Trelmarixian Cultist

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 530 posts. No reviews. 4 lists. 5 wishlists.

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Scarab Sages

Some interesting figures here. Are the images for the Leng Spider and Shoggoth missing or were they already posted elsewhere and I missed it?

On a side note, are the premium painted figures available to be purchased? They still show as "Preorder expected September 2020".

Also, were there any repaints done this year as promotional miniatures for Cons and such?

Scarab Sages

Any word when these premium PF Battles figures will be available? They show as Preorder expected September.

Scarab Sages

Frod God has released a new Kickstarter for a Swords and Wizardry boxed set, with a number of early bird pledges for the first 24 hours. Project funded in about 30 minutes, so it's already in stretch goal territory.


What is Swords & Wizardry?

Swords & Wizardry is more than a re-statement of the original rules that gave rise to 5e. It is fast-playing, easy to start, and easy to learn by anyone. Swords and Wizardry is a snapshot of the rules as they existed in 1978 right before "first edition" was released. The fifth edition game currently played, watched and beloved by millions is great fun, but the structure of the rules has changed over the course of editions, and there's a unique feel to the earlier versions of the game which you may not have encountered before.

The rules in Swords & Wizardry are based on the original 1974 game, plus all of the supplements released from 1974 to 1978, articles in the Strategic Review and the Dragon magazine from that period, plus tips for house rules choices. The rules are organized in a more modern fashion than the original books, and are more accessible to those who started gaming after the 1970s.

Scarab Sages

I see that the cougars are showing as backordered - can the quantity be adjusted down to whatever is in stock?

Scarab Sages



We have decided to return to our roots. Let us present Tome of Horrors 2020! This beast of a full-color book contains over 250 monsters for use in your 5th Edition game, and is the sequel to our prior Tome of Horrors Fifth Edition with a completely new horde of denizens.

Necromancer Games has always been known for its monsters, and we have added Instant Encounter stretch goals to help you get these guys into your game immediately after getting your book (or PDF). After all, who wants their players to know the details of what they are fighting?

Tome of Horrors 2020 is bursting with monsters which are representative of both modern RPGs and the classic, oft fatal, systems of yore. Use these dangerous creatures, sinister adversaries, restless dead, and other horrific monstrosities to gleefully challenge your players' expectations.

Scarab Sages

Per the email that went out, I'd like to skip the Legendary Adventures October release of PF Battles but remain a subscriber for the next case that is released down the road.

Scarab Sages

It looks like the PF Battles Subscriber discount for singles did not get applied to either order. Also, is it cheaper to combine these orders and ship them together? If that's the case, let's do that .


Scarab Sages

I received the email about the out of stock item. It's OK to cancel that one item and proceed with the rest of the order. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Frog God has released their World of the Lost Lands Kickstarter today, and it has an option for a 5e rules addendum as well.


Over 42 years in the making, this is the definitive guide to the world of the Lost Lands!

This massive volume includes the history of the Lost Lands, a wealth of detailed maps, cultural information about its nations and peoples, and a huge gazetteer containing descriptions of the world's countries, cities, waterways and geography. For the first time, readers can explore the length and breadth of the great continent of Akados, including regions never before described, and far Libynos, home of the Desert Kingdoms and many ancient cultures alien to the folk of Akados.

The book weighs in at approximately 700 pages in full color, with maps by award-winning cartographers and beautiful, original artwork to place you directly into the world itself in all its glory and terror.

5e Rules Addendum
5th Edition Addendum--An addendum book providing for rules for including the Lost Lands in a 5th Edition game, including things like cleric domains and deities, as well as archetype character classes: $40 color softcover book, $20 PDF.

Scarab Sages

Frog God has released their World of the Lost Lands Kickstarter today, and it has an option for a Pathfinder rules addendum as well.


Over 42 years in the making, this is the definitive guide to the world of the Lost Lands!

This massive volume includes the history of the Lost Lands, a wealth of detailed maps, cultural information about its nations and peoples, and a huge gazetteer containing descriptions of the world's countries, cities, waterways and geography. For the first time, readers can explore the length and breadth of the great continent of Akados, including regions never before described, and far Libynos, home of the Desert Kingdoms and many ancient cultures alien to the folk of Akados.

The book weighs in at approximately 700 pages in full color, with maps by award-winning cartographers and beautiful, original artwork to place you directly into the world itself in all its glory and terror.

PF Rules Addendum
Pathfinder Addendum--An addendum book providing rules for including the Lost Lands in a Pathfinder game, including things like cleric domains and deities, as well as archetype character classes: $40 color softcover book, $20 PDF.

Scarab Sages

I am ordering a lot of single minis and getting the "cart too big" message. Can the current contents of my Cart be added to this order to ship together using the holiday19 code? Also I'd like to add the mini below as well to the single shipment, which isn't in my current cart since it is too big again: ar-Weaver


Scarab Sages

New Kickstarter for 5e and Swords & Wizardry launched today! This is an update to the classic Judges Guild product.

First published in 1977, Tegel Manor is the oldest of “Haunted House” adventures in fantasy roleplaying, and probably the very first megadungeon ever published. The Manor is a sprawling edifice of 250+ rooms filled with tricks, traps, puzzles, monsters, and situations both humorous and horrific. The huge manor house has been the curse of its owners, the Rump family, for generations – no matter how many times they have tried to get rid of it, the ownership manages to come back to them.

Scarab Sages

Just wanted to check in on these 2 PF Battles orders, both Pending:

Order 5238709 - submitted this order today, and I noticed it prompted me for a CVC code for my credit card which I provided, but the process seemed to hang upon the submit of it. Did it go through? Also, it looks like the PF Battles discount for singles didn't go through?

Order 4898106 - this is the subscription case and incentives and hasn't shipped. Is there something holding up this order? Is is the same CVC issue for the card above? I did get an email that it was being processed and saw the PF2 Beta credit included, but I did not see any emails indicating any problems with the order.

Scarab Sages

Frog God is testing a limited print run approach for smaller scale adventures, with smaller price points than the epic-sized mega products they have been creating from their Kickstarter campaigns. The first one, The City That Dripped Blood, ends in 10 days.

The City That Dripped Blood—available in either Fifth Edition or Swords & Wizardry versions—is an adventure for mid-level characters. After taking shelter in an ancient, abandoned desert ruin, characters discover that the city isn’t as abandoned as they thought, and its vampiric rulers would like nothing more than to slake their thirst with the characters’ blood. New creatures and variants, NPC Cultists, and unusual citizens are spread across various districts and factions.

Scarab Sages

Based on the original Necromancer Games boxed set, but with 150,000 new words of adventures and material added to it. Campaign currently is at $32k/$40k with 29 days to go.

Link to Project

Beginning with low-level challenges in the familiar confines of the Lost Lands, the adventure leads characters on a thrilling journey through multiple planes of existence culminating in the exploration of the City of Brass itself. The gleaming towers and floating platforms of the city hold terrors and wonders such as the Great Repository and the Minaret of Screams. Characters may choose to take a turn in the Circus of Pain, raid the floating Pyramid of Set, or join the resistance to the Sultan’s oppressive rule and lead an assault on the palace itself! A phoenix rises fully formed from the ashes of the past. The City of Brass is re-imagined for the new renaissance of fantasy role playing games, brought to you in the epic style of old school fantasy campaigns of yesteryear.

Scarab Sages

The first order is in my sidecart - can it be combined to ship out with the second order? My cart was full, so I sidecarted one order and then added the second order. I'd like both to ship out together when ready to ship.


Scarab Sages

I had set this order to ship when ready (should all be 1 shipment), but I think it reverted back to sidecart after I changed the payment method, and I didn't catch it. Can that be switched to ship when ready?


Scarab Sages

While this Kickstarter shows as "Rappan Athuk: Reborn for Fifth Edition! Go down the Well!", there is additional content here for Pathfinder for those that are interested:


$15 Rappan Athuk Upgraded! --Get the PDF file of the new levels of Rappan Athuk that are not contained in the 2012 hardcover release for either Swords and Wizardry OR Pathfinder! NO FIFTH EDITION CONTENT IS INCLUDED AT THIS LEVEL.

$35 Rappan Athuk Upgraded (Softcover) -- Get a softcover copy of the new levels of Rappan Athuk that are not in the 2012 hardcover release for either Swords and Wizardry or Pathfinder! A PDF file of your selection is included! SHIPPING COST IS NOT INCLUDED. All shipping fees are calculated and charged using BackerKit. NO FIFTH EDITION CONTENT IS INCLUDED AT THIS LEVEL.

Campaign is currently approaching $138,000, with 34 hours left to go.

Scarab Sages

The Frogs just started a Kickstarter yesterday for a 5e version and have already gone way past the funding goal (currently at $51k+, funding goal of $30k).

Kickstarter Description wrote:

Rappan Athuk is back for Fifth Edition. Not just back though, it is reloaded with all kinds of new extras including:

  • All new, full color artwork
  • Three new levels of the Dungeon itself
  • Three new Wilderness locations, including a three-level castle
  • A new three-level satellite dungeon
  • A sea-cave of terrible shark-men! A Kickstarter exclusive level released from the Vault of Tsathogga!
  • Updated color maps, available as separate PSD files for online play, are included for all levels
  • Scores of NPCs and Monsters, dozens of Magic Items and Spells, and the legendary Dung Monster await you!

Scarab Sages

I sidecarted everything in this order while waiting for "Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #8" to be in stock so that everything could go out in one shipment rather than two. Can all of these Sidecart items be moved to ship out now that the Set #8 appears to be available?

Also, I included the Holiday18 promo while setting up the order (for the rest of the no-preorder stuff) and I'm not sure if Sidecarting stuff removed it or not - can that be included as well if it's not there?


Scarab Sages

From the KS project page:

The Tome of Horrors for Fifth Edition will include a selection of creatures from earlier volumes as a kick off for an entire series of fifth edition books.

It's over 80% funded, and the KS ends on December 27th.

What will be in the book (from KS Comments page):

We're targeting 350-400 full color pages. We wanted to make this as affordable as possible so it cannot have all 700+ creatures from the Tome of Horrors Complete without being extremely cost and price prohibitive. Because of that we will be focusing on a subset of creatures that represent the creature types from 5E. There will be additional Tome of Horrors supplements released later and a faster clip after the initial book is released that will contain additional creatures from the Tome of Horrors Complete as well as brand new creatures that haven't seen the light of day yet, mainly because the Creature Keeper hasn't let them out - they need to be the right shade of mean before release. NOTE: the additional supplements are not part of this Kickstarter.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They just launched this today. Has options for painted and unpainted, and there is early bid pricing for the first 7 days of the campaign.

Location sites include Tavern Kitchen, Boat Docks, and Alchemy Chamber.

Scarab Sages

Can you remove the following from my order? I received my subscription and was happy with the amount of these I received from that:

Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Reclamation Knight
Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Death
Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Leukodaemon
Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Bone Devil
Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Horned Devil
Pathfinder Battles—Crown of Fangs: Rakshasa


Scarab Sages

Just saw that the table promo figure was available and put it in my sidecart. Can it be moved to ship with my existing order?

Scarab Sages

Order 4168139 - it looks like the subscriber discount isn't working. Also, is it possible to ship in 1 box instead of 2 (unless shipping cost would go up)?

Scarab Sages

I have previously purchased this as a case incentive along with the subscription case, so I'm not sure if that's what is going on. I click the Add button and the cursor seems to spin a bit, and the cart seems to briefly expand before reverting back to the prior state. I only have 2 miniatures (4 of each) in my cart.

Scarab Sages

Can these 3 items below from my sidecart be moved to this order to ship out? Can they use the summer16 promo I used for this order?


Scarab Sages

What are some of the good druid variants out there, and how does the power level compare to the core class? Leaning towards something that does not include animal companions

Scarab Sages

Launched today

Scarab Sages

New board game from Sasquatch Studios - the campaign ends in 34 hours, still working towards the funding threshold. Here's a description and link:

"Ultimate Scheme is a game for 2 to 4 players, in which you are an evil genius or criminal mastermind, taking on the role of a faction such as the Dark Masters of Darkness, Professor Roboto, or the Cult of Tentacly Doom. You direct your minions across the globe to gather resources and complete nefarious schemes such as Build a Freeze Ray or Market Evil Soda. Each scheme earns you progress toward your Ultimate Scheme, your secret victory condition for the game. When you've completed your secret Ultimate Scheme, you win the game!"

Scarab Sages

Just launched today:

Dwarven Forge's Castles: 3-D Modular Terrain for Gamers

Scarab Sages

Just placed this order today. If anything from my sidecart is in, can that be moved into this order rather than waiting for my next subscription? Thanks!

Scarab Sages

For those that are interested, the Trolls are running their first 5e KS (ends in 35 days)

5th Edition: Familiars, Monstrous Companions, Steeds & More

Scarab Sages

Order 3625221 was my subscription order that had a credit card issue which should be fixed. I placed the second order on Friday using the holiday coupon, with physical items moved to Subcart.

I want to make sure as much of the new order ships with the first subscription order. If items would take a week to fulfill, I wouldn't mind delaying the shipment for them to get in.

Anything that would take 2+ weeks can stay in subcart.


Scarab Sages

Can I get the price adjust for the Dungeons Deep items? If anything from my sidecart can ship with this, can they be moved here?

Also, if anything here is out of stock (the 3 d&d miniatures have been in my cart a while and may have sold out), can they be removed?


Scarab Sages

I just placed this order today:

1. Can the PF Battles discount be adjusted for the Dungeons Deep singles

2. Can items waiting in my subcart (order 3558384) ship out with this?

3. If any subcart items are delayed, can those be left in the subcart and have the rest ship with today's order?


Scarab Sages

I made a mistake and included a PDF item in this order that I forgot to remove before submitting the order. I had added it to my cart here originally when I saw it in the weekly store email, but I ended up buying the print/PDF of it elsewhere (dtrpg). Is it possible to remove it from the order? I did not download the PDF here.

Item: Monster Menagerie: Horrors of the Aboleth (PFRPG)

Scarab Sages

Two of the items are February pre-orders and are in my side cart. Can the main shipment from this order (non-subscription order) be held to ship out with those items, as my next subscription order will be in June?

Also, I have Mythos Expeditions (Trail of Cthulhu) Hardcover in my sidecart from a previous order. Can that also send out with the above shipment?

Scarab Sages

I just wanted to check on this, had sent an email to customer service on the 2nd with a picture of the figure in 3 pieces while still in its original plastic case. Nothing urgent, but I didn't want to forget about it.

Scarab Sages

I just ordered some PF Battles minis in this order, and it looks like none of the Lost Coast singles got my PF Battles subscriber discount (all of the non-Lost Coast ones were fine).

Also, if the item from my sidecart is in stock, can that be moved into this order?


Scarab Sages

I'm guessing the order is being held up by my sidecart Mythos Expeditions (Trail of Cthulhu) Hardcover, an item which shows as being on backorder. If you're not sure when it will be in stock agaain, is it possible to ship the rest of the sidecart items with the PF Battles, and leave the Mythos Hardcover in the sidecart for whenever my next order goes out?

If the book is expected to be in soon, I don't mind waiting to ship it all out together.


Scarab Sages

Wasn't sure where to post this, but will the promo Battles figures released at PaizoCon and GenCon be offered for sale (assuming they're not all gone)?

Scarab Sages

Just wanted to check to see what item(s) are delaying the order? Is it Ultimate Rulership?

Scarab Sages

Anyone know of any online CharGen sites or form-fillable character sheets for 5e? I know it's pretty early in the release, but figuring there might be some fan-made stuff out there anyway.

Scarab Sages

ENWorld reports that another 3rd-party has been brought onboard to produce some 5e material - Sasquatch Studios. If this is going to be their approach, concentrating on rules and supplements and outsourcing the adventure products, it will only help 5e. Adventures by Wizards generally seemed to be surpassed by third parties, so this is the best of both worlds.

Scarab Sages

I had a replacement Pathfinder battles figure in this order (original was damaged) - can it be moved from this cancelled order to a new order from today (#3153004)?

Pathfinder Battles—Reign of Winter: Greta

Original replacement thread

Scarab Sages

Please cancel all subscriptions due to bad customer service from Chris Lambertz. Include anything in my sidecart or backorders as well.


Scarab Sages

I get all the way to the end of the checkout process and click the "Place Your Order" button, and it brings me back to my cart and doesn't complete the order. Can someone in Customer Service process the order for me? Everything will use the default options for this order - payment method, shipping option, shipping address, etc.


Scarab Sages

In my Reign of Winter case [order 3078748], I had one figure that was defective. I've had the odd mini in the past that has had something broken that I could just glue on and it would be OK. In this case, the figure is missing an arm altogether. It wasn't in the bubble wrap containing the figure or in the carton, and it's unfortunately the arm that holds the ax.

Do I return this to you, or does it go to WizKids as a defect?


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