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The Decision Making Guide How to Make Intelligent Decisions and Avoid Making Bad Ones

What is decision making?

Let's define decision making. Decision making refers to the act of making decisions. Sometimes we make rational choices however, there are many occasions when we make emotional or irrational choices. This page will explain why we make bad decisions and provides useful guidelines that will aid you in expanding your decision-making tools.

Poor Choices

I tend to think of myself as a rational person however, I'm not one. The good news is it's not just me and you. We are all irrational. Researchers and economists believed for an extended period that rational humans make well-thought out choices. However, in recent years researchers have found a wide range of mental errors that derail our thinking. The following articles outline the areas the areas where we make mistakes and the best way to correct it. Whether you wish a full article on decision making, click over here.

5 Common Mental Errors that Sway You From Making Good Decisions

Let's talk about the mental errors that pop often in our lives. We'll dissect them in simple words. This article outlines the ways that survivorship bias, loss-aversion and the availability heuristic anchoring and confirmation bias prevent your decision-making.

What to look for in a mental error that leads to Misguided Thinking

Hundreds of psychology studies have proven that we tend to overestimate the significance of events we easily remember and undervalue the importance of those events that are difficult for us to recalling. Psychologists refer to this little brain error as an "illusory correlation." In this article, we talk about a straightforward strategy that you can employ to identify your hidden assumptions and stop yourself from creating an illusory correlation.

Two Harvard Professors Reveal the Reasons Our Brains Want to procrastinate

The tendency of us is to become too focused on our present self, and not enough about the future. It is possible to beat procrastination by making better long-term decisions and then finding ways to force your present self to act in the best interest of your future self. This article provides three simple methods for doing this.

It isn't necessary to be difficult to make choices. When faced with a decision of importance the most important factor is to consider the impact that the decision will have on the people involved. Most bad decisions can be remedied, however, the more people affected by the decision the harder it will be to correct the situation. Be sure to consider the impact your decision could have on your life as well as the lives of others before you make your choice.