danudet's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


And to add to what Claxon said, the monsters running to the back to hit the mages opens flanking on the monsters, especially if there's a thief in the party.

Casting Defensively: If you want to cast a spell without
provoking any attacks of opportunity, you must make a
concentration check to succeed. You lose the spell if you fail.

We ran into this tonight in my game. I interpreted the rule as....IF you want to cast without an AOO, you must succeed on a concentration check....implying, a fail provokes

I have a similar question. One of my players is playing a Tiefling (Int 21) mindchemist. He just hit 4th level, and took spell fox's cunning. So mutagen +4 int (25) with fox's cunning up to 29 (+9) precise bomb +1 damage with admixture pops this damage up to 1d6 +19 over 2 rounds. plus throwing additional bombs in following rounds adds up quickly