the ball. The character that received the Nabthataron Invitation will need to hire two costumes; the Nabthataron costume to wear during the Demonskar Dance and another costume to wear for the rest of the evening.

The most obvious location for this is at Sarleens Silks & Finery. There is a cumulative 10% chance per day leading up to the event that the better costumes and masks are hired/sold before the night. Four days before the Ball only shabby masks and costumes remain. So time is definitely of the essence!

Costume Bonuses/Penalties

Elaborate Costumes - bestow a + 2 Bonus to Charisma Based Skill Checks for the
duration of the Demonskar Ball. Guests compliment the party on their choice of costume.

Average Costumes – give no bonus or negatives to the wearer.

Poorer Costumes – bestow a –2 Penalty to the wearer for any Charisma Based Checks
for the duration of the night. The servants wear these costumes during the evening so guests will regularly confuse the characters will servants during the evening if they are wearing these outfits.

No Costume – bestow a –3 to all Charisma Based Checks. People will openly
stare and scoff at the party if they arrive at the party with no costumes.

Costume Descriptions

Nabathoron Costume (only hired to someone with the appropriate invitation)
- Large bull horned demon costume with red glowing eyes, large bat-like wings, wicked claws and knifelike barbs emerging from the forearms. Two small-clawed arms dangle out of the costumes chest. (The Nabathoran costume cost 200gp to hire and 2000gp to buy.)

Elaborate Costumes
The most elaborate costumes cost 100 gp to hire for the evening or 1000gp to buy. Available elaborate costumes include :

- Fat red scaled suit with small horns, white eyes and a magic mouth that growls and rumbles like a demon. Whip included.
- A horned skull suit that has stilts (Balance DC 5 every minute of use) making the wearer appear 5 feet taller (can be removed). A scythe is included and assists with balance.
- Succubus outfit with bat wings, tight low-cut black body suit, small red horns and red sword.
- Small imp costume with a huge nose, bat wings, scorpion tall and small trident.
- Four fake arms attach to the wearers side clutching a variety of weapons. A black-scaled snake ‘tail’ is worn from the waist and two belts are worn across the torso to cover the breasts. Two fake swords are included.

Average Outfits (50 gp to hire, 500 gp to buy)
- Small demonic fly outfit with red eyes, long fangs, four torn transparent wings and green claws.
- Lemure costume consisting of a full length, hideous worm outfit and makeup to apply to the face and hair.
- Horned head, clawed gloves and black pants, top and cloak.
- Small black leather wings, red horns hair band, trident, green and red face paint.

Poorer (Servants) Outfits (20gp each to hire or 50 to buy)
- Half masks with red, green or black robes.


Coaches can be procured from Balqueens Stables for the evening with driver included. Coaches can be custom built for the players here but such an operation will take far more time than the two weeks before the Ball.

There are three coaches that can be hired at the start of the two weeks. The Royal Coach is hired within the first 3 days, the Ruby Coach is hired within 6 days and the Standard Coach is hired within 10 days of the Ball before being hired to other guest.

Coach Bonuses/Penalties

Royal Coach - Arriving in a Royal Coach ensures a + 1 Bonus to all Charisma Based Skill checks for the duration of the Demonskar Ball.

Ruby Coach - Arriving in a Ruby Coach ensures a + 1 Bonus for the Events Three & Four

Standard Coach- No Bonus or Penalty

Horse- Arriving via horse bestows a –1 penalty to all Charisma Based Skill Checks for the evening

Via Foot- Walking to the Demonskar Ball is frowned upon and the characters will receive a –3 penalty.

Coach Descriptions

Royal Coach (300 gp)

Beautiful spherical gold gilded coach with intricate ivory carvings of unicorns, soft blue leather seats, blue curtains, large white and gold wheels, 2 drivers and a doorman dressed in white and gold finery and 2 huge majestic white horses. Wine, fruit and cheeses are provided for the trip. Offers a very comfortable ride. Seats 4.

Ruby Coach (200 gp)

Deep red and gold, open top coach with white cushioned chairs, two gold doors depicting a grinning demonic face, 1 driver and a doorman dressed in red and gold finery, 2 white horses with red and gold stitched blankets. Offers a comfortable but slightly bumpy ride. Seats 6.

Standard Coach (75 gp)

Square hardwood coach with flat wooden chairs a single driver dressed in a grey woollen coat and hat. Two small horses, brown and grey, pull the coach. Offers an uncomfortable ride that may damage a players costume (10% chance) as it gets caught on a splinter or the step etc. Seats 8.


Lessons in dance and etiquette can be sought at the Bluecrater Academy from Madame Pomprus for 10 gp per person, per lesson. The respected teacher is highly sought after and after 8 days she will be completely booked. If the party get to her within 3 days they can obtain more than one lesson a day. Madame Pomprus will not give any more than 2 lessons a day to any student.

For every 3 dance lessons the party have they receive they gain a + 1 to their Dance Skill checks during the Ball.

For every 2 etiquette lessons the players receive a + 1 to the Formal greeting and banquet dining diplomacy checks.

Professor Palendor is the head of the Musical Arts Facility of the Bluecrater Acedemy and is well versed in the music of the night. He is expensive, charging 30 gp a lesson and only takes students who can demonstrate musical talent (Perform DC 15). Professor Palendor will only teach one lesson a day and will be booked out by the 4th day after the Invitation is received by the party.

Professor Palendor is quick to anger and is easily insulted. If a player disagrees with one of his requests or is late to one of his lessons he cancels the lesson immediately. A second ‘offence’ ends an chance of further lessons and earns that character a –3 penalty during the ‘Song of Heaven’ competition.

Professor Palendor never mentions to the character that he will be judging the competition. Two lessons negates any negatives to the perform check for not knowing the song and for every two lessons there after the character gains a +1 to the perform check during the competition.

Before one lesson the character will see Lord Ankhin Taskerhill speaking to Professor Palendor and pass a small pouch of coins over to him. If the player brings the incident up the Professor immediately cancels the lessons.

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I love some of the idea written above. The mage that used all the cantrips to show off- fatastic and introducing the tax 'reforms' during the event is a another nice touch. I hope people don't mind me including their ideas in my write up!?

I tried to come up with a reward system to use during the event that didn't involve XP. This is what I came up with. If you have a better systems or comments on it please write -

Demonskar Points/Rewards

Throughout the Demonskar Ball the players can gain points for succeeding in various competitions, social interactions or dances and occasionally be penalised for them also. These points are added together at the end of the night before Event 15 to see what (if any) rewards are given to the party.

Other rewards can also be gained throughout the Ball if the party ask the right questions, discuss suitable topics, flatter the correct people or observe the appropriate situations. Many of the guests have rewards in differing forms to offer.

Alternatively, if the players handle people poorly they could make a large amount of powerful people hostile towards them in a very small space of time.


P.S. Thanks for all the compliments and thanks Chief for the link!