
darian Kraft-Kahrau's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


That's awesome thank y'all so much , now to convince my gm to let me have it .

I like the wilder but its not quite what I'm looking for , something weightier I found this post earlier and I liked the idea . http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ih0o?Ideas-for-Overcasting also I would like it to be for any caster really , I like the idea of doing something freaking spectacular but having to resort to drawing from your life force .

Hey guys , I was wondering if anyone had any input or if it maybe already exists , I'm interested in an arcane rage spell or feat that lets you take negatives in some ways to buff up some spell casting . Maybe similar in style to the barbarian rage or maybe you burn extra spell slots ? I don't know and would really appreciate any input !

Skull and shackles eh , I'll give it a try ! Thank you

I just finished book one of CC and my players don't want to continue . They want some more hack and slashy, what should I do ?

thats cool , I wonder if they are planning to include some stuff like that . I did find a feat in uc that allows you to break a fragile weapon in order to confirm a crit , so thats kind of a reason to have a bone weapon i suppose.

I wish it was good for something besides flavor , we need some DR/obsidian monsters

I would like to make a goblin character , maybe a monk does anyone have any ideas that would make a decent build?

why would you choose one of the new materials in ultimate combat for your weapons other than flavor?

hmm the eldritch heritage feats might work for that , though revelalations seem more powerfull than the low level sorc bloodline powers , thanks guys I love these forums they are always helpfull

what feats?

Is there any way of gaining a revelation from an oracle's mystery without taking levels in oracle?

ah I see, makes sence now , though good luck finding a paladin with the proper feat .

Paladins can't cast 1st level spells until 4th or 5th level depending on their charisma , so 32,000 or 40,000

Wouldnt the crafting price be 48,000?
spell level (2)x caster level (3) x 2000 (for continuous) 12,000 then times 4 for duration measured in rounds. Caster level is because thats the minimum caster level to cast the spell, or can you cast at a lower caster level?

I had figured but better safe than sorry , thanks guys

does the scabbard of vigor bonuses(apg pg.309) stack with magic weapon bonuses?