Drakeland Barbarian

coconuts's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



This thread can be marked for closure.


That is correct, the order should be Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription, starting with Giantslayer #

What does the little green C and Blue S means within the order?


I recently started an subscription and I am able to see the order was complete. Order # 3474739
I then saw the item in the side-cart. I had clicked on Ship "As Soon As Possible." Now I am not able to find it anywhere, It does not appear in my estimate subscription under "My Subscription." Nor in "My Downloads."

My question is how can we tell if the order what shipped or not?



Thanks, that answers my question this thread can be closed.


Good afternoon,

I am very interested in acquiring a subscription. The only factor stopping me right now is the uncertainty of the shipping cost. I am located on Canada, is there a way for me to obtain an idea of the shipping cost before I acquire the subscription?

Thank you kindly,
