After 20 odd years of gaming, I've run into a recurring issue. I don't have it right now, but I'm curious as to how common it is and how you deal with it, short of asking the players to self-evict.
Whether it be robotech, rifts,generic military adventure or the skull and shackles AP... and I suppose Kingmaker can have this issue as well.
When you have one PC that must obviously be the leader in an Authoritarian view (Captain, Colonel, Sargent, King, General), I invariable end up with players who routinely disregard the in-game hieararchy.
The attitude seems to be: "we're all PCs, so I should do whatever I feel like. And if the game context has a hierarchical component, I must be as obnoxious about it as possible"
note: I'm not talking about somone playing the "loose cannon" of the group (and then getting penalized in-game and accepting the penaly as RP).
These players may or may not be the same players who, upon noting that one of the group is making a paladin, will then go about creating an assassin, necromancer or wizard with a quasit/imp/cacodeamon and be obvious about what they do.