Chief Sootscale

Vexarious's page

49 posts (52 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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A quick survey of the workshop and maze told me that thee was not much I could gather from the outside. The main door was fairly well concealed behind a patch of thin brush. Beyond that there was a loose brick at the back of the heavy stone building that I was unable to budge, though Huge would probably be able to. I heard voices from within so I didn't bother trying to enter by myself, I definitely want backup at a place like this.

We decided to clear the ghouls from the estate before tackling the workshop. That took almost the entire three days we had before the lich came back. The night he was supposed to return is when we hit the workshop. Upon removal of the loose stone at the back, a ghoulish arm exploded forth from the hole and grabbed Huge. Escaping the hand, Huge and the old sardine removed the hand from the rest of the ghoul. Huge turned into a earth elemental and slid through the wall. A second later reappearing and describing the layout of the room; four cages, three containing ghouls, and a set of stairs leading down near the front door. Right, front door it is. In the basement there were summoning circles, dissecting tables, pieces and parts of demons, humans and possibly the remains of an angel. There were also half finished projects thrown to the side as if the original spark of creativity was replaced by perhaps a better one. Tools were disposed of or torched and then we returned to the Deverin estate to figure out what to do about the lich.

There was some arguing, but the general consensus was that we didn't think we were ready to take him out, we had enough problems with his minions. I suggested we write him a letter from the city explaining that his presence is known by the city, his creations and workshop have been destroyed, and he is no longer welcome to practice his work here. That became the agreed upon plan and I drew up an "official" letter. Some of us staked the area out to see his reaction and act if absolutely necessary. When he arrived it was not in his usual white lab coat, but in dark leathers, he looked ready to kill something. He read the letter crumpled it up and tossed it on the ground, a few scouts (looked like vampires) of his combed the grounds and reported back to him. I was too far away to hear what was said but he got back in his carriage and left the city. I believe that qualifies as mission accomplished... well mostly. We still have to deal with Fumiko and the house.

Kelyn and I were discussing going to Sandpoint to speak with Amiko and get a letter of introduction from her so we didn't just show up at her great grandfather's house and start poking around. We were in the middle of getting things ready for the trip the next day when Huge said there was going to be a party tonight at the Deverin estate with a special guest. Okay I guess we're doing that then. Looks like Huge has been rather busy, a very alive Fumiko was at the party having a grand time. Most of our families were there as well. I spotted my sister (OK Macer's sister, but I grew up in the same house too) from across the room and went to speak with her. As I drew near I noticed two little red marks on her neck. My tail twitched rapidly and I closed the distance between us much faster than I had intended and had her bend over so I could get a better look, they definitely looked like bite marks. Furious I asked her where she got those, she looked in a mirror, confused and said she didn't see any marks. I took out my knife and had it extend its protection to her, and the fog cleared from her mind.

By this time others had noticed and began to make a bit of a crowd around her. Macer was a bit more forceful about getting information. That said, apparently our old "friend", Epher, is now a vampire working for Oona's father and has been courting our sister. In fear that she may be in the early stages of being changed we fed her a vile of the blue fluid and she was to stay with Lugh's family till we could deal with Epher.

It took us two weeks to get a plan in motion to try and find him, Oona decided that she would play bait while we stalked nearby. Can't say he's the most intelligent immortal I've ever met. Not only did he fall for the bait, but when I spotted him he was literally walking right next to me. I quietly drew my knives, moved next to him and proceeded to cut him four kinds of bad; Long, Deep, Wide, and Often while anouncing to the group that he was here. I was so involved in my revenge I nearly forgot my curiosities about vampires and the undead, specifically whether they feel pain or not. He jumped back from me and the spark of recognition entered his eyes, "Macer's lizard!"... now that just hurts, he doesn't remember my name. He darted off through the crowd and somehow managed to stop right next to Lugh, well that was just downright stupid. Lugh politely greeted him with his scimitar, and did something with his mace to leave a brand on Epher's forehead. I was able to sneak in for one more stab and twist, remembering to ask if he felt pain this time. Epher gave me a confused look responded in the negative and darted straight up into the sky.

Having nothing to engage him with I was preparing to chase him from the ground as best I could, knowing Huge was up there somewhere in the form of a bird. Just before I ran off after him Nina came over, cast a spell on me and told me to fly after him... BEST DAY EVER!!! Not only do I get a question answered but now I get to fly, actually fly! I know it was magical flight but my body subconsciously spread and flapped my wings anyway, whatever it still felt awesome! Right, pursuit. I chased after Epher, dodging through the alleyways till we came to a dead end. He turned to mist and floated into a building. I knew I had backup coming so I flew above the building and watched the exits. Huge got my attention as a bird and flew in after Epher. I could see some of the others flying this way and got there attention just as Huge flew out of the building chasing a slow wisp of smoke.

We followed Epher's wisp to Oona's father's estate and more or less rushed our way in. The servants protested our entry but didn't do anything to prevent us from doing what we were there to do. We found Epher's coffin in the basement and drug it outside, discussing how to deal with him. There was one really funny idea about showing him his last sunrise. Huge boomed in about how even though he was an ass, he used to be a friend, and he may have been dominated. That struck me, I've been there, I remember that succubus commanding me to empty my pack while my friends fought her demons. I didn't like it but I understood Huge's position. We were at a crunch for time so we put the coffin in one of the portable holes, raced to Lugh's chapel and brought him back using the blue fluid. Epher couldn't grasp the fact that he was truly alive again. I just about died laughing when Macer pulled his little "Remember when you said you didn't feel pain?" stunt. Now we just need to figure out if he's a threat by himself, or if he was just Oona's father's little b****.

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Huge and I dispatched the werewolf and dire wolf on one flank while those still above ground did so on the other flank. Then one-by-one they began to join Lugh in the tunnel... Plan? What Plan? Apparently no one wants to stick to anything that resembles the original plan. Huge decides that he is going to stay topside and hunt the remaining doggies, he also tells me to go aid the others, then trots off by his self. Has turning canine shrunken your cognitive reasoning?! NO ONE WONDERS OFF ALONE, and I can run just as fast as you can wolf-boy!

It appears that the ghouls have taken over what is left of the estate. The remaining wolves and werewolves that we came across while searching were torn and chewed apart by Human-sized jaws. It was a barbaric rending of flesh, almost like there was hate in the attacks. If these ghouls are strong enough to be dealing with this crowd our people have probably learned that by now too. Huge and I decided to head back to the rally point, and talk things over with the rest of the group.

Sure enough there they were, laughing nervously about what had just happened. Apparently they very nearly got overrun by ghouls and almost lost the old, new meat... new, old meat... the old guy whose new to the group... the new guy whose an old guy... whatever, you get it.

We decided to raid the Lich's workshop the next day, so I decided to scout the place out that night and try to find out what we may be dealing with, and possible egress points.

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While catching our breath at the Deverin estate, some more guests were announced. Firstly, there was a small human female, looked young, but she claimed to be a friend of Felu's from back-in-the-day so she can't be too young. (and Oh what timing! You just missed her by a couple of hours!) The second was a mass of old mammalian flesh squeezed into a suit of armor that probably fit better ten or fifteen years ago. Supposedly he keeps things from getting near her when they get into scuffles. Anyway we tell them about the recent passing of Felu, and "she" offers "their" help. Come to think of it the old guy never really said anything, she did all the talking, surprise surprise. She seemed rather put off when Huge dismissed them with something along the lines of "Yeah that's great, come back tomorrow". The hell were they expecting, "Oh, it's so very wonderful to meet you, friend-of-now-deceased-Felu-whom-I-really-don't-remember! Why don't you help yourself to some food and stay at this estate that doesn't belong to us?"

So the next day was spent in preparation for the clearing out of the wolves and werewolves from the Kaijitsu estate. Emma and her tin can showed back up in the evening and it was decided that we allow them to come along, prove their worth, that kind of thing. Well we laid out a simple plan and went from there. Of course the original plan didn't make it a full five seconds. Huge turned into a massive wolf, but we were able to tell him apart by his armor, then immediately took off in a different direction...he must have been napping during the planning phase. Well not wanting to split the group up I motioned to follow him and promptly disappeared into the brush keeping Huge in front of me, and the rest of the party slightly behind. It didn't take long to bypass a shed that smelled of rot and decay then start the party off right, just down the way a little, with a werewolf. It wasn't long before a large number of wolves joined the battle and kept things interesting. At one point in the combat I saw the new kid laying on her back after being tripped up by a wolf and Oona keeping the creature back. Oh yeah, Looking really good there new blood. Now when I say Oona was keeping the wolf back what I mean is she one-hit planted its nose into the ground so hard it stayed there for quite a while.

We cleaned up the immediate area, Lugh fell in a hole and started yelling for his spear, then a couple more werewolves showed up at our flanks. Now things are getting fun.

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Well I must admit that went MUCH better than I was expecting on initial observation. I had to deal with the six vampires for a little while getting in a quick slash here and there, and eventually taking one down to get myself into a slightly more defensive position. I can't hear what's going on down below, far too focused on my fight, these things move fast...just not as fast as me. I start to get fire support from below the world keeps erupting in flame from a little speck that keeps getting thrown up here, Nina must be launching fireballs at us. They must be doing alright if they can spare. Another vampire dispatched allows me to get into a corner, further cutting off the number that can attack me at once. I can still hear sounds of combat from below, but it seams to be slowing, surely that's a good thing.

Eventually between Nina's fire and my knife we get the count in the rafters down to two vampires and me... till the big nasty decides to come say hi. What is she doing still alive!?! There was six of us to deal with her, while I dealt with the six vampires upstairs... oh please don't tell me it was going the same way on both levels. No time to think about it, have to focus on new threat. It took a number of stabs but she eventually went misty like the others I had dispatched. When I was finally able to get down from the rafters I found that Kelyn, Nina and Sam still stood. We swiftly ended the last threat and took measure of the situation.

Huge and Lugh were still pumping air into their mangled, unconscious forms; Oona was still as the grave and Felu was simply gone. Kelyn filled me in on what happened while we applied potions to the fallen. Sam was non-responsive, starring into nothing, but standing by the door as if just waiting for us to go. Nina explained that the lead vampire had him under the same domination spell that had been used on me some time ago. A few protection potions got him out of it for a minute and he broke down something fierce. Guess he was the one as finished off Felu and she had been taken off to hell for selling her soul. Well I was rather... not happy... with this information, Felu was always very nice to me for whatever reason, and her passing is rather annoying. So I may not have made the situation any better with a snide comment about how it must feel awful to kill one's own woman.

Right before he went back into his dominated state he said something about using the blue stuff on Oona. Confused at first we remembered the many blue vials we had found in the vampires' self-deposit-boxes. Well why not, we don't know what it is and she's already dead, so we cracked one open and force fed it to her. Color quickly returned to her and she popped right up, immediately rejuvenated to top condition. That must be some strong stuff, we tried one on Sam and it got him out of the domination. It definitely made me wonder what vampires are doing with such a strong healing agent... but maybe there's something more to it... better not to dwell on it.

Well with everyone ambulatory again, Huge got us back to the Deverin estate to figure out what to do next.

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Have you ever made one of those decisions you immediately regret? Well I just made one of those and it landed me in the middle of six vampires… so we’ll see how this plays out.

While we were waiting for various items to get enchanted or found in the marketplace, a number of us decided to do some reconnaissance on the mansion. There was at least one vampire, a number of werewolves and dire wolves and one lich. Luckily the lich would only be there for a few days at a time then be gone for a few days, he has a pretty set schedule.

We decided to launch a sneaky assault the day after the lich left for one of his outings. We sneaked into the mausoleum around noon hoping to catch the vampire in its coffin asleep. We were all able to get by the wolves and enter the mausoleum without raising any alarms. The upper level had around five stone sarcophaguses but they didn’t house what we were after. The one furthest from the front door on the other hand slid to the side revealing a stairway to a sub-level. Underneath was pretty simple but during exploration we were accosted, first by two, and then by four more vampires. We came out of those fights pretty well off; they got a lucky hit in on me, but the knife healed that up nicely.

Looking around the sub-level we found a total of thirteen coffins. We found the now occupied ones and finished off the recuperating vampires then started looking around for the others. I heard Huge yell that they had closed the entrance so I went to watch his back as he opened it back up. Well the main she-vamp was waiting right outside the opening and took some pretty big chunks out of Huge. The others were coming up the stairs and there wasn’t going to be a lot of room to maneuver around her so I jumped straight up onto the sarcophagus and took a quick look around. I saw one vampire on the rafter above me so I decided to leap up there and keep him busy while the group got to focus on the she-vamp. Well what I hadn’t noticed was that there was not just the one, but six vampires up in the rafters. The others had been at such angles that my quick look missed their presence. Well you can guess what happens next. Do some rush down to help their boss? No, of course not, they all rush and attack me. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to dodge their attacks, and I really can’t say I’ve been in a worse situation, but I’m sure the next few seconds will be thoroughly interesting.

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So we show back up in I-want-to-kill-you land and the first thing we see is this monstrous, demonic creature. In stead of attacking it addresses us as Treyvar did, wishes us luck, then disappears. I got the feeling something significant just happened but I couldn't place it quite yet. We gave each other confused, sideways looks. Except for Sam and Felu, they looked worried, maybe even a little scared. We headed through Fort Donner on our way back to the Witch's hut. The town had completely turned around. The people were out and about, there were guards along the walls and at the gates. It looked like a proper town, which put me even more on edge.

When we made it to the gut something was definitely wrong. I examined the bodies we had left behind a month ago, only they weren't a month old, at most five days of decomposition had taken place. That brought a rather scary thought into my mind. I think we were gone too long in Magnimar. That the devils and demons coming out of the gate had caused a lot of damage, probably even destroyed the Fort. Then Treyvar used everything he had and a lot more to get us back here at a time that we might still fix things. I laughed at the irony, and tried not to think about the fact that we're still in Magnimar even though we are right here, and we're using items that didn't/don't exist right now. Again laughter.

After everyone stopped looking at me funny, we moved on in search of the portal. The first few days went uneventfully, although there was a presence at night. My knife really got my attention at one point , yelling something about a demon, but it settled down a moment later. The morning before we found the cave we were set upon by winged beasts with riders upon their backs. the riders were fairly weak, but the beasts themselves were rather stout. We had dispatched all but one of the beasts, that was attempting to take flight and get away. I so wanted to ride it into the ground, and apparently so did Oona as she mounted it just a second before I leapt upon it. I was about to plunge my dagger into its neck when I found myself launched from its back and tumbling through the air. The air-brakes(wings) kicked on and a short roll later found my feet planted solidly on the ground again. Some upity bearded-devil finished that last one off before I could have my fun. (That said, after sizing him up for a second, I didn't like my odds of taking him on.) So I didn't make a fuss as the rest of the group found out that he was just competing a contract and had no intention of bothering us.

A short jaunt found us at the mouth of a cafe that had "Chaos Portal" written all over it. Within we found a lot of little demon blobs as well as a creature I was told was an Owlbear... So I guess that's a thing. While the main fighters strode boldly forward forcing the owlbear to abandon its deer snack and move into a corner, I decided to attempt to sneak around it using the many large stalagmites in the cave. It worked pretty well... against the owlbear... the face-hugging demon blobs and fireball spewing floating skulls on the other hand were not impressed by my "sneaky lizard" routine, and proceeded to, well, hug my face and shoot fireballs at me. I was able to dodge behind the lip of the stalagmite to escape the fireball and proceeded to scrape the demon blobs from my snout. I didn't have a means to deal with the floating skulls' BS so I decided to assist the fighters with the confused bird-mammal (how does that even work!? That'd be like a seal trying to mate with a penguin, the anatomy just doesn't work that way.)

As the owlbear fell a lot of the demon blobs rushed in to feed off of its corpse. The few that survived the initial feast were killed off, and I asked the knife to decompose the rest of the body leaving a nice pile of feathers and bones that shouldn't provide any more food for the little blobs. I met with Kelyn near the far end of the cave, next to a wall of fog. Kelyn stepped through and a second later came right back out explaining that there were two ogre-hulks on the other side of the fog, only in not so many words.

Alright, the fun's not over yet! The rest of the group charges through the fog before I get a chance to step in. By the time I got to the far edge of the fog the small hallway was packed with friend and foe alike. There was a small gap between the two hulks and I figured I could dart through and start carving on their backsides. Oona must have seen the same gap but she tried it a hair too soon and caught a back-swing forcing her back, but not really doing any damage. I smiled and yelled "Nice try mammal!" Then shot the gap, cleanly passing between the behemoths. I was able to strike the killing blow to one and the knife was having far too much fun because it discharged again turning the falling body into a pile of bones.

We pressed on for quite some time before coming to another chamber. Of course this one was filled with a bunch of cultist archers, some bone-devils, and what was later described to be an Oni(some kind of demon). I sneaked around and got into a position to ambush and occupy three of the archers. All three died the same, two quick cuts apiece. A knife to a lower vital spot; major pelvic artery; Achilles heel; kidney; whatever it took to get them to drop their head or chest within reach of the second, fatal thrust.

When I turned around I found Sam bargaining with the bone-devils in an attempt to get out of this encounter with our skins still attached to our bodies. That went fairly well till something in a pit full of people started eating the bone devils. I ran over to help out and saw what looked like a very large bone-devil, only this one was completely black and moved more like a fluid. Ripples coursed over its body as it moved or was struck, like a large wineskin, only without the skin. Well I jumped down into the pit to help take the thing down, and though it took quite a few blows it finally fell. We helped the people get to a safe place while we continued on for a short while before taking a short rest.

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After a restful night in the White Dragon Inn, we decided to go to the “Hag’s shack” marked on a map we found on the succubus. It took about half a day to hike to this rather large shack nestled against the side of a mountain it was made of rough stone and logs; used a crudely tanned hide as a door and there were no windows into the place. Birgun was first to enter and as we followed in, a raspy voice claimed that we were the strangers from the prophecy. The voice came from what appeared to be an old dwarf woman sitting in a chair. I don’t precisely remember what Birgun said to her, but I certainly wouldn’t want him addressing me in that forceful tone. She cowered a little and asked us to follow her into the back and she would explain things. When Birgun made it to the doorway to follow her, he turned into a porcupine… only with arrows instead of quills… and they were pointy side in… and it looked really painful.

Well the following fight included eight bow-men, some sort of ogre, and the old dwarf turned out to be some kind of fey. It was yet another ambush scenario with Birgun, Macer and Lugh taking the brunt of the damage. I on the other hand was having far too much fun tumbling around people, and sticking them in important places, and I was rather pleased at the end since all of my blood was still safely stored within me.

A quick search around the shack resulted in the discovery of a portal a few days travel away, near the dead dragon’s lair. The portal has been opened, it leads to a very bad place, and I suppose we are going to shut it down. We decided to stay the night at the shack and start for the portal the next day. Well then Lugh was out doing his commune with his god the next morning and she explained to him that where we are going, the divine casters will be drawing from another entity(a god of chaos, Noculous or some such thing), and the arcane casters will have less predictable than normal results. She also hinted that we should prepare for some strong adversaries.

This is just me, but as I recall we were not 'hired' to do this job. We were commandeered by a ghost claiming to know us from a former lifetime. We are sitting in the middle of a country that we don’t really know and for the most part have been met with nothing but hostility both from the locals and all the crazy s&*^ out here trying to kill us. As far as I’m concerned we can walk away and this place can rot. We do, on the other hand, have a contract still out to remove vagrants (werewolves) from the Kaijitsu manor, oh, and return Hobart to Magnimar. It was decided that we take care of the portal first, I don’t like it, but I’ll be damned if they get to go kill demons without me. It was agreed that we try and get a hold of our ghosty buddy for a lift to a large town so we could take care of some lewts and gear up.

When I woke up from the carriage ride I was pleased to see we were in Magnimar. Shopping was then had by all; I found a few useful anti-outsider odds and ends as well as a much nicer belt, oh and a rock that’s supposed to bring me luck.

A group of us went to retrieve Hobart from Sandpoint during this time because some(Huge)one’s armor was going to take a month to get enchanted. Once I learned that I decided I could probably take the time and get my old trusty knife worked on as well. I just wanted it to get a little better but the wizard said the magic didn’t work right. He said that instead of the enchantment taking as it normally would, the knife ‘woke up’. Frankly I thought he was just trying to weasel me out of some gold. I’ve had the knife for years, it’s made from this greenish steel that heals itself if it gets chipped, but that doesn’t make it some sort of living creature. Well I got rather upset with him and was planning to storm out with my knife. Then I picked it up… it wasn’t words that filled my head but a feeling; a feeling of familiarity, and comfort. Then a short conversation of sorts took place between the dagger and me. It spoke through pictures and emotions in my mind, and I guess recent events have had a major impact on it because it kept bringing up demons, more specifically, demons getting killed. It more or less explained how it would be able to help me and protect me from some of the vile magic that demons use. This was rather pleasing to me especially since I know we are far from done with demons.

After a few minutes of conversation I realized that I was getting some rather odd looks as the rest of the customers just saw some crazy lizard having a one-way conversation with a dagger. I gave the wizard a “OK, I guess you were right but I’m not pleased about it and I’m not going to apologize” look, then paid him what was owed, and calmly left the store standing as tall as a three foot kobold can. I guess there’s a lesson in arguing magic with a wizard, “If you don’t study a subject, don’t argue it with those who do.”

Within the next few days as we were preparing to head back north, we were invited to a party/feast of sorts by Hobart. Everyone showed up. Even our, now significantly more substantial then he was before, ‘friend’ of a ghost, Treyvor. The meal and the company were thoroughly enjoyable, it was significantly more jovial than it was before we got Hobart cured. I did everything I could to slow time and savor the moment, for tomorrow we head back to that accursed country where maybe A SINGLE SOUL likes us and LITERALLY everyone else wants us gone or dead.

I suppose today turned out alright after all.

After I returned my deposited items to their proper places, I prepared my anatomy book and multiple writing utensils as well a couple of ink-pots, one black and one a slightly darker black for contrast.

I was given a few hours to go about my work before we had to help Macer in what was an obvious set-up with some lieutenant. Sam stayed behind to observe me. I heard him tell the others he was worried about my behavior in this instance, however, I think he is as curious as I am in this matter, perhaps more so. I mean the tattoos that "appear" on his person are not what you would call angelic, they are quite the opposite.

Perhaps half an hour or so before the meeting, Lugh, Felu, Atz, and I set up a counter-ambush on the road. We watched some humans and dwarves unload some supplies and leave it strewn about the road in barrels and what not. When Macer, the captain of the guard and Huge the dog showed up the lieutenant seamed rather upset at the number of people and the fight was on rather quickly.

Turned out the LT was actually a vampire, he seamed as vulnerable to my knives as any other human though, just didn't re-die the same. It turned into a puff of smoke and flowed in a very direct route to a little dock house and we found a coffin under the floorboards with the vampire unconscious inside. Lugh said we would be able to kill it for good and proceeded to drive a wooden stake into its heart.

I am curious to know how becoming a vampire would change one's physiology but Lugh told me to leave the body alone... I guess my book's getting a little full so I'll let it be for now. But they're undead, do they still feel pain? Do they really suck the blood of their victims? This one bled, but it wasn't the same as a live human, it was a slow run like there wasn't any pressure. Do they still breathe? I have dozens of questions now. I suppose I'll get another chance to study one in the future, but this one's here right now... I'm sure Oona would be happy to help me find answers to these questions.

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You know, I don't intentionally go looking for trouble. That said, after what the ghost told us on the way up here, I wasn't too worried about being reserved. I'll have to get back to the kobold adventure. For now we'll start in with what happened on our way back to Sandpoint.

We were just passing in front of the dwarven ruins when Birgun stops walking and begins a conversation with a rock. After a little while a ghostly looking man stands up from the rock and explains that we all need to go with him. A large carriage appears, also very ghost-esk, and as we enter he greets us by our name, and a second name he claims to have known to us in a previous lifetime. It was very odd exchange but for whatever reason I didn't feel on edge about the situation. Thus began the ride north, during which our host gave a slight history of where we were headed. I'll give you the super brief version.

Small boom town up north; plenty of money to be made; raised to the ground every 5 years or so by white dragon; dragon slain two years ago by adventurers; town prosperous till two-ish months ago; witch came from mountain prophesying doom; starts coming true; a group of strangers are supposed to come to town looking to help but ultimately destroys the town; enter us.

Well like I said, I wasn't too worried about being reserved. We got rooms at the first inn we encountered, the White Dragon inn (someone's tempting fate), then split up to try and get an idea of whats going on. I spotted an herbalist shop and headed in for some potion makings as well as a little info gathering. The shop owner was a "simple minded" fellow named Phlen, who seamed to be blisfully unaware of the goings on. He told me of the witch and the "evil in the woods" that has been killing all the gaurd patrols. Then he talked about a girl that had been brought back from one of the farms. The whole family had been killed except for her. Apparently the guards brought her by for him to heal but he lied about them taking her back to the baracks. I told him that I was a friend and he could tell me what was going on. He looked sideways mumbled something about the prophecy not mentioning a lizard then told me that the captain of the guard and the girl had been staying at his shop for the last two weeks and then started to lead me down the hall.

Phlen tentatively knocked on a hall door then entered explaining that I had some questions for the girl. When I entered the room my nostrils were accosted with the scent of dampness, must, and mammal sex. A quick look at the captain and the girl explained that they were rather "engaged" a very short time ago. Being highly unimpressed at this point I made a couple of short remarks to the two. I asked the captain why he had been here for the last two weeks instead of taking care of the town and told the girl that she seemed rather unfettered by the fact that her whole family had been slaughtered recently. To which the captain asked in a harsh tone "What do you want?" I turned to the girl and said "I want you to tell me about the attack and anything you can about this 'evil in the woods'". The captain stood up, drew his sword and shouted "YOU'RE THE EVIL IN THE WOODS!" ... Elf please, I haven't been here a full half hour.

The captain moved forward to strike me and missed, then the girl tried some sort of spell on me that I was able to shake off. I darted around the captain to get to the girl and got a couple of daggers ready. The first strike with the magic dagger should have dug much deeper into her side than it did, however the cold iron dagger that I barely nicked her with seemed to have no such problem, must be a demon. The captain closed the gap again and two devils or demons or whatever came in from another door, I think Lugh calls them outsiders in general. Anyway another solid strike from the captain and and being thoroughly outnumbered made me decide that I should get out while I was still breathing. I got a couple of good hits in on the captain then made for the door. I dodged between the captain and one of the outsiders and was just about to round the corner when my body stopped. Then it turned around and fell in line next to the girl, somehow she had control of it. I was furious, especially when my friends started to show up from the commotion and engage the captain and outsiders. There was fun and killing to be had and that stupid (please allow for a 15-20 second censoring beeeeep as Vex has a string of rather foul names for the succubus that range in a number of languages) literally has me emptying my pockets in the middle of a battle!

My allies were able to clear out the room releasing me from the enchantment. So right now, I'm fuming mad, there's a mostly intact dead succubus next to me, and I don't think there is a book in existence that will get as meticulous as I will with the documentation and dissection of its anatomy, you know, for science...

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After the fight Lugh continued his rush upstairs to check on the statue, while a few of us remained in the catacombs to double check the area and liberate some items from the recently deceased. We learned that magic weapons as well as cold iron would likely be invaluable against out new enemy.

While shopping the next few days Macer informed me that the group had received a letter hiring us to check on the Kaijitsu estate and get an estimate for its refurbishment, as well it was requested of us to check on Mayer Deverin’s uncle, Hobart, in the neighboring estate as it was rumored he was in bad health. The Deverin estate and mansion are massive to say the least. The main house itself is three stories tall, not including the large attic. It was extravagant, but not overly so, meaning it was entirely functional for the thirty plus staff and didn’t scream “look at all my money” like so many others in the area. We were each given a privet room on the third floor save for the couples, they of course shared rooms. I was rather pleased that my room was not bordered by either of theirs.

Cutting some content here, we discovered that our gracious host is plagued with both a demon feeding from his life-force AND lycanthropy. It appears the only reason Hobart is still alive is due to the strength of the lycanthropy and at the same time the only reason he hasn’t gone on a wolfish rampage is because the demon’s feeding has prevented Hobart from changing. I did some research and learned that we required a powerful cleric to remove both the disease and demon. Our host was not aware of his condition, but I believe he was feeling mortality as he hired us as bodyguards to escort him to Sandpoint that he could see his niece. It was mentioned that there is a sizable temple in Sandpoint so we will likely be able to cure him there or at least learn of where we can go to fins a strong enough cleric.

The ride down went uneventfully, passing by the inn it looked like reconstruction was already underway. We arrived in Sandpoint later in the evening (sixish) and most everyone ran off to find rooms or entertain themselves until tomorrow. My thinking was - we are on a job, we do the job we get paid. I mean why allow the demon another night to feed, shouldn’t we eliminate this parasite as seen as possible? - So I headed strait for the temple and talked with a Father Zantos. I very bluntly explained the situation and my objective leaving names out of it. It was rather rude, but he kept interrupting with questions like, “What are you, where are you from, is your friend a lizard too?” I don’t think he quite gathered the gravity of what I was trying to explain to him as he kind of blankly told me to go seek out a Zandu at the Rusty Dragon Inn. Gods with names like those these guys must be brothers, or at least very unlucky.

So back to the Rusty Dragon I went, and seek this Zandu I did. He is a rather strange fellow, very colorfully dressed speaks with his hands in a very exaggerative manner… I was surprised to find him in the company of a woman, more surprised when I learned they were married. As I explained the situation, he too interrupted with questions like, “What are you, where are you from, is your friend a lizard too?”… REALLY!? Is it bloody copy-cat day? These guys must be brothers. This Zandu character said he would be able to take care of the problems, but not till about one in the morning, he had to prepare for the event. I went and found Sam and Felu as they are not only the ones who can see the demon, but they also lead hour host/employer to his niece’s home when we got to Sandpoint. Sam seemed rather upset at having to get up at one to take care of Hobart, but that’s his problem. Like I said we have a job to get paid for. Of course he reminded me that I should probably let the Deverins in on my plan and not just randomly show up at heir house in the middle of the night and expect everything to go smoothly.

Another trek across town brought me to Mayer deverin’s home, probably near ten o’clock. I explained the plan to Mayer Deverin, luckily Sam and Felu had already told her of her uncle’s conditions, otherwise she would have likely have had my scaly tail kicked out of her home. She asked if her uncle ha to be wake during the process and if it would hurt. I hadn’t thought of that, so I told her “No” with as much feigned confidence as I could, and she seemed wholly satisfied with my response. Of course we didn’t get this far without questions like “ What are you, where are you from?” etc.

I arrived shortly after one with Zandu, Sam and Felu to perform the whatever you want to call it. It was rather unexciting to watch and before I knew it Zandu exercised and cured Hobart without waking him. Then I finally went to bed. I suppose it would be best not to anger the odd cleric.

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I must say this has been a most interesting day. After the early morning ambush I headed off to get a little more sleep as to be ready for when we decide to cleanse the temple. Met with the group around noon near the market and it was decided that we would head to the temple in the evening after Huge and Lugh recovered their weapons and armor that were currently getting enchanted.

Normally I would find a dark hole and read the brighter part of the day away, however, I had a feeling tonight would be a serious test of our abilities so I decided to sit upon the Irespan and sketch the ships in the harbor while enjoying the warmth of the sun. As the sun began to near the horizon I went to meet up with the rest of the troupe before heading out to the temple. Most of the gang went to the side entrance as we had done as children, however, Sam was curious if the key we relieved from Zadendi would fit the front doors, and as it was in my possesion, I went with him to try it. The front doors appeared to already be open slightly, and just before we entered there was a mosterous crash as the gargoyle from this morning apeared beside me. Apparently it had attempted to bull rush Sam into the temple wall and Felu just barely pushed him out of the way. I did not have any weapons drawn so I was not in a possition to engage the gargoyle immediately. As such I produced smokestick and tindertwig from my spring-loaded wrist sheaths, concealed myself in the smoke and stepped away from the creature to buy myself a few seconds. It shot straight up out of the smoke then engaged Felu. I drew daggers and moved up beside it as more allies came from the side of the temple. At some point in the melee, I felt really strange, and slow. Then I noticed I was eye level with the creature... as well as with Lugh who was flanking it with me... Sam must have made me big (or the rest of the world small) and this form was obnoxiously slow and clumsy. Not only was I completely incapable of striking the creature, but I felt as though I was much more exposed. Huge struck the felling blow and I made my way to Sam, requesting that he remove his spell and NEVER DO IT AGAIN!

We proceded to search the temple for a passage down, but had no luck inside the building. We finally found a vine covered door in the side of the temple and the key was requested. After I stepped up and said"Yeah, I have it", I received a strong look from Lugh along with a very firmly said "HAD". I unlocked the door then happily gave the key to Lugh. We proceeded into the catacombs and as we reached the end of the stairs I offered to scout ahead. The rest of the group nodded, and Huge said that if I see anything to come back...or at least yell. I wasn't twenty feet in when I felt something cold touch my arm and steal a bit of my life essense, very similar to the feeling of whatever that cleric did this morning only this seamed more severe. Beside me was a quasi-transparent, dark, humanoid undead thing. I attempted to say "Contact, help!", but I think it came out as "Aieeee! WHAT THE -redacted-!!!". I quickly learned my normal daggers had no effect, so I retreated a few feet in panic. Lugh and Huge were there in an instant and they were making contact with their newly enchanted weapons. I remembered the dagger from Zadendi was magical, a bit large for me, but useable. A quick shield formula later and I was back in the fight! Huge struck two down and I was able to get revenge on the third by striking the final blow. Huge was able to restore my vitality and I felt MUCH better for it, my overconfidence may well end me someday. Each creature fell into a pile of bones when it was defeated and thoes were collected to be returned to their graves. Three dead clergy, three empty graves, three re-dead creatures. That should be the end of that.

The end of the catacombs held another double door, and a trap that Kelyn was kind enough to discover the painfull way. The doors opened into another worship-esque room, only the whole scene was disturbing. There were three hearts on an alter, the room was full of dead birds of all kinds impaled on sticks and mutilated in a number of ways. Two bared cells flanked the altar, one was open and empty save for some bedding material and a chamberpot. The other was occupied by a strange fellow who ran to the bars at the sight of Lugh warning us of the crazy woman who was cutting out hearts and begging to be let out. Lugh stood back and read from a scroll, at which the man recoiled back hissed and dissapeared. Huge stepped up and dragged his sword accross the altar removing the hearts and whatever else was there into a pile. I stepped up and covered it in keros oil, was about to grab a tindertwig when the pile ignited from a quick spell from Huge. Without looking I jumped up and we preformed the most badass, syncronized high-five in the history of the known world. :P

Then things got serious again as most of the party left the room to charge after Lugh. He got himself caught up with a deamon, Kohlos the dark stalker who got away, Falkahn the assassin, and some other human. By the time I got there the fight was well underway and another deamon showed up behind Felu, taking a nasty piece out of her. My next move is to help dispatch that deamon then hopefully I'll be able to get to Kohlos before the others kill him. I've been holding onto his buddy's shortsword hoping for the chance to go toe-to-toe him.
What! Me, vindictive? nah

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Well I’m just going to start from when we got back to Magnimar.
There was a quick discussion about where we should stop first. Either go straight to Lugh’s house to see if it really was his mother who was turned against his goddess or to finally get paid for the escort job and ear collection. My vote was for getting paid for a number of reasons; firstly it’s right next to the main gate; secondly I could do with a equipment refresher, especially if his mum is the target because that would likely mean a fight and I’d rather be prepared; lastly because those ears were starting to get even nastier (not something I would have believed possible).

We ended up doing it half right. We dropped off the contract and ears, getting paid. Then we headed straight for Lugh’s family home instead of the market to arm up. I suppose it worked out, Lugh’s mum was not the one brainwashed and we got a bit of information. There had been a small number of murders, initiates of Sarenrae, in underbridge(imagine that), however, these people were found with their hearts removed. That gets to be what merits a bit more attention. We went and saw Captain Dorn for more information and to offer our assistance in capturing the killer.

We got a hasty plan in action using Lugh as bait to try and flush out the killer. The rest of the party would be hiding along the streets/ rooftops. An important rumor around town mentioned a winged creature seen along the rooftops at the times of the murders. I decided to parallel Lugh’s path in the street along the rooftops hoping to see the creature before it struck.

The ambush wasn’t set till early in the morning so we were able to hit the market to arm up and spend some of this hard earned gold. I decided I needed a small bow, we’ve had a small number of encounters at range and I’d rather not be running around uselessly the whole time. I picked up a couple other useful gadgets then found a quiet place to sit and draw before taking a nap so I’d be ready for the stalk.

The plan ultimately worked, but it was not a smooth operation. An early morning fog set in underbridge and I was unable to see more that a few meters in it, I could just make out Lugh’s form as I followed him from the rooftops. The rest of the group was well placed as the ambush happened just a few houses in prior to them. That was the only plus side, with the fog they were unable to see the slim figure WEASEL up beside him with a knife and I heard nothing as she slashed into him. Lugh jolted and produced a sunrod lighting up the fog, again no sound came from him. I leapt straight out from the roof then unfurled my wings and glided down beside the “assassin“. As I got close to engage her I lost all hearing and I swear that smelled like magic. As my knives began to work, Lugh’s next action was to throw a thunderstone. I saw it spark as it hit the cobblestones, and hoped it was far enough outside of the spell that the others would be coming. I didn’t see what the “assassin” did but I felt a wave of vile energy wash over my and I could feel it tear at the very fabric of my being, that hurt like nothing I have felt before. Luckily Kelyn and some of the others showed up to help and we continued to work on the “assassin“. Just as Lugh grappled the woman another presence appeared beside me in the fog and proceeded to try and tear Lugh apart. My attention shifted to the gargoyle with his hands full of bits of Lugh and I was now working hard to find weak points to pierce on its strange form. As soon as Oona knocked out the “assassin” the gargoyle flew off into the fog, I climbed up the nearest building but was too late to see where it headed off to. We took the “assassin” somewhere we could talk to her and decide what to do with her.

Sam used his charm to get all buddy buddy with her and she was more than happy to tell him everything we needed to know. She is/was a cleric of Sarenrae, I guess eating the hearts of other worshipers was a way to turn her. Lugh says she can be redeemed so we’re going to turn her over to the watch. Works for me, she gave us a direction to look next. She was relieved of most her possessions, her dagger especially. Not that she was very good with it, the gash she left in Lugh’s side was minor, especially compared to the rending the gargoyle gave him. Simply proves you shouldn’t send a cleric to do an assassin’s job.

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"To say the scaly little freak weaseled into and warmed my heart is an understatement!"-Lugh
That's just down-right insulting!
You know weasels are mammals, right?

If anything this "scaly little freak" SNAKED his way into your heart! Ah, yessss, that's much more appropriate... *smile*

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I was able to follow the goblins to a cave mouth a good ways away from the inn. I could still see the fire burning so I really wasn't too worried about getting back. The cave mouth was shrouded in magical darkness so they still have help from at least one caster. I could hear both the voices of goblins and orcs, but nothing that made me think human. More than likely this cave connects to a network and I'm smarter than to try and follow them through their territory without my gear, or some help. So I waited by the mouth of the cave for about half an hour just in case something were to happen, then headed back to the inn. I told my companions about what I had learned it was decided that we should escort everyone to Sandpoint and then try and handle the goblin threat. I felt it would be better to press them now, but I was the minority.

The rest of the trek to Sandpoint went uneventfully. The town itself was decent enough I suppose. One thing of note was a fair sized statue/monument to "The Fallen Heroes of Sandpoint", a few questions later explained they had defended the town against a couple of raids. The first one was goblins during a festival then a few months later giants and even a dragon attacked the town and the heroes returned to save the town once more. The group wanted to spend the night at an inn instead of head back out today. So I wandered around the town making a sketch in my book here and there, ignoring the usual strange looks I got from the locals.

When I got back to The Rusty Dragon inn around dark most of the gang was already sitting at a large table enjoying dinner. I sat down with an ale and listened to the conversation. For one reason or another Birgun seams to be getting in between a couple of greyscale assassins, he claims the female saved his life during the fire, but its still not the smartest thing to do if you like your throat to stay intact while you sleep. Of course the male greyscale hunting her came into the inn as we were sitting there talking and subtlety went right out the bloody window. First Lugh made a big scene about how someone here had seen the girl he was after, then Birgun stood up and said that while he had seen her he wasn't going to say anything about her whereabouts and pretty much told the assassin to get out of the inn. So now we have that problem on top of getting info on the goblins. I guess low-key is out of the picture with a group this big anyway.

Luckily we were able to sleep in this inn without it burning down, and the next morning we made a quick stop in the market before heading to the cave I had found a few days ago. We were ambushed near dark by a small group of goblins and one orc. I was able to dispatch three of the buggers before the fight was over. The first I took down was rather distracted, he was grabbing his ankle and I could have sworn he said something about a cramp. Oh wonderful, I've spent enough time around them that I'm beginning to understand their chaotic language, pathetic. The second burned to a flask of alchemist's fire and the third was rather focused on Oona who was about to take his head off with her hands. I gathered up the ears and we went a little farther before setting up camp for the night. Tomorrow we hit the cave... hopefully there is some evidence still there since they've had a few days to clear out.

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The wagon couldn't quite make it to the half-way point in one day so we had to camp out. I haven't done that in some time so it was rather nice to get away from the city. Thoughts of goblin ambushes made me sleep light though. I took a turn on watch but luckily nothing happened.

We got to the inn the next day around noon and grabbed some lunch. Bagga was guarding another caravan and joined our table with some female friends of his. One of the "guards" from the other caravan made an insulting comment toward our female company so, mammals being mammals, a conflict was started. I was expecting more of a show but the situation was defused by my group asserting dominance over the lesser mammals with veiled threats and diplomacy. Oh they'd probably explain it differently but lets be honest that's all it really was. After I was denied the entertainment of a brawl I decided to go sit outside enjoy the surroundings and make a few sketches of the inn. I then retired to the room Macer and I rented for some sleep, looks like we will stick with the caravan until it safely reaches Sandpoint.

I woke not to the sound of birds singing in the early morning light, but to smoke, fire, and the unmistakeable sounds of goblins outside. Macer woke about the same time and we both gathered up our stuff. He opened the window and I lept out, gliding safely two stories to the ground. There was fire and goblins all over the place. Most of the people were gathering in the front yard forming a small bucket line, but the sound coming from the stables was awful so I headed that way to try and clear out some of the goblins.

The stables and a few of the horses were on fire, I had no way to help them so I engaged a group of goblins to keep them from lighting any more horses on fire while Macer and some of the others started to let the horses out. Shortly after the horses were free there was a horn call from somewhere in the dark. All of the goblins instantly headed that direction so it must be whoever is leading this attack.

I began running in the same direction as the goblins, a few took swings at me but didn't contact. Hopefully I can sneak close enough to get a look at there leader and possibly catch a name, if nothing else I can remember a face.

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Well the rumors turned out to be true, my friends had indeed returned. In fact they ALL returned on the same day! If that doesn't qualify as fate I'm not sure what would. We all gathered up and went to a tavern to drink, tell each other our stories, and be happy in general. I must say everyone has grown quite a bit, even Atz is taller than me by a few inches. Birgun on the other hand really took growing to heart, he now stands just under 7ft tall!

Once our tales were told Macer explained about the increase of goblin activity, how a couple of supply wagons had been hit, and how we might find some work looking into it. Everyone agreed that would be a good way to earn some coin and have an adventure together, just like old times. So we made a plan to meet up the next morning and track some honest work down.

After meeting up the next morning we headed for one of the supply centers and got a job escorting a couple of wagons to the inn halfway to Sandpoint. We would also get a bonus of 8gp per set of goblin ears, and more if we got solid information about whats pushing all the raids lately. Well some local ruffians tried to take the job from under us claiming something about protection this or that. I was expecting things to get ugly and my tail instinctively reached for one of my hidden knives, however, Birgun stepped forward, hand on his massive sword, and said "Look now, we've been hired to guard these wagons. So .... OFF!" I must say he was quite persuasive as they retreated rather quickly, with a few none to polite glares and gestures. We may yet have trouble from them but I don't think it will be while we are all together.

I rode with Macer on the back of his warhorse, Hickory, and kept an eye on the sides of the road while Macer watched ahead. We weren't a full hour down the road when Macer yelled "Goblins!" and charged ahead. I was preoccupied trying to stay on the charging warhorse before I could properly react, and got an arrow in my side due to my lack of vigilance. Macer had charged a central group of 5 goblins on the main road and had already slain one, unfortunately there were more goblins on either side of the road as well. I decided I needed to get off the horse and fight these buggers on my terms. So I drank an elixir and rolled off the far side of Hickory, planting me well hidden in the taller grass by the side of the road. I drew a dart from under one of my wings and threw it at one of the closer goblins. It struck deep into his heart and he fell dead before he could utter a sound. Macer had cut down another already, so I went to assist Birgun next. Looks like three were trying to get away from him and he was pushing it in his heavy armor to keep up with them. He cut one clean in two as I got there, wielding his greatsword with terrifying ease. I tumbled behind one of the other, very distracted, goblins and inserted my dagger in his foramen magnum severing his spinal cord and instantly killing him. My studies are certainly paying off. Not as... explosively impressive as Birgun's gory display, but just as effective. The next goblin fared as well as the first in preventing Birgun's sword from slashing clean through him, which is to say, poorly. I found myself laughing with Birgun as I wiped bits of goblin from my person, that sword of his seems to throw viscera rather far and I'll have to be more mindful not to stand in the 'spray zone'.

The rest of the group had dispatched the other goblins and Sam had enchanted a half-elf sorcerer who was working with the goblins. He had begun getting information from her then dragged her back to Magnimar on the horse he had rented. He would be able to catch up to the slow wagons soon enough so we continued to the inn after remembering to collect the goblins' ears.

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Within the next few weeks a number of people left Magnimar. Lugh and Oona sailed south, Sam and Felu went to Cheliax for training, and Huge went north to learn of his people. Some of us stayed in Magnimar but we didn't get together nearly as often as we had, too busy with training or jobs.

It's been a few more years now and I finally convinced the shop owner, Gwen, to teach me a little bit about alchemy. Working at the shop I have gotten much better at working with people too and I can usually get them to like me well enough, if not just tolerate me. When I'm not helping Gwen in her shop I continue my studies in language, control over one's self, and the anatomy of humanoids and beasts alike. Though I do enjoy the books, I had an urge to get some "first hand" experience with how bodies work. Besides should I get into deadly combat again I should think it would be best if I dispatched my enemies as efficiently as possible, and this would certainly help.

I knew there were goblins in the Underbridge sewers so that's where I would go to conduct these "first hand" studies. On a number of occasions I will wait out near an entrance till I hear a group of goblins pass by. Though they can be stealthy they often become bored moving slowly and start to heckle each other so following them is fairly easy if you're patient. I'll wait for a couple to wander off from the group and then take them by surprise. I try to keep one alive to preform live tests on, but they are a stupid, unreasonable race and I am usually forced to dispatch them. Regardless I feel I have a decent idea on how they work from the bodies I've carefully dissected. Always remembering to take meticulous notes, with a sketch here and there. Sure there's probably a book already written on goblin physiology, but the first hand experience was simply... more. I have taken fewer trips down there as of late, goblin activity seams to be on the rise, not to mention the other horrors in the sewers; it can be a very dangerous place.

On a brighter note, I've heard rumors that some of my friends are returning to Magnimar. I am excited to know how they have fared these last few years and what grand adventures the have to tell.

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Macer and I were invited to a party today. It was Oona's "going away" party, and I was glad the rest of there too because her house can be kinda creepy. None of us really knew where she was going away to, but she's always been pretty quiet about her home life.

We left in a hurry, Oona said she needed to get out, to run away or something bad would happen to her. I can't say I was surprised to hear that, the way her father's attention was fixed on us , even though there had to be close to a hundred people in the room. That point was explained later... in a way.

She needed to get somewhere safe, Lugh said he was planning on sailing south and they could catch a ship in the morning, but in the meantime we headed to the shrine in Underbridge thinking no none would look for us there. A couple of thugs tried to jump us on the way, I guess a group of kids in party attire looks like easy pickings. They were wrong and they lost their lives to the mistake. Once blood was drawn I threw a dart into one, then moved to help Oona and Huge surround the other. I put a pretty deep gash in his arm with my knife, but Huge took him to the ground before I could get another jab in. Oona kicked the downed man, yelling something along the lines of -You fools, my father is a vampire and he's going to kill us all!- I didn't rally understand what that meant at the time, however, the urgency/panic in her voice, coupled with how weird her father is, was reason enough for me to feel a certain tension and fear. I moved to help dispatch the remaining thug. This time my knife struck deep into his side and a cold thought entered my mind; if my blade had struck a couple of inches left it would have cut a major artery and he would have bled out much faster. The thought sent yet another cold shiver down my spine, although, I felt that if ever in a similar situation I would aim those couple of inches left. The thug fell and I retrieved my dart from his body before we continued to the shrine.

I can't say I was pleased to hear Oona explain what her father was, but we did feel safer in the shrine. After the adrenalin dump from the fight I was ready to get some sleep, so I found a corner to lean against and shut my eyes. A terrible racket woke me not long after, and both the front and rear doors were shaking something awful. The front door burst open to reveal Oona's father. We all huddled together and he said something that made my limbs freeze in place. There was a moment of sheer terror, then a bright light, then nothing, and he was gone. Lugh said we were safe and Oona's dad wouldn't be bothering us or our families for a long time. I don't really know what happened but I have a feeling Lugh's god is the reason we're all still alive.

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"Today was absolutely insane! First with the gecko pillar and then what happened at the clock tower. While Huge was lighting a torch outside the door I stuck my head in since I could still see. There was just a bunch of rubble, some rooms with broken doors, a cart and some crazy looking stairs leading up. I was hoping to find some loot from unlucky adventurers, but didn't find more than an old blood stain in one of the rooms. Huge found an enormous arm that looked like it was sewn together, and Oona found a neat glass sphere. We started to climb the stairs after we believed we had thoroughly searched the ground floor. There were a couple of spots were the stairs had broken away so we had to climb, but it wasn't too hard. As we made it to the bells Macer let out a yell and said someone threw a rock at him. He was bleeding pretty bad from the wound so I ran up to protect him, but didn't see who had thrown the rock. I think we all believed it was Bags, he must have sneaked in before us and was just being mean, he can be like that sometimes. As I got to the front two little green creatures got up and threw a couple of rocks at me. I was able to dodge one, but the other caught me on the nose, and it really hurt... why are noses so sensitive!? They were actually trying to kill us, that was a really strange feeling. The big kids moved past me to beat the goblins with their wooden swords and I threw a couple of rocks to help out. Luckily it was over pretty quick, but Macer got hit pretty bad a couple of times, and Lugh took a hit too. Macer knocked one off the tower and the other one Sam killed with magic. It was AWESOME! But he made us promise not to tell anyone, he looked pretty shaken up by what he had done, I guess he didn't know he could do that. Oh, the best part though, we found treasure! Once it was all split up we got 20 gold, 20 silver, and 30 copper EACH!! That's the most money I've ever seen! I think Kelyn and the others did something with the giant arm as a prank, but I was too busy playing with my coins to pay attention. we stopped by the shrine again on the way back. Lugh found something and wanted to stop there before we left underbridge. I stayed outside this time, the statue was still glowing and I don't like how bright it is. Once we got home and hid our treasure I was ready for a good sleep. Can't wait to see what we do tomorrow!"

Heh! It's been a few years since I wrote that, and I still remember that day well. There's been a few changes as time has passed. Macer has started training with his father and the city guard so I spend a lot more time at home. I've learned that I'm not truly a dragon in the strictest sense. I'm whats called a Kobold. Most of the texts I've read paint a sad picture of my people, known as weak and cowardly. There are a couple of books though, that speak of another side. That a majority of kobolds are quick and cleaver, good with traps and live in strong clans underground. These books claim that people often encounter kobolds who were outcast from their clan, being to weak or stupid to assist, and that's where the stereotype comes from. Once I learned what I really was I expected Macer's family to reject me, but instead they accepted it and cared for me more as a son, and no longer a pet. That is perhaps my most favored memory, and I work hard to repay their generosity.

I've read a lot since Macer started his training. I really enjoy learning about anatomy, and theories about how one can alter how their body works through concentration as well as chemically. I am amazed at the complexity of blood flow and how terribly easy it can be to disrupt it. I also enjoy watching one of the shop owners make neat things like tindertwigs and smokesticks, sometimes I even run errands for her. Unlike most of the shopkeepers she doesn't mind me coming by and looking around. I keep asking her to teach me how to make those things but she says I'm still to young to learn... adults can be kinda frustrating sometimes, I'm careful, I wouldn't "blow my ear-frills off".

Most of the gang still gets together on occasion when they don't have to study or work, except for the guys from underbridge. They've taken a dark turn, as most do from there. Oh and speaking of guys, I'm sure I'll never understand the humans' desire to couple and their want of unnecessary reproduction. Most of the guys treat Felu, Nina and even Oona differently now, often trying to impress them or what have you. I don't pay attention to their drama. It makes no difference to me, they're all just being silly mammals. *smirk*

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Birgun came 'round the house pretty early this morning. He said, Epher had something for the gang to do. When we met up at the golem works Epher said he knew a way into the gecko pillar on the big bridge... That place is supposed to be haunted! A guard tried to stop us but we were too clever for him and he let us go to "play" on top of the bridge. Once he was out of sight we sneaked over to one of the pillar's geckos and jumped down to it. We got into the pillar through a little window that lead into a little room.

I tend to forget that most of my friends can't see too good in the dark, and I started to poke about the room. Found a bag with some fruit and other bits in it and since I had forgotten to grab some breakfast. Once the others got a torch lit, someone exclaimed that I was eating rotten food! I don't know what they're talking about, the fruit was soft and juicy, and had a nice tart bite to it, humans' just don't have good taste. We looked around some more and went through a few rooms, nothing scary happened yet, but Sam kept going on and on about spiders. He was kinda ruining the mood so I stopped listening to the group and poked around letting my imagination go wild. What a fun lair this place would make!

We came to a large circular room with 4 doors on the walls and a stairway in the middle. Huge saw a trapdoor in the ceiling, but we decided to leave it alone. the other doors were locked so I went to look down the stairs and saw 3 more large circular rooms below us. This place is huge! Things stayed pretty calm till we moved down a couple floors.

Huge opened a side door let out a short yelp and slammed the door shut again. After he caught his breath, he simply said "Spider... big spider." Oh great, not him too. Sam has gotten everyone worked up now, at least that's what I thought. Kelyn opened the door again and we all recoiled a little from the size of the massive spider! Luckily it was dead, there was a hole burned in its head... hey that rhymed! All that was left was the outside hard bits and we all took a part as a trophy! Huge checked another door and said he heard movement, and a kind of tapping noise. Kelyn began to unbar the door but Huge stopped him. Then there was this moist raspy voice from the other side speaking some strange language I haven't heard before. Then someone said they heard movement above and below us and we ran as fast as we could to the window we originally came in.

Once we were out, Sam asked if anyone else had seen the goblin by the window just before we left. I hadn't, but there was a bad smell... that could be coming from anyone though! hehe. Nina said she was going to get everyone ice cream because that was scary and it will cheer us up. I don't like ice cream, I tried it once, it's cold and hurts my teeth, hurts my brain too. Like I said, humans don't have very good taste. While we were down by the market looking at our trophies someone came by and asked where we got them. Someone said we got them from a shop down the way and he paid us to take him there. After he left someone wanted to know if they were worth anything. The shopkeeper said he would pay 21 gold for a piece! I thought if he was willing to pay that much to kids, the parts must be worth more and I decided to keep mine. Macer decided he wanted the gold so he sold his part. Nina wanted us to meet back up by the clocktower after lunch and we agreed to meet her there.

Macer and I were walking home when he figured out that he would have to hide his gold or his parents would ask where it came from. He decided to hid it in my bedding because I'm his responsibility his parents don't mess with it. So not only do I get to keep my spider claw but I get all Macer's money to sleep on too! BEST DAY EVER!!!

Once our chores were done we headed back out. Met most of the gang just before getting to underbridge and headed towards the tower. Lugh started talking about his god and the shrine to her in underbridge, oh and the light we saw come from there when we were on the gecko... I forgot about that. Well we decided to stop at the shrine since it was on the way to the tower. We sneaked in the back door and the god's statue was shining bright as day which really hurt my eyes. Lugh was really moved by it and started talking to her, but I went back outside were it was darker. After a minute or so the rest came out. We were getting ready to leave when we saw Felu running down the street by herself, crazy girl doesn't she know about the snatchers? Well she was better after we stopped her then we all went to the tower together. Right now we're standing outside and I'm wondering what it is that Nina wanted us to do here?

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Alright I get to be silly again and bring back one of my favorite characters from 3.5.
Vexarious the Kobold, starting from slightly more humble beginnings this time around.

-As I understand it, I was bought in one of Magnimar’s marketplaces.... well to be fair my egg was bought in the marketplace. a young Macer Dorn was shopping with his parents and bought what his parents believed to be simply an egg shaped rock, but he believed it was a dragon's egg. Then after he cared for the egg a few weeks, out popped a wee dragon, me!

That's been about four years ago now. We have lots of fun, Macer and I, we like to play that I'm an evil dragon tormenting the town, gathering a horde, and then the valiant knight comes riding in on his noble steed and we battle. When we are with his friends we like to mess with newcomers to the city, or sometimes we sneak down to what they call underbridge. It can get scary, but there are some other kids we like to play with, and that's were all the adventure is. Besides I must admit, I prefer the shade of the bridge, my eyes don't hurt like they do in the sunlight. Oh, and I have wings too, but they aren't very strong yet. At best I can keep myself from falling too fast...sometimes. I can't breath fire yet either, but I'm sure that will come when I’m bigger.

Lots of the adults look at Macer and me kinda funny sometimes, muttering something about cob old, or co-bold, something like that. I don't know what that means, but I like the way co-bold sounds, but really, who's going to mess with a kid with a dragon?

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Friedrich's Journal:

Fourth Day of the Month Abidius

I suppose it has been a few days since I wrote last. To be honest the number of times I have nearly met with death have left me rather… fatigued.

Lets see, I left off right before the giant room with the peacock statue. Within said room were six illusionists, invisible illusionists. Both Davok and mother-not fell before we were able to finish off all of the casters, luckily Xandu came prepared and was able to revive both of them. The next room held a large study with many books including the massive journal of Xanderghul’s follower. It appears he was attempting to clone himself, however a dementia set in before he had perfected his technique. Shame, that would have been revolutionary information. Furthermore it appears that he was cloning not only himself, but also that blasted daemon who had taken possession of my mind. Once we had finished up with those we headed back to the study to tend our wounds and read more of the journal.

As we sat down whom should enter the study but that blasted dragon with a grudge. I was hopelessly out of bombs, and searching my person found a mere three flasks of acid from gods know where. So I did my best to distract the beast whilst the others did most of the heavy hitting. Eventually he too fell and we were all rather spent. We took some time to rest and then continued on to the halls of wrath.

Within we found a fascinating iron golem with a bow that cycled through different energy types. Unfortunately I had no means of harming the construct so I provided support to my friends. Once the golem was deconstructed we found the next room to house two teleportation circles, one red one blue. We found that they were ingress and egress circles corresponding to sister circles in a training room full of sinspawn and soldiers who had been training for war these last ten thousand years. They were eliminated without too many injuries on our part. A quick search of the area showed a dining hall, rooms for the soldiers and sinspawn and two more sets of teleportation circles.

The first set we entered brought us into a large circular chamber lined with glowing weapons, the only exit a smoky dark portal. We all entered together and were immediately berated by waves of icy cold. Before us were two massive daemons, and a dark flying woman with a fiery double headed pole arm and the thasilonian symbol of wrath on her forehead. Zandu teleported a number of us further into the room and after lobbing a confusion bomb at one of the daemons and a quick buff I made my way back to the main fight. Davok was trapped in a force cage, Sheldor wasn’t looking too good and mother-not was…dead…again. I engaged the woman at range with bombs that appeared to actually affect her as she turned quite perturbed, and cast a prismatic spray in my direction. I was lucky that I was hit with a flesh to stone ray, as I was in dust form and no longer fleshy. After another failed prismatic spray she wised up and hit me with a feeble mind spell. I don’t really remember what happened for the next few seconds, I can remember fire, and pain, then darkness.

I awoke on the floor, my mind returned to its proper state and I felt the powerful healing of Xandu’s god flowing through me. Judging from my surroundings I hadn’t been out for more that a few seconds so I pulled my dusty particles back together and reengaged that blasted woman with more explosive fury. As she fell from one last bomb I felt a burning sensation on my forehead and fear gripped me as I watched it slowly fade from hers. A quick study of the thing showed that it was a rather potent aid to whomever possessed it, however it was not without a downside, namely it made me a target for Karzaug… if I make it that far. Kori’el keeps joking that if I was really her friend I would let her kill me, at least I hope it is a joke.

Once the other two daemons were dealt with we discovered that a large silver sihedron on the floor of the chamber acted as a portal should someone cast a teleport spell within its boarder. Unfortunately we were unable to speculate its destination. That said it is still a possible exit from this unnatural place. We were able to clean out the rest of the wing with little difficulty and decided we should rest up before hitting the halls of gluttony.

Moxie took the lead searching the floor and any doors we came across for traps. As we stepped into the first vile chamber we were ambushed by mummies. My body was gripped by fear and I found I could not move it as I watched two of the mummies slam their arms into me with surprising force. Rickert laid a hand upon me and I felt a reassuring warmth enter my cold blood. I was able to move again and began tossing targeted bombs at any mummy left standing. Once all were dealt with and the disease was removed from any who may have contracted it, we moved further into the wing.

We came across a laboratory of sorts and while I wanted to start reading on what experiments had taken place here, I was reminded that we needed to clear out the rest of the area first. Which was for the best since the next area revealed more mummies that required rest. It just took me a little while to get my body to function in their presence again. Once the last of the creatures were put to rest Davok found a secret door behind one of the alcoves the mummies had come out of. So that is our next destination.

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Friedrich's Journal:

Third Day of the Month Abidius (finally)

Today is a good day.

The second hour of my morning(?) was spent around a large feast Xandu conjured up, discussing how the day should progress. Xandu had concocted some grand scheme to retrieve Lynn’s body; there were lots of holes and possibilities for failure, especially since he planned on going alone. We were lucky to talk him out of it, for truly, if he attempted this fool’s plan I don’t believe we would be able to stop him. Kori’el and I discussed tactics and how she would best aid and fit in the group. Perhaps the nicest attribute of the conversation was it took place in Kelish, my native tongue, and it had been too long since I was able to converse in such a fashion. It was decided we would make for Xanderghul’s wing to obtain the pieces required to make the Dominant/Commanding weapons to oppose Karzaug. I had no doubt that Xanderghul, rune lord of Pride and master of illusion magic, would surely have some nasty tricks for us.

The entry hall could be described as nothing short of opulent. Massive chandeliers illuminated the blinding hallway, the floor and ceiling consisted of polished marble and the walls were lined with mirrors, making it difficult to perceive distance. We found the going to be easiest if we strictly observed the ground as we went. We came to a fork and as we began to take the left path it appeared to me that Moxie and I actually stepped forth from the mirrored surface at the end of the hall. I heard mother-not cry out “Imposters” from behind me, confirming my fears. I watched as mirror-Moxie shot original-Moxie and had a pretty good idea of what was happening.

My focus turned to my mirrored self just as he vanished, recognizing the vial “I” chugged I immediately thought of how to counter it and as the delayed formulae from this morning kicked in “I” was once more visible; to myself at least. I threw a couple of confusion bombs at “me” and mirror-Moxie followed by a standard bomb back at “me”. All three struck true and I hoped that would give us some time at least. Kori’el sent forth a massive bolt of lightning at mirror-Moxie (I knew I liked this one), unfortunately mirror-Moxie dodged out of the bolt’s path avoiding any contact.

What happened next can only be described as poetic justice, humorous poetic justice. I saw the confused “me” snap into a moment of clarity and lob three targeted electrical bombs strait towards me. I laughed at the coincidence. Well Simon, this makes us truly even. The electricity surged through my body, and unconsciousness enveloped me. In my time with the group I have become well acquainted with death; its cold embrace once more graced me; however my body was not yet ready to give up, it’s natural healing kicked in and kept me stable. Then the familiar pulse of Xandu’s healing brought me back to the real world. I rolled over and threw a few more bombs at “me”, unfortunately not finishing the job as one missed it’s mark. I was thankful as “I” simply punched “myself” a couple of times before Rikert finally cut “me” down. I would be laughing about the whole ordeal only it still hurt to do so. I got up and heard Kori’el yell about the four mirrors at the end of the hall being magical. I lobbed a bomb that direction, shattering the mirrors and followed after Sheldor who had continued alone around the next corner.

Sheldor and I stood beside one another, the familiar sound of a bear coming our way. Xandu was able to get some more healing in and Kori’el joined us just before the bear pounced on Sheldor. With the numbers we had the bear fell before dealing too much damage to our druid. A few more shots were heard behind us and then all was quiet once again. Before us stood a massive room of polished marble and mirrors, a monstrous peacock statue with its colorful plumage proudly pronounced against the white background demanded attention with wise and cunning eyes.

I feel the worst is yet to come, however none fell to our mirrored selves and we yet stand strong.

As I said, today is a good day.

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Freidrich's Journal:

Second, and longest, day of the month Abidius

My consciousness snapped back into being, leaving me dazed. My surroundings were unnervingly familiar, and next to me stood a dark, naked woman covered in blood and, other fluids. She was thanking me for something as one hand raked down my back leaving the coldest shiver I have ever felt in my spine. Confused I looked at my companions considering me with looks of horror, sadness, and despair. Moxie stood next to me, her face looked much how mine felt. The smell of potent magic hung in the air and, reading the faint tendrils left told me of what had happened to Moxie and me.

In shock I started to simply leave the tent, but the remnants of Simon’s person stopped me cold once again. The scorch marks surrounding his remains were all too familiar to me, and I understood better the looks I was getting from my companions. Xandu’s wounds and the blood on my sword matched as well, and a quick inventory of my remaining formulae stated I gone after them with the best of what I had left. I know from the enchantment that I am not at fault for the destruction my vessel caused; thought I can not lift the blanket of doubt that smothers my confidence.

Our solemn departure from the pavilion was met by Sheldor, harboring more bad news as well as introducing someone who has apparently been searching for us quite some time now. She introduced herself as Kori’el, and from the look of her she would have had much to discus with Lynn, she was sent here by one of my contacts at the mage’s college in Magnimar to warn us of the dragon. Speaking of which he has entered the Rune Forge, that gets to be the bad news.

We decided to hold up behind the room with the pulsing rod of cancellation and regain our strength. Shortly after we retreated to our proverbial corners Xandu come over and punched than smacked me explaining that was to be my punishment, I was then bestowed a hug. I am not dreadfully familiar with Varisian customs, however I feel this is his own way of grieving and finding peace, I envy its ease to come to him. After he went back I noticed Kori’el go to Simon’s remains and honor his memory as to her custom, Xandu and Moxie followed her example. I went and knelt by his body, no words came to my lips at first. I remembered a ceremony my gnoll friends would practice when a friend had died. Though I do not believe the group would appreciate it in its entirety or original language at this time, it would be fitting for Simon; a primal celebration of life, lust and laughter. I shall perform it for him when we are free of this accursed place. As I stood from his corpse I attempted to tell a joke of how Simon lived how we all wish we could. Openly displaying interests and intents and acting to the fullest, never holding back, and never fearing the judgment of others.

I then returned to my place preparing for the storm we continue push through with a newfound conviction.

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Friedrich's Journal:

More of the Second Day of the Month Abidius

The first area we explored in the rune forge looked as though a massive skirmish between many spell casters was waged through a long hall into a room with a single rod protruding from the center of the room. You could still feel the energy from the battle and bits of flame skirted about the edges of the room. The rod in the center gave off short sparks of electricity here and there, curiosity got the best of me and I went up to investigate. I was able to cautiously walk right up to the rod, and after careful study was unable to figure out what its purpose was. I moved off to another part of the room covering an exit next to Davok when I felt a sudden pulse and a massive weight suddenly drag me down to my knees. My haversack had stopped working and I had to remove the now heavy pack in order to move about freely again. Some of my other magical items were also disengaged. Lynn piped up and explained the pulse was temporary and our magic items would come back online after a little while. Having this reassurance we continued searching about the rooms. Davok found a pool of silver liquid with much the consistency of mercury, he believed it to be a substance that was used by the Thassilonians to enchant many magical items. Closer examination showed that the fluid had a charge and I believe we may be able to identify what it is at when we have more time.

Another we came across rank of foul rot and possibly sewage; a thick yellowish slime covered the floor and before I was able to get a good look Davok and Simon had already entered the room. Just as I recognized the danger and shouted out to my friends it struck. The slime that coated the floor was actually a Fiendish Mustard Jelly and it entangled Both Simon and Davok in its long pseudopod appendages. I spent a few seconds wracking my mind trying to remember what I had read on the creatures long ago. I quickly explained that they were resistant to fire and acid, they fed on electricity and they excreted a noxious gas. Not wanting to get close enough for the thing to grab me, I threw a couple of volleys of fire bombs at it and after the second volley it became a limp mass of caustic goo. Davok found a hidden cubby with a few potions and a lever that didn’t seam to do anything when he pulled it. Nothing else was found in this wing of the rune forge so I gathered my haversack and we waited in the main chamber for our magic items to kick on again.

After about ten minutes (we think, time is strange here) our stuff kicked on again and we headed to the next wing depicting Sorshen, the rune lord of lust. This wing had a short hallway with what appears to be one massive room with statues of Sorshen holding up a ninety foot ceiling large cages dot the perimeter and a large pavilion of silk had been erected in the center of the chamber. Four provocatively dressed winged women were making lascivious motions with their bodies, in my head I could hear them calling to me in demonic tongue. Simon seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the act, and I saw Rikert preparing for combat. I did not recognize the creatures and had no idea of their defenses, as such I tried out a new formula that turned my physical structure into a cloud of dust and flew up to get in a better position. Davok began to fire upon one of the creatures and I lined three of them up and breathed a line of draconic lightning… to no effect. They seemed to be immune, I need to invest time into more research apparently. As Rikert engaged one in melee two others went to flank him, and I learned that while they are resistant to fire they are not immune. A volley of fire bombs saw one turned to ash, however a quick inventory check showed only five bomb-vials remaining and I intended on saving those in case of emergency, besides Rikert was happily hacking away at one of the others. I went to aid him in melee and it was evident that was not my strongest area, however I did aid in keeping one slightly distracted. After a few seconds one more of the creatures had fallen and the other two fled elsewhere using dimensional doorways.

Xandu pointed out that there was a live creature in one of the cages and I went to investigate. The cage’s bars were strictly decorative in nature the true cage was made entirely out of an invisible force. I decided to sacrifice one of my remaining bombs to attempt a dispel and while the cage did waiver it was not removed. I was considering using another when a call came out from the direction of the pavilion. Lynn was calling for Davok, something about giants. I rushed with the rest of the party towards the entryway of the pavilion which now had curtains drawn across it. Fighting could be heard through the silk as clubs hit tiled floor time and time again. I pulled the curtain open and found a bloody mess where Lynn had been fighting, I was unable to do anything for him at the time and was trying to find a way to secure the curtain open from the outside, however, it was far too heavy to be regular silk and refused to be cut easily. I released the curtain drank another formula to turn into dust and simply walked through the wall to get behind the giants. At this time I was the only one in the tent and there were four giants looking at me quite quizzically. They slammed their clubs through me but luckily my partials simply flowed around the massive weapons leaving me unharmed. I realized I had not seen Moxie and feared she may have gone further into the pavilion so as Rikert moved in to engage the giants I went deeper into the tent, passing through the next wall.

I was taken back by what I came upon. An incensed room with a bed in each of its four corners and there was Moxie embracing yet another winged woman. I quickly lobbed a fire bomb at her hoping to break her hold on Moxie with no effect and my heart sank as she turned towards me. Moxie had a blank look on her face and the woman took me in with an expression I can only describe as amused. She kindly asked me to return to a solid state and I found that to be a most agreeable idea. She explained that I should be part of the great Thassilonian empire and that sounded like such a glorious plan, after all I have been studying them for years, why shouldn’t I join her and learn more of their rich culture and unparalleled knowledge. I realized I had been fighting the wrong war and we were only hurting ourselves by resisting. She explained that the others were trying to stop this and I agreed to help protect her and her daughters from them. I was glad that Moxie, in her innocence, also saw the importance of aiding our new friends. We took up defensive positions and I could here the clanking of familiar armor heading our direction. I held in anticipation, explosive vials rolled in my hand crackling as brilliant green sparks arced between them.

Single-minded Simon rounded the corner at a full run, impressive in his armor, and though I could not see his face through his helmet I could picture the bewildered look in his eyes as my remaining bombs floated towards him through the air. All three impacted heavily against his shining armor, engulfing him in a massive electrical discharge, leaving little more than a pile of ash and steaming metal. I’m not sure if it was an afterimage but I swear I could see his shadow still on the pavilion’s wall, white against the now dark charred cloth. Davok rounded the corner next and the brute launched a heavy arrow into my chest robbing me of my breath. I saw him stagger back as well, and knew Moxie must have shot him from hiding. Once more I was grateful that I was not alone on this path.

I know my attempt may be fruitless, however, I must try to stop them from harming my new mistress and her family; even if it requires my sacrifice.

Friedrich's Journal:

Second Day of the Month Abadius

After the dragon took off we decided to head up the mountain towards the cave we had seen when we first arrived. Apparently that’s were Xandu headed. At the cave mouth there were two elder earth elementals, I tried to talk to them but all they said was that we were not permitted to enter and as they moved to engage us we simply sped past.

Xandu was waiting for us a few hundred feet into the cave, he mentioned hearing what he believed to be another dragon flying down the tunnel. We told him of how the white dragon disengaged us earlier and we hope it is the same one . We continued into the cave cautiously, eventually we came into contact with a white fog. Crossing was a slow and frigid process, every step felt as though I was pressing through some resistant material and if my protection from cold wasn’t still up I feel as though the cold would have done serious damage to my person. Soon as we left the fog there was a sudden slope, icy and slick, that disappeared into the darkness. Davok called me over to a safe ledge on one side, and I could see Simon sliding away out of sight as Lynn and Rikert flew after him. I walked cautiously to the ledge waited for the rest of the group and headed down to see what became of Simon and the others.

Simon was hanging from a ledge while Lynn and Rikert got in position to help him up. We could not see how far the pit he was hanging over went down but I imagine he didn’t want to find out the fast way. With the threat of the dragon still looming we decided to walk the ledge down as a group. At the bottom we found ourselves in a large cylindrical room with eight massive stones. Seven surrounding an eighth massive stone in the center. By one of the stones was a massive pile of coins and other shiny objects, this must be the dragon’s den. We quickly went about identifying the stones and getting the corresponding keys to them. Once all were turned (twice) a massive portal of swirling colors opened by the center pillar.

After the awe had worn off we gathered and quickly headed through the portal. We found ourselves in yet another massive hallway, the portal still open behind us. Continuing down the hall we came into a massive antechamber with seven large statues each depicting a runelord. Behind each statue was a hallway, we decided to hit the two opposite Karzaug first.

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Friedrich's Journal:

Second Day of the Month Abadius

The last few days have been, eventful to say the least. Once we cleaned up at the giant camp Xandu was kind enough to teleport us back to Magnimar where we spent the next few days restocking and acquiring new gear. Simon and Rikert had me locked away brewing potions for them, so my time was spent mainly isolated in my room. They were quite active during this time and it was left to Moxie to inform me that some had already gone to Sandpoint and found all was not well.

A large sinkhole had opened next to the jail and collapsed a corner of the building. A small squad of the town guard was dispatched to investigate but never returned. When a few of our party went down they discovered the hole opened into the old light’s structure. The guards were found mutilated not far into the complex and a quick search revealed a staircase that had formerly been covered in rubble. It was decided that the entire group be present prior to the decent.

So the next morning I once more found myself in Sandpoint, enjoying the scenery just momentarily before descending once more into the Thassilonian ruins. The stairway lead to a room with a wealth of scratchings and prayers to Lamashtu in thassilonian covering the walls. Hidden within the mess a few short phrases stood out, it appeared to be a riddle of some sort mentioning the runeforge. Just as this phrase was discovered a disembodied voice rose and began asking us questions, also in thassilonian. Lynn was the first to respond, it wanted simple information about the world above; what were the nations; who was in charge; where were the seats of power; and so forth. Lynn replied with a sharp mind answering ambiguously, through this short back-and-forth, we were able to glean that this was the betrayer spoken of on a map of the Sandpoint area, that he no longer feared or worked for Karzoug, and that he worshiped Lamashtu, hence all the prayers on the walls. I inquired how we would access the runeforge, the betrayer explained the secret was hidden in the walls and that we already had one part.

At this point I heard Rikert call out for Xandu. It would seem as we were talking, Simon, Rikert and Moxie had become bored with waiting and proceeded down a foggy hall and encountered something rather nasty. We tried to go assist our friends, however, every time I made an attempt to enter the fog I found myself simply turned around. I was about to make a third attempt when out stepped a wild looking man with a wicked falchion in one hand and a dagger in the other, with which he proceeded to hack wildly at Xandu, Lynn and me. Stepping back I found three more creatures had materialized behind us, Babau demons with long spears. I put a pillar between the wild man and myself then proceeded to lob a handful of electrically charged explosive towards the three demons. All three hit their mark but I was dismayed as I watched the energy simply wash over the unaffected creatures. They eyed me joyously, one called out for my death, and they nearly had it as the betrayer moved in and landed multiple fierce blows to me. My displacement did naught to help me as I was left gasping for air.

Again I put the pillar between us and concentrated on one of the Babau; this time I threw targeted fire bombs and three of those removed the threat. The rest of that fight did not last long, I spent some time healing as we got reinforced by Simon and Rikert returning victorious from whatever they had encountered.

Every wall in the ruin was a mass of twisted words. I suppose one might get a little bored spending thousands of years locked in a little space. After spending a considerable amount of time meticulously scanning each room we were able to piece together a poem of sorts explaining the secret of entering the rune forge. We needed to Stormount Lake far to the north. There we would find seven stone heads, each representing a Runelord and more importantly their favored school of magic.

We spent a day recuperating and once more hit Magnimar hoping to glean a little more information about the area we were heading for, maybe pick up some cold-weather gear. Earlier this morning Xandu cast a couple of spells allowing us to cover a vast distance as a group and we made it to the lake around one in the afternoon. It didn’t take us long to find the stones and I began inspecting them. Coincidently the first stone I identified was Karzoug’s (Transmutation) followed by Zutha(Necromancy), Alaznist(Evocation), Xanderghul(Illusion…Xandu’s ancester perhaps?), the fifth I did not recognize, sixth was Belimarius(Abjuration), and lastly Krune(conjuration); meaning the one I missed must have been divinity (wait for it).

As we hit each stone with its attuned magic there was a brief tremble and a piercing cry from the stones followed by a golden key resting in its mouth. Xandu and Rikert were having trouble with their stone, they had both cast divination spells but nothing was happening. I finally remembered that divination was not a recognized school by the runelords and had completely forgotten enchantment in all my excitement. No sooner had the words escaped my lips than the world around Xandu and Rikert erupted in white. An ancient white dragon swept down from the grey sky and emitted a breath so cold the very air turned to ice.

Step one: further protect self against extreme cold. Step two: if still alive attempt to aid the fighters…… Well step one was simple enough, unfortunately the dragon was doing passing attacks, never staying in a single spot for longer than the time it took for it to turn around. I tried to hit it was a bomb during one flyover and swear it should have hit but the dragon’s form kept shifting, it was displacing. So not only is it an ancient white dragon, it is a spell-casting ancient white dragon.

I saw Simon attempting to strike the creature as it came by as well. I decided to try something new, a method of injecting a formulae into another being so it didn’t have to actively drink one. To make things better I was using it on another formulae I had not gotten an excuse to try yet; so we had an experimental formulae administered with an experimental delivery system. I intended to calm him as my hand reached out and the fluid forced its way through his flesh and violently altered his physical structure, however, I may have just said something along the lines of “Don’t fight it!”
He became almost transparent as the fluid began to take effect, his body began to shift in a way most improper for a solid creature of flesh and bone; his limbs stretched and twisted in unnerving angles allowing his reach to far outstretch what it had been and the more malleable form was much more resistant to physical injury. Most importantly his fluid state did not freeze in the extreme cold, complete success.

Fortunately during this time the crone, mother-not as she has taken to call herself, was able to distract the beast long enough for our fighters to move in on it. While they occupied it for a few seconds I prepared to do something utterly foolish. I stepped from behind my stone just as the dragon breathed again. I felt my shield waver and knew it would not survive another arctic blast. My resistance did not go unnoticed by the creature either. A hateful icy glare from the creature told me I was its next chew-toy. Fear gripped me as I threw a quick volley of targeted electrical bombs, they must have sensed my desperation for they struck louder, brighter and with more energy than I have ever seen before. As the dragon recoiled from the blast a doorway opened behind it and it vanished as it stepped through, but not before it once again locked my gaze, promising icy vengeance.

Now, where in the infinite planes has Xandu gone?

Friedrich's Journal:

Twenty Fifth Day of the Month Kothuna
Well it has been an eventful few days. My time spent at the wizard’s college in search for answers was… fruitless. A few days ago one of the acolytes comes to me saying there is a strangely dressed man inquiring on my whereabouts. I asked him to describe the man and he gave me such a chaotic picture of patchwork clothes and random hues it could be no other than Xandu. I must admit I like the man’s complete lack of subtlety, it is quite refreshing compared to the mad hunt we have been on. He mentioned that the group had stumbled upon an ancient library, with an automaton acting as librarian. I was ready to depart in minutes, and was quite disappointed when he explained the trip would have to wait until tomorrow.
I was prepared for a long journey till Xajndu showed me a new trick he had learned, and before I knew it the city streets turned into a large hallway. A massive doorway emanated a warm glow and I could nearly smell the secrets creeping out from its old tomes. The next day was spent in a miasma of research, books upon books of knowledge I could never have dreamed of, and now I prey I never do. I learned much of Karzoug and his city of Xin-Shalast, his empire, vast strength, and possibly even a weakness.

The troupe has been very busy in my absence. Dismantling a giant army… well that doesn’t sound right… an army composed of giants (much better) by infiltrating the encampment and finding a powerful friend who provided helpful information allowing the group to remove the leader without significant loss to either side. I feel as though I should have been with them, though they have done very well in my absence as I believed they would.

Now we head back to Magnimar, believing we have a little time to figure out how to proceed and perhaps enjoy some of the spoils they have obtained.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 10:
Once the vile Kobald was dealt with we continued down the main passage. Davok took the lead with Moxie to make sure we didn’t run headlong into anything we should be avoiding. The next chamber held many passages with possible foes; however we were able to make it across without alerting any of them.

The next challenge was sneaking past many sleeping giants. Dear gods I was afraid the fighters in all their armor would surely wake the dead, but was pleasantly surprised that we made it through with no major incidents. Davok and Moxie hit the next encounter a little unexpectedly. Trolls hiding in the walls of a great hallway with dire bear furs lining the walls ambushed the duo striking Davok fiercely with some kind of nasty oversized pole-arm. I scurried as fast my little rat paws allowed, found a way into the room with one of the trolls and figured Vethrfolnir could probably help me out a bit here. When the troll’s attention was elsewhere I brought Verth from his rest and cast a spell to make his strikes more potent. The troll proved a fierce opponent as Verth took a lot of strikes getting him to the ground and it wasn’t till Flack joined the grapple that they were able to pin the troll down so we could burn the rest of him away.

Our map shows no further into the caves so from now on we’re on our own. I healed Vethrfolnir up and returned him to his stone form to keep him close. I pray there isn’t much more to deal with; our foes have been few but strong and ready for violent action.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 9
I’ve finally got a rest from all the chaos of the last week or so. The troupe currently rests atop a mountain looking over a huge encampment of giants, at least seven tribes. We’ll get back to that though.

Last I left off we were in the middle of the skirmish in Sandpoint, more specifically I was foolishly attempting to divert a dragon’s attention from Sandpoint. Though I could tell it was searching for me it was unable to spot me in my small avian form. It continued its destructive path and I lost sight of it in the streets to the north side of town so continued to help Vethrfolnir and my other companions. Verth had one giant down and was toying with a bear so I let him be. For the most part this area, save a few bears, was fairly clear. Further down the river more giants were moving unmolested so I decided to head over and remedy that. I lead more lightning toward the giants and a few bolts at the dragon when the opportunity presented itself. My ranged spells began to run short so I was both relieved and amazed when I watched Lynn strike the dragon down, giving me the peace of mind to change into something a touch more useful. Shifting into a huge roc I gave a quick survey of the town again, more giants to the west but they seemed content to raid the brewery for the moments. Three giants had Zandu, Lynn and Davok rather tied up and Vethrfolnir was now flying toward me, looks like a bear(three actually) must have gotten the better of him for he looked pretty torn up. I met Verth on my way to help Lynn and that lot healing him up a bit on the fly. We each took a giant leaving one free to tangle with the others. Once those three had been dealt with we turned our attention to those at the brewery. I flew Davok to a roof across the street to rain death then went in myself. Once that lot was dispatched there appeared another group had raided a house on the far side of the bay. Vethrfolnir had a live on pinned and I ordered him to stay and hold it there while I threw some quick bindings on it. Taking Moxie and Simon to wing we headed out to stop the last of the giants from escaping to the forest. Luckily Lynn and Davok were flying after us and we were all able to finish the last of the giants off fairly quickly.

Once the fighting was done I took Lynn aside to speak with him of the dragon. I had much interest in studying it, as well if the rumors are true I may be able to locate its horde. We took the corpse outside town a little ways and I carved a map from its scaly hide. Far to the northeast a mark in the mountains spoke of wealth. Perhaps once all is said and done we may share this amongst us, however there are more pressing matters at hand; stopping this giant threat for one. I spent the next few days tending to the town’s wounded and doing what I could to help here and there. Those were full days, I went to bed late, woke early, and slept dreamless nights. Meanwhile a few of the troupe were busy attempting to extract information from the two giants we had managed to capture. We found the location of their base as well as general information on what they were planning.

We decided to fly most of the group there, hide in the mountains and teleport the rest in; in other words more days of flying with some up-armored git on my back (and I say that with the utmost respect). The plan eventually worked, with only one teleport hiccup. Now we sit, watching and planning our attack. All but one tribe consists of not but young adolescents attempting to gain some feel of glory from a foolish war. The last tribe on the other hand had more adults as well as at least one elder.

Sheldor and I took turns flying about as crows trying to find the best means of surreptitious entrance. A chasm ran along one side of the fortress, possibly providing ingress via caves. Indeed there were two caves in the rock-face, neither proved to be inviting. One housed at least three wyverns, amazingly they seemed fairly keen on eating a single inquisitive crow, I was luckily faster on the wing then they were and escaped with my feathers intact. In my short time in the cave I noticed no means of venturing further inland. The second cave was crawling with vermin of every sort, any crawly creature as ever skittered into your nightmares resided in that cave… as well as their masters. At least two of the blasted monstrosities, spider-like creatures with multiple cavities in their spiny structures spewing forth crawling filth, one could distinguish the creatures from the rest of the cave when they sat still, and they had the ability to launch a net-like web substance that I barely dodged on my flight out of the accursed area.

Reporting my findings it was decided I should investigate the fortress itself. A massive pit in the center of the encampment demanded the most attention. Within I found the entrance to yet another cave system. This one resided in by giants, a foe I am at least familiar with. The outer walls held small alcoves with six dire bears resting within. The ground was covered in the carcasses of beast and man alike, large mastodons, at least four dragons, wyverns and many other indistinguishable shapes. The swarms of crow and vulture alike gave me all the cover that was needed. The elder from the “main” camp was down here. Her brow deep in thought, can’t explain why but I got the feeling she was not fond of the goings on of late. Upon voicing my discoveries with the group they agreed it would be best to attempt to contact the elder.

Zandu wanted to keep an eye on us as when we made contact, this way any questions the group may have could be relayed through me. Sheldor and I went in figuring if anything went wrong we should be able to get out without too much trouble. We found her in a shrine that made my feathers stand on end. The walls adorned with images of giants stomping on dwarves and the like. Well as we entered (in crow form) the images appeared to shift and move, we were able to shrug off a sense of paralytic terror. She became aware of a presence in the room, she said something to the lines of “so-in-so be calm it is only birds.” After that short encounter we left that room and waited for her to come back to her room. Again she spotted us, mentioned we were inquisitive and threw some of her food towards us. I motioned for Sheldor to head back so Zandu could begin his spell. I stayed keeping an eye on her, hoping she would be here for some time. She continued to lure me closer with food until I was on the table within arm’s reach. I acted as much a bird as I could and for the most part I believe it was successful. At least until Zandu contacted me with the spells success. Apparently his talking to me is an audible thing as she immediately looked up went to the corridor, looked around again, not satisfied what she saw/failed to see, she came back, leaned in really close and asked me what I was. Past the part of no return I replied with an insinuating question about her outlook on the army’s plan. At first she was taken aback, I suppose a talking crow can have that effect even if one expects it, then declared she had asked me first. Not wanting to give out too much information I said simply that I was an interested party. Again she studied me, mentioned she had a place safe for us to talk and took me to the shrine. Again the walls moved and she calmed the restless spirit. After a short discourse she showed us the best way to reach our goal quietly. Hoping we could go about our business as deftly as possible, with as few casualties as possible. It would appear our quarry had been at one time cast out of her tribe but then came back changed in some way, wielding ancient magic. He slaughtered her husband (the disturbed spirit of the shrine) and took over the tribe, gathering those he can to take the lowlands back from the humanoid races. We agreed to meet back there to begin our assault as it would be the quietest entry point.

At dusk we went in. Sheldor and I flew in, the others teleported, no errors. With her blessing we began our trek, sneaking past the first four giants only to come face to face with a rabid kobald in the next room. She proved to be quite the foe, hit hard and hard to hit. She danced around us deftly piercing armor and flesh alike with a short spear. It took a majority of us to surround and ultimately fell her. We are about to continue to the room with the redcaps. All’s to hoping we fare better against those vile creatures.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 8:

After arriving in Sandpoint the Simon mentioned the north wall as the most likely point the giants would assault due to its vicinity to the mountains. I decided to set up a little camp just outside the wall in the forest, I can never get used to sleeping with walls all around me. Most of the day I spent wandering the woods taking note of how serene the area was. Something was deffinately coming, a storm of sorts, you could feel a vibration in the air as if the very landscape was shivering at the thought of tomorrow.

I made a few attempts to scout from above and find what any signs of the giants in hopes we could ambush them and save the town from encountering them, however this became false hope as I could find no evidence of their presence save that odd feeling. On my way back to town I found Vethrfolnir resting beneath a large elm, what was left of a large doe that had been unfortunate enough to catch his attention lay nearby. He chimed at my approach and I thanked him for dinner as I knelt to cut out a chunk to cook up later. Verth’s a good bird, always saves a piece of flank for me. We sat beneath that elm for a few hours taking in the salty air blowing off the sea.

It was well past dark when we arrived back at the wall. One of the guards panicked as he saw Vethrfolnir walk out of the woods and was about to sound the alarm when Davok smacked the back of his head, rather harshly, I barely caught him mumble something about dragons not having beaks and hopping around on two feet. I tried not to laugh as I joined him on the wall for a few hours to keep watch and meditate beneath the moon.

Crap, the sun’s already up; overslept this time, so much for Vethrfolnir waking me up. The blasted creature lay beside me snoring about a softly as a half-ton bird can. I shook him awake, grabbed what was left of the venison and rejoined Davok on top of the wall. Just as I turned into an eagle to fly out and scout some more I could already see the giants approaching only a few hundred meters out. I decided to stay at the wall and provide some ranged support. There were at least a dozen of them but the woods made it difficult to make them out till they were within a few hundred feet. I struck out with lightning but it was having less effect then Davok’s volleys that felled one every few seconds. Only six giants stopped to attempt the north gate, I fear more went to the east to cross the river. Just as I was turning to send Vethrfolnir that direction a wave of heat enveloped me and I turned to see a massive red dragon breathing fire upon a small outcrop of trees just inside the wall. I found my new target and Vethrfolnir gladly headed to the east side of town, away from the dragon. I took to the sky and began bombarding the creature with more lightning. Its speed and wonton destruction of the town was a terrible sight to behold. I just hope we can save a few from its wrath…

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 7:

We didn’t stop moving till we got back to Fort Rannik in the early morning. Used what we had left for healing and bedded down for a few hours of much needed rest. Zandu teleported himself, Moxie, Davok, and Simon to Magnamar to sell off goods and restock some items, in the meantime the rest of us made a gameplan. It would take Zandu another four days to teleport the rest of us, Lynn mentioned that Sandpoint needed to be warned and there was still the matter of taking care of the nymph.

While the others walked to Turttleback Ferry, Lynn and I flew to the clearing we had first met Myriana. I landed just outside so we could blindfold ourselves and walk in without fear of being blinded again. After a few steps I heard the pool in the middle of the clearing being disturbed and stopped Lynn. We informed Myriana of the captain’s fate and she began grieving her loss. Suddenly at the crescendo of a wail everything went silent for a few seconds. It took me a second to realize what had happened, I figured at first that I had gone deaf but this was not the case. I believe she was able to find peace with herself and somehow brought the captain back. I removed my blindfold to find a new elf in the clearing looking around rather stupefied. I let Lynn know it was safe to remove his blind fold and we began explaining the sad events of the captain’s lost months. He decided to stay in the woods for the time being, whether or not he plans to return to the fort at some point I cannot say.

Lynn and I returned to the fort to relay what took place in the swamp then went to join the others in Turttleback Ferry. Around a mug of ail it was decided that Vethrfolnir and I, carrying Lynn and Shelalu, should fly directly to Sandpoint to alert them of the coming storm and hopefully make some preparations to the town. The next morning Zandu would arrive to take Rikert and Anne to Magnamar the following day.

The next morning Zandu showed up and informed us that they had missed their target and ended up in Sandpoint. Knowing it would still take over three days for him to teleport the rest of us, Lynn and I agreed to go with the original plan of flying in. At about twenty eight hours of flight time it would be long trip but if we pushed it we could make the journey in just over two days.

I’ve never spent so much time above the clouds, it was amazingly peaceful. The only worry was getting Vethrfolnir to keep on track through the long days but he seemed to understand the urgentness of our mission and though we were both plenty sore at the end of each day he was ready to press on at each new dawn. We arrived outside of Sandpoint mid-day, Zandu and a few others had teleported back that morning and the rest were expected in the evening. Zandu looked plenty worried and I fear we have less time than we originally thought.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 6:

The first move was made by the leader of the giants; casting a fireball right into the midst of our group. The group spread out to disable his ability to repeat his dangerous tactic. Unfortunately over half of our group became engaged with the “lamia” they had told me about. They had explicit hatred of this creature, giving it their sole attention. This left Davok, Simon and me to deal with the three giants. In the large chamber I knew we could use more people so I woke Vethrfolnir to help. Davok concentrated on the main giant and I began moving to block the other two from getting into melee with him. Rikert was taken out of the fight with the lamia so Simon went to fight her. I engaged one giant and sent Vethrfolnir to tangle with the other. Once more I am reminded of how much better he is at hunting than I, my weak attempts to tangle with this giant left me beaten and barely hindering the giant; on the other hand Vethrfolnir was holding his own quite well. Davok had gained their leader’s attention and he came down to join the fight. With a few spells he caused not only Davok to flee the fight but Simon as well. Luckily Vethrfolnir had dealt with his giant by the time the leader arrived but I had to pull myself out of combat with the mine to heal and get the last of my damaging spells off.

Lynn joined Vethrfolnir in occupying the two remaining giants but both were taking nasty blows. Just before I rejoined the melee, Anne caused the giant I was battling with to fall asleep. Lynn finished it off and it became three against one on the main giant. He landed one vicious blow to the side of Vethrfolnir’s head and he fell swiftly. I felt nauseas as I watched my companion fall but could see that his breast still heaved as he took labored breaths. I could tell Lynn was feeling pretty bad as well and I was near the end; one more hit to any of us and we would be out of the fight, possibly for good. Luckily the same could be said for the giant, for as I landed one last spell he fell.

First I needed to deal with Vethrfolnir, a couple of cures brought him back around. Apparently during our scuffle with the giants the others had moved their combat back the way we had come. Lynn and I exchanged glances and we knew we had to go help. Not everyone can have the luxury of quitting during the middle of combat. They had the Lamia in the chamber we encountered the ranger and Vethrfolnir and I made a few quick swipes at it but did little before she was felled by Moxie and her ‘percusion wand’ as she calls it.

From what we gathered, after we caught our breath and amazed at our good fortune that we were all still standing and among the living, was that there was about to be an assault of a town called Sandpoint. Though I had never heard about it except for passing conversation with this group it seemed to hit them hard, especially since the word DRAGON was used. Though we have come far and completed much in the short time I have been with this “Stormgaurd” I fear we have but gleaned the surface of what evil we are attempting to overcome.

Simon says: "We got this!"

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 5

The next room was filled with fog by the time I got there, so it took some time before I even encountered our enemies. Hags, worse, LARGE hags; I really hate these blasted creatures. They have no love for the natural world and these Annis hags are obsessed with unforgivable crimes such as stripping away a screaming child’s flesh and decorating themselves with it. It took some time to put them down but no one was dreadfully injured.

Afterward we met the captain of the Black Arrows. He had the misfortune to be turned into a Wright. Once most the party was in the room he backed into a corner behind a statue (altar). I was able to climb the altar to get behind him but could do little more than provide distraction so the more capable fighters had a better chance to kill him.

Now we stand in a great throne room. The ceiling has a fissure open to the cool mountain air, statues of stone giants flank the main path to a massive stone throne. All in all a pretty cool place, accept for the three live stone giants, specifically the little one on the throne who just ordered the others to “deal with us”.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 4:
Just ahead of us on the mountain loomed a large dark cave with smoke coming out the upper part of the mouth suggesting inhabitants. Moxie, Davok, and I attempted to sneak ahead and scout the mouth of the cave. Two very aware ogres spotted me, and before I was able to lead their attention elsewhere, my companions. We were able to dispatch those two with minor injuries, and we continued into the cave. Great rib-bones flanked the sides of the entry way for some way, carved into them were clan symbols and other random bits that I did not recognize as giant. The end of this hall showed a massive giant in armor that was dead, but preserved by an amulet around its neck. Davok quickly ascended the creature and removed the amulet turning the monstrosity into dust.

The next few rooms proved to be rather full of ogres and one hill giant. Fighting in small areas like this prolong the fight but also prevent the ogres from attacking our support (Zandu). The piles of dead ogres also prove slick and difficult to maneuver around during combat. Hopefully when we finish clearing these caves and eradicating this “Kreeg” clan and the lamia we expect is leading them, we can get the weather back to normal and be done with this blasted place.

Haytham's Journal:

Entry 3:

A short survey of the top floor showed it to be empty and we headed down into the body of the dam. Davok took to scouting ahead and found himself in a nasty one on one fight with the “wet papa Grazuul” till we caught up to help. Not two seconds after I entered the fray than Davok took a fatal strike from Grazuul’s trident and went down; unsure whether he was just out or dead I cast a stabilizing spell to stop any bleeding. I was out of offensive spells for the day and went about healing and buffing the fighters ahead of me. Xandu tried to help Davok and he too fell to the ground after a very solid hit, luckily he was still moving around a little so we had time to help him. A mixture of fire and brute force saw to Grazuul’s end and it was confirmed that Davok was beyond our help at the moment. Once Xandu was up again he explained he may be able to bring him back if his god allowed it, but we required some material components that may be hard to locate.

One of the side rooms housed a vile scorpion-styled creature made of what appeared to be humanoid bones. It sat in front of a miniature reconstruction of the dam, Xandu explained the mini-dam radiated strong magic, and we believe it to be a control room of some sort. Being as the scorpion creature was not hostile it is likely it is supposed to monitor the dam’s function in some way. Another room contained the source of the dam’s power. Two chambers were present on opposite sides of a small room. One chamber contained nothing but a pile of ash, the other was occupied by an emaciated but obviously evil creature. It begged us to let it out and promised no harm come to us, after some questioning it explained that it and another of its kind had been powering the dam for the last ten thousand years but it was too weak to do so any longer. While we were talking amongst ourselves on what to do Lynn stepped into the other circle and the dam roared to life. The sound of water rushing through the gates was uplifting. Lynn was drained by the ordeal and the fiendish creature in the other circle did not survive.

We stayed at the dam for a couple of days while Xandu went to obtain the components he required to raise Davok. Then we hit Fort Rannik to get directions to Hook Mountain and back to Turttleback Ferry for some to gather supplies before heading off first thing the next morning. We hit the base of the mountain and immediately encountered snowy conditions, much nicer than the constant rain and more what I am used to.

Haytham's Journal:

Haytham’s Journal: Entry 2
Turttleback Ferry was indeed flooded; a good part of the town on the river’s side was about waist deep (for a human) and causing a significant amount of damage to some of the buildings. The church was fairing the best with its stone construction and it appeared that a majority of the townsfolk had fled to it for shelter.

A small boat was stuck between two buildings, its occupants being a mother and three younglings. I turned into a large bird and flew over to provide aid, as a massive snake had decided that one of the children would provide a decent meal. Upon my arrival the snake had fled, so I touched down beside the boat hoping that I would be able to pull it free. Even after explaining that I was there to help the mother found my presence less than calming, it was all I could do to continue standing in the rushing water so I regained flight. The ranger had flown over and picked up two of the children, so likewise I held out a talon hoping the mother would grab on. She was less than responsive so I was forced to pick her up and move toward dry land.

Shortly after we regrouped near the water’s edge I felt a massive presence behind me. I knew what it was before turning to look. The massive creature “stood” towering behind us in the surf, its head serpentine, its body more that of an octopus with sickly green tentacles writhing wildly. Its eyes shone with a sinister intellect and my stomach sank to such a depth I feared it was lost to the darkest of untold horrors. I attempted to impede it with magic but that took no effect. It quickly grabbed up my companions one by one and neither Vethrfolnir nor I was able to pierce its thick hide. My companions seemed to have little luck breaking free and I could see pain and fear painted on their faces. Their cleric was still on the other side of the river so I knew I should tend to their wounds. I was able to dodge the fierce tentacles on my way to Simon who appeared the worst off. As I was healing him the river began to recede and with it the creature released hold of those it had captured and fled with the water. Had the encounter gone on much longer we all would surely have perished, as it stands we all survived and I am grateful, for it must not have been too hungry.

The townsfolk rejoiced at its departure and their leader rewarded us each with money for driving the creature off. He must have been watching a different fight, but for their peace of mind I accepted the offering, knowing full well that if the creature desired this town it would take it at little loss. Then word of the dam came up. They explained that its floodgates had always opened when it was necessary and there had never been any danger of flooding. So we headed upstream to the dam suspecting foul play.

It was nearing dark by the time we made it to the base of the towering structure reaching several hundred feet above us. The “stairs” to the side were obviously meant for larger creatures and the way was treacherous but we had no incidents upon reaching the summit. At the top of the stairs there was a cave containing the den of an Ettin. It was dispatched quickly and we planned our sweep of the dam’s top. The cave was kind enough to open to the dam’s walkway some massive 50-60ft span, Moxie and Davok went to scout ahead. Some time had passed before Moxie came back into view yelling that there were multiple ogres ahead. Once more I turned into a large bird and flew to Davok’s aid. There were seven ogres in all, two armored up, and five underlings hoisting pickaxes. They had apparently been working on picking away at the dam till it burst. From their appearance they had been working for many hours and been in a fight or two recently, they looked ready to welcome death and the break it promised them. Vethrfulnir and I swept in taking one ogre each and dropping them off the side of the dam, allowing gravity to do the rest… funny I think that’s about how far my stomach had dropped earlier. The others were pretty much taken care of when we got back to the group with no major injuries sustained on our side.

A large skull-like structure protruded farther down the dam’s walk. Windows in the eyes allowed me to peek inside one of the rooms and I warned of what looked like a nest of sorts, not ogres, more likely the trolls the townspeople had warned us of. That suspicion was confirmed as opening the first door brought six of the blasted things to us. They were handled with quick ferocity, Simon and Davok felling most of the creatures before we set them in a pile to burn. Great, now we have a dam full of trolls to fight, however, it most certainly beats the certain doom of the creature in town.

Journal Entry:

Haytham’s Journal: Entry 1

The fly into Turttleback Ferry proved to be a startling one. The excessive rains were raising the water in the lake to a dangerous level that may damage the natural damn, I didn’t get a closer look to see any strain, nor could I do anything about it at the time. As well in the lake I spotted a massive water serpent, like what you hear about in myths. I hope I don’t have to encounter him, at least not while he’s hungry.

Not two seconds after reverting to my human self outside the town a little ways was I approached by a man claiming to be the chief or mayor or whatever name these people use to call their leader. Indeed he seems brave enough, walking right up to a complete stranger and twelve foot tall Rok. He was a geanerous man offering for me to stay at the “church?” if I could not afford the inn. He then looked at and politely mentioned that the invite would only apply to me. I let him know that I was grateful but it would be unnecessary. We’ve only done this a couple of times but I signaled Vethrfolnir to come closer, than gave him a quick sign he “should” remember and cast a spell turning him into a small stone figurine. I just hope tomorrow when I wake him up he’s not as upset as last time. Not something I enjoy doing but it can be useful when dealing with people. He pointed me towards a group of adventurers that had just come back from Fort Rannick, specifically an elf in the group named Lynn.

I was a little disheartened at hearing I was to converse with an elf, they usually prefer a more eloquent exchange than I am used to and they can be offended fairly easily. Entering the tavern I found a chaotic mix of music, dancing, and one particular booming voice coming from a man who was the musculature of a full grown gorilla, complexion was fairly close too. I found Lynn at the bar and was happily perplexed to find him as blunt a character as I. They had come from a city named Magnimar on order to find out what was happening at Rannick and were now in pursuit of the lead ranger who is missing. He had no idea about the odd weather or where is stemmed from, however, he mentioned the ranger was visiting a nymph and I got the feeling I ought to check it out. He agreed to let me come along mentioning they had left the last druid from the group at Rannick.

Lynn gave quick introductions of his companions. Simon the man-ape gone wrong thing, was an ex-guard (imagine that) from Magnimar. Darok, a ranger who just recently joined to help out with the Rannick situation. Rikert, a holy warrior of some god or another, I am not versed in most of the deities these people worship. Zandu, a wandering cleric of Desna (caught the name that time), Varisian by the look of him. Anne, a Tian (first I’ve seen) sneak-about, the fox curled up in her lap has a devious intelligence in its eyes that suggest it more arcane than animal. Moxie, a gnome, also a sneak-about and also something of a tease as Simon kept making lewd suggestions, especially after he informed me multiple times of the lack of a whore-house in town. Then Lynn mentioned he was something of a spell-sword.

I opted to sleep outside and built a simple shelter to keep the rain and cold out. The next morning I met the group on the north side of town and we took a ferry across the river to begin our trek to Whitewillow. We hit a small hamlet occupied by a handful of simple folk as-live-off-the-land types and got a brief idea of our surroundings. We were about a quarter mile outside of town when we discovered we had no idea how precisely to reach Whitewillow, so Zandu and Simon went back to town for directions. While they were gone we were approached by a pixie claiming that his mistress was ill and that we were to help. He was quite the excitable creature and his shrill voice was rather vexing, however it is not his fault it is difficult to change one’s nature, and I’m surprised he mustered the courage to talk to a group of well armed adventurers.

Fallowing the pixie proved tiring to some of the group, they did not have the patience required to handle skittish individuals. I agree the constant chatter and disappearing at any odd noise made the trip much longer than it needed to be, however, based on the drab conditions of the swamp and forest, as well as the near complete lack of fauna, I empathize with his uneasiness. Our travel was not without interruption, firstly there was the matter of four trolls. I had never had to deal with them before and learned during the fight that one must finish them off with fire. Unfortunately I had not prepared any fire spells and had little else to make an inferno. So Vethrfolnir and I tagged one while the Stormgaurd quickly felled the other three. We were able to make them unconscious and drag them into a pile to burn. Then we had an encounter with a ghostly band of satyrs and other fey creatures dancing to mute music, passing through physical objects and heading towards the group. They all looked dead; deformed, bruised or cut in some manner. As they passed through us, quite literally, I felt a wash of cold and despair that lasted only so long as I was in contact with one, Anne did not fare so well as she looked rather drained.

Then there’s the matter of a ship that appeared from somewhere, we opted to let it be as no threat was detected from it. When we finally made the clearing that Yap(pixie) had lead us to, I was dismayed. The whole area felt dead in a way I have never, and hope never again, to feel. It was as if the trees, the grass, the water, even the earth itself were dead. Nothing stirred or rustled, there was wind though it had no effect, not even a ripple in the pond. All but Simon went into the clearing, and it was a good thing he opted to watch our backs. When we neared the pool a specter of the nymph rose howling from the still waters. I was struck blind but not before I was able to view the sad condition her form was in. Battered and torn I can only imagine what fowl things the ogres did to this innocent spirit of life. In her anguish she blamed us for failing her lover, for failing to hold Rannick and for other such atrocities. We spoke our piece saying we were here to help and so forth; her voice calmed some and commanded us to bring back some piece of her lover so both could rest. Rather unbecoming of a woodland spirit, but hey, I think I’d be a little pissed in that situation too.

Nothing was to be done for our blindness for the time being. Zandu cured two of us and said he’d have to wait till midnight to get the rest of us. I turned into a bat so at least I could navigate a bit on my own. We spent the night in the swamp and headed back to town in the morn. Of course nothing’s easy, for as we neared the town we got word that it’s flooding and they need our help to evacuate people. I figure the natural damn has given away to an extent, just hope that giant serpent isn't too curious about his new turf, or hungry for that matter.

Journal Entry:

Fourteenth day of the Month Neth

Recuperation – Planning – Parting

This will likely be my final entry for some time as I shall be departing from my comrades in hopes to find a means of countering this ancient magic that has been plaguing the world of late. After the many hardships of the past few days I am loathe to write what transpired. My mind and body have been tested and, though I remain mostly unscathed physically, are in need of relief.

We found fort Rannick taken by ogres as the rangers informed. A quick plan was scripted to use the hidden tunnels that enter the rear of the fort in several places; two entrances into the courtyard and one that lead into the basement of the fort itself. By burning bitter-bark back in the caves we were able to force the shocker lizard denizens out into the courtyard to act as a potent distraction, we entered the fort directly.

We were not expecting to run directly into the lair of the serpent, however, this is what transpired. Given no time to properly prepare for the encounter I fear I was not providing as much support fire as possible. Also we seemed to have lost a few of our party to the smoke. The lamia proved to be very capable with a pair of knives she used to flay those that got close enough to her. Simon, Lynn, and the half ork took many grave wounds from her, but, returned the favor. I did what I could with artillery but before we could finish her off she cast a quick dimension door spell and vanished leaving us bedraggled and well, rather upset.

Most the rest of the keep held rooms with just a few ogres that were dispatched with little difficulty. That is till we headed for the top floor. The first few rooms, though gruesome and tattered, were unoccupied. One on the other hand, made for perhaps the most vexing engagement we had yet undertaken. Five ogres and the lamia were waiting in one room, preparing for our arrival. The door kept them from swarming us at first but that changed when the lamia moved some to flank, as well as a new opening was being made in the stone before me from repeated blows. The thick rock wall gave me a few seconds to ready myself for combat, but not as much time as I had hoped. Within the first few seconds Simon was struck with a hideous laughter spell and I was once more struck blind. That’s twice in two days. I was ready this time and was able to cure it shortly after. It took some time but we finally relieved the ogres of their existence, however, the lamia once more made her escape. We have yet to find her since. After clearing the keep we made short work of the rest of the ogres in the courtyard that remained.

The next day we assisted the remaining rangers in cleaning up the place and figuring out what our course of action should be. The rangers need reinforcement as well as their commander recovered as he has gone missing, as well we wanted to find and end the lamia. It was decided that we would head back to Turttleback Ferry and send for reinforcements from Magnimar, as well as try to find were the lamia went. If that search proved fruitless we would go after the commander.

Indeed, the lamia was not to be found; wherever she fled to she will be better prepared for us. Upon reaching the Ferry I offered to bring our report to the Lord Mayer and then stay in Magnimar and attempt to find more information on this ancient Thassilonian magic. If I am hasty enough I may be able to decipher a way to counter this foul, sin-fed power that has so suddenly erupted into our reality before any more of my friends’ lives are extinguished.

Journal Entry:

Eleventh Day of the Month Neth

Investigation – Suspicion – Communication

We arrived at Turttleback Ferry in the middle of the evening finding residence in its only inn. After paying the necessary monies I dropped my pack and extra weight before heading across the street to the tavern to join the rest of the troupe. While a few spent their time trying to figure out what had been going on, I was trying to plan for what we might encounter. Apparently the rangers of the area have gone missing or at least haven’t come by for some time. As well a pleasure barge had disappeared a couple of weeks back, run by a lustrous red head by the name Lucrecia (or however you spell these odd Varisian names). To get into the “VIP” section one had to get a tattoo somewhere on their person. This tattoo just so happened to be the same sahedrin ruin we have encountered many times now. So, somehow she was using the tattoo to harvest the greed from these foolish people. We agreed to head to Fort Rannick first thing in the morning.

During breakfast I noticed a new face at the table; a half-orc, hunter or forest walker by the looks of him. Somehow I had missed his joining our adventure last night at the tavern, could have been all that ale. Anyway started heading north with the river to our left, keeping in our new formation, with the half-orc scouting slightly ahead. Some kilometers out of town I heard what sounded like multiple dogs barking and closing on us from the forest to the left. When I looked back to the front of the column the half-orc had moved into the forest with the druid moving in as well. Rikert and Simon were trying to get people to hold, so Lynn, Zandu (surprisingly) and I stayed with them. We waited about half of a minute trying to figure out the situation. I took advantage of the seconds to dump a few chemicals down my throat expecting a fight. We moved in together finding the druid trying to get a very large firepelt cougar out of a bear trap. It was obvious that this was a highly trained animal, not some wild creature, likely some druid’s companion. Unfortunately we didn’t have much time to move once the creature was free as I could hear the dogs to be very close as well as what sounded like two deep voices attempting to sing, in some unintelligible mix between common and giant, a song about eating kitties. When they came into sight I understood why they sounded like simple minded folk. They were humanoid in shape, though I am unsure of their blood, perhaps they were human, but inferior genetics likely due to inbreeding was apparent. Probably twins, they mirrored each other physically, having an arm that deformed into a single massive finger. They made a request that we give them the cat and they would let us leave. I responded that their request was unreasonable as this was not some wild animal to be hunted. They either didn’t comprehend what I said or they didn’t care and proceeded to release their hounds.

The ensuing fight lasted less than a minute; minimal wounds on our side and complete annihilation of the brothers and most of their hounds. After the druid spoke with the cougar, he told us that its master was nearby and in need of our help. We are currently on our way to provide what assistance we can in hope of gleaning more information on the recent goings on.

Journal Entry:

Seventh Day of the Month Neth
More missions – More death – More names
During our dinner with the Lord Governor he thanked us for our work, requested our band to look into trouble down at Turttleback Ferry, and then, after Simon accepted for the group, promptly left. It is obvious we are nothing but instruments to him, however, a little courtesy would do him well. The next four days were spent shopping, arguing over names for our troupe, and planning our trip. Anne requested more poison to replenish her stock and that took most of a day to construct. We eventually left by boat as it would take half the time and we had wasted enough of that already.

The first few days were quiet, I spent most of my time above deck enjoying the scenery and sketching pictures of plants and wildlife. It was kind of nice having a chance to relax, the constant feeling of something trying to kill me had let up and I was more than glad for it. I am not like Rikert and Simon, I do not relish combat. I also know that I cannot allow these murders to continue so perhaps my involvement and acts may be considered necessary. I only mention this because on the third day we encountered two Swamp giants. They concealed their presence with a magical fog across the river and began their assault by throwing massive boulders at the barge. One crewman was knocked overboard and Ramad caught a heavy blow as well in the first volley. I could not see the attackers due to the fog so I began preparing with a mutagen and a few elixirs.

When the fight truly broke out there was so much electricity and ozone in the air between Ramad casting lightning and fire, Sheldor calling lightning from the sky, Lyn casting more lightning and my electrical bombs, that I could not help but yell out during combat that our group should go by “Stormguard”. There was resounding agreement just before one giant horridly clove Ramad nearly in two, killing him instantly. One giant took off and the one that slew Ramad fell to a bomb.

After the chaos, words were said for the hafling, and the barge was cleaned up. A few of us got together and talked tactics afterward in an attempt to increase our chances of survival against organized foes. Hopefully we can find some time to practice working together more before we reach Turttleback Ferry.

Journal Entry:

First Day of the Month Neth

I suppose it has only been a couple of weeks since I last wrote of my adventure with this troupe of likeminded fools; it feels as though months have passed.

We were able to discover the plot in Sandpoint and put it to an end. My guarded suspicion of Zandu was fully cleared. He was simply being used as a distraction. Turned out the Foxglove family has a very dark past, and the undead menace stemmed from their manor located further down on the coast. It seems that Aldern’s grandfather had attempted to make himself into a lich, luckily he was unsuccessful; though in the process he more or less cursed the house. We not only eliminated the obvious undead threat, including an undead Aldern who had some poor dealings himself, but we were able to lift the curse from the manor. Clues gathered pointed us towards Magnimar, as Sandpoint was just one grain of sand in the dunes of some scheme.

Upon our arrival we heard of nobles being murdered of late. We decided to take a look around the Foxglove mansion in town to try and find the next lead. After dealing with some unsavory creatures disguised as Aldern and some servants, we proceeded to search the house and found an agreement between Alderns grandfather and some group working out of The Seven’s Sawmill, our next stop… well would have been our next stop if we were not arrested out front for the nobles’ murders. It was more so a staged arrest, as we were commissioned by the Lord Governor to solve the matter as quietly as possible.

The sawmill was unguarded on the lower levels, and we ascended slowly clearing each floor before moving on. Near the top we heard a scream and Zandu rushed ahead out of sight. By the time Uther and I had caught up he had already alerted a large group of cultists of our presence. They moved in upon the three of us cutting off any chance of retreat. I may not strike hard with this spear but its poisoned head affected quite a few of the blasted cultists. At the start of the combat Uther and I were back to back, as the chaos continued we were separated by the sheer numbers of cultists and, though he fought fiercely with shot after shot ringing out, and many dead with large holes were tissue should be; he fell and neither Zandu or I could get to him soon enough to save him.

After a thorough search of the area an encoded journal was found, as well as a coup of messenger ravens, plans were also made for young Uther’s body to be transported to Sandpoint for proper burial. So while some went to work with the ravens I started working on the journal’s cipher, a complicated mix of three languages. After a short time the other group informed the rest of us that the ravens fly to a terrible structure in underbridge known as the Shadow Clock. We decided to wait until the journal was fully deciphered until beginning our assault, a process that took a week to complete and unfortunately no applicable information was gleaned to aid our planning to cleanse the Shadow Clock.

Entering the base of the Shadow Clock bore a very dark, cluttered interior. We split up and began searching for threats. Zandu, once again, was right next to the conflict. I swear that kid is drawn toward death, like a fool to a mirage; some promise of greatness in the afterlife gives him no regard for his physical existence. Yet in his flirting he has yet to give in to death’s seductive bosom. From the rubble a construct emerged, a mass of flesh cleaved from multiple creatures creating a massive perversion of life; its face that of a child’s, though a disturbing intellect was witnessed within. Immune to arcane intervention and resistant to our physical attacks I feared the creature would take more of our party. Hoping to give them time I drank an elixir of enlargement in order to engage the monstrosity. Moving into position behind him I was glad to see Rikert tearing into it with his great two handed sword. I struck the creature once and was about to grab it when Rikert finished his maneuver and the creature’s existence.

After a short breath we began to ascend the rail-less staircase into the engulfing darkness above. We had just come to a gap when below a new voice was heard. A man dressed as a Magnamar guard explained that the captain had sent him to assist us. The climb proved to be rather difficult as multiple sections of the staircase were missing. Zandu was able to make a few people walk upon the air and they were able to assist in our climbing about. At the top we encountered three more of the shifting creatures we had previously faced in the Foxglove mansion in town. I downed a potion of spider climb to keep off the stairs while assisting the fight. Once that short conflict was settled we continued to the top of the tower.

When we came upon the roof a demonic creature was spotted flying its perimeter. Our wizard lit it up with a lightning bolt and shortly thereafter a wave of fire. While watching the spectacular display I remember a heavy thud from behind and noticed an intricate spear point protruding from my chest. I became rather nauseous from the image and simply stumbled over the edge without viewing my attacker. Luckily my potion of spider climb was still active or I may have fallen to the street, a few hundred feet below. After drinking a strong restorative and having the familiar fire wash through my body, I returned to the fight. A large snake-woman thing had engaged the guard and Rikert. I moved to gain higher ground and ran up a pillar and began throwing targeted bombs from the partial safety of the shrine’s ceiling. Eventually we felled the blasted creature and took another minute to breathe. The demonic creature was nowhere to be found and I fear it will go to warn some higher master, for among our findings was a note from the snake’s kin describing his/her own dealings with the collection of greed.

We reported our discoveries and were awarded greatly for ending the murders as well as saving the Lord Governor as he was on the list of those to “harvest”. Tonight he has invited us to feast with him and after that we will likely be on our way to the next afflicted town.

Journal Entry:

Second Day of the Month Ramashan

Rest – interruption – shopping – work

After an enjoyable night once more spent in a bed instead of a festering goblin-littered ruin; I was feeling quite like myself again. I awoke to find the companionship of a pretty country girl who came to town for market tomorrow. She may have only found interest in my exotic demeanor since Keleshites are uncommon to these parts; however, the attention was a nice change from the last few days. We were beginning another “cultural discussion” when I flinched at sound of a third voice in the room. I instinctively reached for a dagger before recognizing Moxie in the doorway. She was holding forehead in one hand and bracing herself with the other, eyes were bloodshot and voice faint and scratchy. The bedraggled creature need not have explained and I explained the location of an analgesic in my coat. She was gone before I could warn her that it would only postpone the affects of the night prior and not cure them. Once the door was closed I again turned my attention to my “cultural exchange”.

This day would be spent acquiring ingredients to restock spent vials and other alchemical necessities including the mass production of curatives I’m sure the group will request. Indeed when the order came in there was no less than fifteen curatives requisitioned as well as some other odds and ends, including two requests for weapon “oils” from Moxie and Anne. Preparing my room for the many hours of boiling, distilling, decanting and so forth I “borrowed” some pillows from Zandu’s room to function as added cushioning for my chair and found another table to support the many apparatus’. That evening we were graced with good fortune as the local historian brought a knowledgeable Halfling interested in Thassilonian culture, and schooled in the arcane arts. Said Halfling was interested in joining our struggle to assist the town and offered his abilities. Zandu offered to take him to Thistletop the next day to examine the ruins below and some of the company wished to join, I on the other hand declined the invitation as I needed as much time as I could procure to manufacture their potions.

Third Day of the Month Ramashan

Market day – parting – continued work

I had only one real need at the market. The finding of a spear made of this cold iron Zandu repeatedly stresses. I was elated to find one of superior craftsmanship its point decorated with an intricate serpent deeply carved into the material. Whether the channels were purpose made or not they would hold toxins quite superbly. The cost of the thing, off-putting at first, was fitting for such a functional work of art.

Uther made it his prerogative to trade what we had procured through our adventure for various useful items brought in by various merchants. Most notably was a haversack that served as an extra-dimensional space, allowing for my old green hand-wagon to be discarded. After insuring no dangerous chemical residues existed on the wagon I found a young lad to leave it with, surely it will continue to prove useful for someone.

Thirteenth Day of the Month Lamashan

Harvest Feast – Murder – Suspicion

We were approached by Sheriff Hemlock at our breakfast at the Rusty Dragon. He brought word of multiple murders in the past few days, last night’s being the most notable, he wished for our assistance investigating strange factors around the incident. Firstly a note was found at the scene addressing Zandu as this creatures master and his willingness to carry out Zandu’s command. My thoughts are brought again to Zandu’s unspoken past and his intimate knowledge with the evil we have encountered. It appears I may be alone in my suspicion; however, closer attention will be payed to his mannerisms.

Hemlock brought us to a horrific scene at the lumber mill. Two deaths, one a worker and part owner of the mill identified as Harker, the other, Katrine, eldest daughter to Ven who is currently in custody under suspicion of the first murder. Katrine’s body was a shredded mess, it had been put through the saw and was mostly in two pieces, the mechanical blade showed no compassion for the soft flesh. This action seamed more an afterthought to the next body. Harker was nailed to the mill’s wall his face’s flesh delicately removed, lower jaw ripped away and his chest was carved with the ancient Thassilonian symbol we have seen more and more frequently. Indeed one hung from Zandu’s neck, a trinket picked from Nualia’s lifeless form. My suspicion of his character has not yet been piqued; however, ancient magic is likely at work here. Whether this is coincidence or not remains to be clear. Regardless it certainly clears Ven of the crime. He would have no purpose carving the body in such a way, especially when claw marks were discovered on the torso. Footprints of an unbooted individual were discovered; upon closer inspection they bore the sickly-sweet scent of decay and rotten flesh. The blade of a nearby axe also bore the scent as well as chips of bone and flesh of a third party. The pier bore further oddities; muddy barefoot prints coming from the river scaled the mill’s wall to an upper floor and connected with what was found inside. The far side of the river bore more footprints coming from then leading back towards the river. The area they were found gives a full view of and concealment from the mill. We are now en route to speak with Ven and the other owner of the mill, Thorn, to try and gain further insight. An itch in my mind speaks of a malign presence watching us.

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Journal Entry:

Thirtieth Day of the Month Rova

Confusion – loss

I awoke quite lost. It seems I had passed out in the atrocious temple. Likely my body was not entirely healed from the fighter’s ferocity in tearing it apart. I wandered a little till I found a few of my companions. I found Zandu, Moxie and Anne attempting to revive some of our group. I am unsure how long I was out but it allowed for them to engage in two battles the second of which ended both Nualia and our Taldoran noble, Lucian. Perhaps had he saved his potion he would not have fallen; regardless I am told he fought bravely. More likely he would be alive if my body had not given out to exhaustion and I had been able to aid in the conflicts, however, one cannot alter the past any more than keep sand out of the desert. I applied what healing I was able, keeping a few curatives in the event of more conflict. It was decided we should take rest in Nualia’s old chamber and allow those who were still wounded time to recuperate.

First Day of the Month Lamashan

More loss – Treasure – Conclusion

We set forth; heavy of heart, to finish what had been started days ago. The door adjacent to Nualia’s chambers revealed a column of gold coins, and an otherwise plain “L” shaped room. Upon inspection the coins were marked in Thassilonian. One inscription read “Greed” the other “Gold”. Lynn pointed out that the column had an illusion cast upon it and it was anything but gold. We continued to the other end of the room and found a burial chamber of sorts. Along the walls were six sarcophagi and in the center was a statue of a man wielding a glaive and holding forth a book. I began taking note of the sarcophagi and after a time came to realize they were decorated with symbols of tools probably marking their occupation and status. There were Thassilonian words as well, reaffirming my previous belief. As I was observing one of them I heard a cry from someone and turned.

A shadow passed beside me and my attention was captured by this dark figure now before me. It had attempted to grab at me and narrowly missed. As I was readying my spear I heard Zandu explain that you needed magic to harm them. For a gypsy healer he seems to know quite a lot about dark things and the occult; questions for another time perhaps. I had no magic to harm them and no place to run as one appeared behind me as well, though it was occupied with Uther. I focused most of my attention on not contacting the creature as it reached out again. I forget how but at one point there was an opening to remove myself from between them and I did so graciously, in my wake I left a present of bright electrical discharge and I was surprised to see it had some effect. Zandu said a quick prayer and those that remained dissipated into dust. I suppose to combat dark things one must be familiar with them.

A secret door was found on the west wall and a hallway lead to something I would like to forget. I would like to mention that though I grew up in the port city of Katheer, most of my time was spent on land… in the desert. It was not wise to swim in the Pashman River near the city for you could easily be taken away by all manner of foul folk. So when we came to what was once a treasury room with half of it collapsed into a pool that appeared at least twenty feet deep. I was less than inclined to do much more than observe the carvings on the complete walls. *Splash* Barus saw something he must have thought to be useful and jumped in. By the time I got to the edge of the pool there were already wisps of blood coming from him. He was in melee with what appeared to be a giant’s helm made of gold, with claws coming from the eye-slits. I drank a mutagen and as the foul liquid began its painful transformation, hardening flesh and bolstering muscle, I tried to think of a way to help without entering the pool; none came to mind. The pool blossomed with light and I noticed Moxie throwing in sunrods trying to get a better picture, the picture was quickly becoming more bloody as the claws now had Barus nearly helpless. I drank another potion and dove down finding decent footing on the bottom I began to stab into the helmet with my spear; the creature’s shell yielding to its sharp point. This added pain brought me to its attention and it grabbed me in one of its claws tearing though my robes and spilling more blood into the salty water. It was all I could do not to release what reserve of air I had left as the salt reminded me of its presence. As the creature let go I grabbed Barus and darted to the surface, he was not moving and I fear we were too late to save him. It is a shame to see one so strong ended by greed.
We spent the next few minutes clearing out the pool of treasure; I believe more for Barus’ memory than for ourselves. We were formulating a plan to get what we could off the island when I heard a crunch and rumble. Moxie had convinced Anne to help her investigate the fake gold column and they found a means of opening it to another room with three doors.

The northward door reviled a throne room and an image that seemed to be repeating, old magic unraveling over thousands of years. It took some time to decipher what was being said as it too was in Thassilonian and I had never heard it spoken before. Summed up it was a bolstering speech to keep men at their posts and not abandon whatever it was they were defending. The eastern door contained a room with the bones of what may have been humans though the count was wrong, something entirely eerie about that kept me from staying long. Zandu picked up some utensils he claimed to be medical. Furthermore a seven pointed star was discovered with a handle on one side. I first believed it to be a marking tool of some sort, meant to be applied to the flesh, however, upon coming to the southern door it was discovered to be a key.

The door opened to a room filled with light and the smell of burning hair. A great pit of fire burned in the center and the north wall was covered golden candles which refused to burn down. When we began to survey the room some massive creature came forth and struck at Lynn dealing grievous wounds. Once more Zandu explained the need for magic to harm the beast. I downed an elixir designed to contain the blast from my explosives and began to throw them as quickly as I was able. These bombs certainly gained its attention and had Zandu and Uther not been between us I have little doubt that it would have torn me limb from fragile limb. The hellish creature thrashed madly about attempting to strike down those as had surrounded him, however our combined effort proved too great for it and it finally fell.

With the ruins cleared we ascended to the surface carrying both riches and fallen allies. The price paid was great, but the threat to Sandpoint has been lessened. Upon coming home to the Rusty Dragon our rooms have been engraved with our names, an honor I do not quite understand, perhaps it is a northern thing. Regardless I will be spending the next few days trapped within brewing up what I can to resupply, for I fear our work is far from over.

Journal Entry:

Thirtieth Day of the Month Rova
Descent - Darkness – Morbidity
After a restless night spent in the so-called throne room; we regrouped and took quick inventory of our spoils. I was able to identify a few of the potions as curative agents. As such I dispensed them to those who had expended their supply. You can always tell a pampered noble; for no sooner had I handed Lucien a potent elixir, he consumed the contents. I understand he was still wounded, however these are most useful in emergencies; I swear it is as though he expects I have an unending supply of elixirs… and gold for that matter.

We entered the lower network through the entrance located most near the throne room. A short hall brought us upon a room with six doors. Nothing much was found save two less than pleasant occurrences. The first of which held some cages, inside were grotesque little creatures. Barus explained they were goblin young, we closed the door and let them be. Though I believe the more merciful action would have been that we had ended them; as now it is likely they will starve to death with no one to… tend… to them.

The next occurrence was worse. Barus opened a door and came upon four goblin females, entertaining a bugbear. I believe the bugbear was slightly upset at being disturbed and took to swinging a rather large flail, or some such device, at Barus; whilst the females took to shooting arrows. Our party moved quickly into position, blocking any means of escape. Vibrant green discharges and the smell of seared flesh and ozone filled the air around the bugbear, harming him greatly and removing two of the females of the burden that was their life. The bugbear then fell quickly to Barus and Lucien. I leapt past and took another of the females with a curt jab from my spear. The other fell shortly after, I know not who took it as I was then desperately trying to then leave the room and remove its memory from my mind.

There have been multiple occasions when my body has acted most foolishly. The first of which would be the glassworks, becoming surrounded by goblins, you think it would learn. As a few of the party was investigating the harem, a door was opened a startled man’s face poked out for just a moment he then shut the door again. Fearing he fled for reinforcements, I readied an explosive and burst through the door hoping to arrest his escape. In a sense my plan worked. Though he was waiting on the other side of the door and as I burst through he struck with sword that appeared much smaller a second ago… before it tore my conciseness’ vessel open. In my sudden panic I feared the bomb was already active and in an attempt to remove it from my possession I left myself open to a second blow. The blade came down, darkness engulfed me.

I cannot breathe, why can I not breathe!? My eyes flashed open and before me was a blur of colors and cloth sweeping this way and that across my face. I swept the cloth aside; Zandu was kneeling over me tending to my grievous wounds whilst his scarf was desperately trying to undo his fine work. I was amazed to watch as he prayed my wounds began to seal themselves, his god’s healing is much more merciful than the elixirs I employ. There is no fire coursing through my blood, only a cool calming sensation, as though my body were completely numb. He did fine work though the wounds had not totally closed. I thanked him as I went for a curative from my personal stock. This time there was fire as the liquid coursed through me finishing the work Zandu had started.

As I took note of my surroundings and the astounding pool of blood I was now standing in I assumed the fighter had been dispatched rather gruesomely, but he had not! He was in the process of removing his armor and talking with the others. Grim realization told me this thick pool of blood indeed belonged to me, a thought I would have liked to have been without. He had apparently surrendered and given us a slight bit of info on our situation. He was simply a mercenary and had no real ties to those we were after. A part of me demanded vengeance, but Sheylin is a forgiving goddess and it is for us to strive to follow that path. I was glad when the party allowed him to live, though I fear we also sentenced him to his death. Taking on these woods with nothing but a bow and three arrows may be his downfall.
We searched the area he told us was the sleeping quarters of himself, Tsuto, Bruthazmus (the Bugbear), Lyrie (an unknown at this point), and someone else, perhaps he said Nualia, it makes little difference. We found a small mess of useful items in these chambers including two ever-burning torches. We continued investigating the halls coming upon a torture room, luckily with no occupants. From there we found a stairway, more of a short ramp, but stairway none-the-less, leading us to our next encounter.

Soon as Barus opened the door two distinguishable yowls tore through my mind shattering any peace that had returned since my return to consciousness. I had an overwhelming desire to run, but pushed forwards regardless. Perhaps it is more accurate that I was pushed forward instead of pushing forward. Entering the new chamber my eyes were instantly accosted with a disturbing sight. The main feature was a statue standing perhaps ten feet in height. The only word that entered my mind was chimera, a single creature composed of multiple limbs and features from different creatures. The head was that of a jackal with three eyes, the hands and feet birdlike with talons, body that of a pregnant female, human in likeness. Within the talons were two burning kukris two different colored flames. The statue bore no significance to me other than the mundane evil it flaunted. The rest of the room was set up as a chapel of sorts with an alter covered in bone and ash and lesser statues of creatures eating people.

More importantly, the source of the yowls, two emaciated hounds “stood” twenty feet airborne flanking the predominant statue glaring at us. Uther had entered found a decent corner and fired upon one. I took a place beside him and threw an explosive, missing my mark it detonated harmlessly on a wall. The rest of the party had taken up places throughout the chapel waiting for the hounds to descend. Descend they did, right for Uther and I. I narrowly escaped the first bite from the creature and was forced to use my spear as there was no place to retreat towards. When my spear did strike it was with little effect. I wonder if these creatures, like the quasit, require the cold iron Zandu mentioned to properly harm them? Regardless that was not an option at this time, especially since the next bite from the fowl creature not only found my flesh but also removed me of my footing. Knowing I could not do significant damage to the hounds and that standing would leave me exposed to attack, I fought from the ground. Applying poisons to my spear in a hope to take them down from within. From what I can tell the poison had no affect when I was able to finally pierce the creature’s hide. Luckily my troupe was more adept to removing these hounds from existence.

I have found a few minutes to write this down as the group searches the chapel. I pray this endeavor ends in our favor, though I fear the worst has yet to present itself.

Journal Entry:

Something day of … Rova perhaps?

I just stumbled upon this book of mine, forgotten in all of the work that lead up to this point. In these last few days I feel as though I am loosing grip on who I once was, and what I once held certain. My knowledge has truly helped this assembly of people seeking fame and adventure, but I fear it is at the cost of myself.

I do not argue that the eradication of this goblin infestation is indeed a necessity, however, I am ashamed of my satisfaction and the exhilaration obtained when dispatching them. Either with the electric concoctions or any other alchemical device I have invented. I just hope that once all this… killing… is done, I may be able to return to my previous existence; though I fear I will have changed too greatly. I suppose I should still try to chronicle my time, perhaps reading back on it will aid in my preservation.

After clearing out the Thasillonian ruins, it was decided we should head to thistletop to remove the area of goblins. The trip there was simple, even pleasant at parts, save a few unsavory bushes that scratched a few comrades. We finally arrived at a bramble wall, and it was discovered to have a makeshift door revealing a four foot tunnel. Leading up to this were certain drag marks that we were keen to investigate.

The short roof and thorned interior proved quite obtrusive, especially when we set upon the first group of goblins. I had no chance using my spear; it was too cumbersome in the environment. As such I resorted to making the explosive charges as I had so many times prior. Green electrical discharges tore flesh from bone and turned bone to ash. I find it fascinating how cleanly it disassembles the morbid creatures, any wound produced seems to sear shut, and the scars produced are very singular design. I stray from the moment. The main group did fine against the goblins, though Uther was not so lucky. He was ambushed by a goblin druid and its pet cat, cat however is an understatement, more like a mix between a wildcat and a panther. We were able to wound and drive off the druid though he remained alive to strike later.

What we came upon next was what appeared to be a man tied to a large stick, hanging over a pit, with goblins trying to navigate the entire bundle into the aforementioned pit. This scene may have been humorous given different circumstances; however, I was tired of fighting these blasted creatures in this cramped environment and was quite ready to be done with the lot. We slaughtered this small lot and freed the man. Who turned out to be tribal and a horseman of sorts. I am not familiar enough with the populous of this region to be knowledgeable of his people, I hope I don’t offend; he seems well accustomed to his weaponry.

Another tangle, quite literally, with the druid. This encounter left his cat ashed, though once again he evaded death. An end to the brambles was finally spied; a rope bridge suspended sixty feet across the sea to the small island of thistletop. Resting on the island was a small fort constructed by the goblins out of what appeared to be shipwrecked timber. It was decided that our band should rest for an hour to try and regain strength and perhaps a spell or two for those with the ability. It was perhaps ten minutes before the goblins began to shoot upon us with short bows. Some of our group went to shoot back with arrow and bullet alike. I decided to protect our flank in an effort to allow those studying magic to finish. No threat came from behind after some time so I went to help the assault. I was out of the necessary catalysts to create my standard electrical bombs. I did, however, have some acids and alchemical fire ready for use. Use it I did, the towered goblins fell quickly to both fire and corrosion. The other goblins were quickly dealt with by my companions. One very important note, the fort has decent ceilings, allowing for proper movement.

We swept through the rest of the fort, finding Ripnugget in his throne room. That blasted druid was beside him. The fight went much faster than I had anticipated. Some goblins near the ceiling fell to acid and arrow while the druid, near dead to begin with, fell within the first few seconds. Ripnugget and his giant gecko were disjoined thanks to a spell from Lyn. The group surrounded the pair and quickly ended them as well. We took quick inventory of acquired items and are now preparing ourselves for a decent beneath the fort.

Journal entry:

Twenty Sixth Day of the Month Rova
Pain – Glass – More pain – Fun (certainly not dangerous) realization

I woke to find the same meal as the previous day, bread and cheese. The kind-hearted Moxie went to the kitchens to inquire if everything was alright. She found the hafling helper frantically trying to keep the inn running by herself. Ameiko had apparently received a note from her brother, Tsuto, requesting Ameiko to meet him at the glassworks. We agreed this seemed too coincidental concerning yesterday’s conflict with her Father. It was decided that we should investigate the glassworks. Upon our arrival it was noted that, while smoke was pouring out of the chimney, there was not the usual activity of the workers. I went around covering the beach side worker’s entrance with Lynn, Uther and Zandu, in the event someone should attempt to flee. Uther suggested I attempt to force the door open claiming I was the strongest of them; I believed it a joke, however, to humor him I tried the door and was not surprised when it refused to submit to my weight. Another attempt was made with their help, however, I fear I did not have a decent footing and was unable to assist much. Once more it refused to yield. I was in the process of examining the door for a weak point to apply an acid when Uther decided to gain entry via one of the large windows. It would benefit me to keep a more open mind apparently; stop and look around instead of apply the most obvious solution. Lynn pushed the curtains aside and calmly mentioned observing body parts on a table inside. Fearing we had arrived too late to save our hostess I carefully climbed through the now open window.
I had but a second to view my surroundings before I was ambushed by foul goblins. The few unable to reach me decided to throw chunks of glass, luckily their aim was poor. The two with knives, however, did not follow their brother’s mistake and dug them sharply into my flesh. My vision blurred as the pain overwhelmed my senses; I was unable to act before a third knife nearly brought me to my knees. Somehow I was able to retrieve a curative elixir and clear my head as the liquid thrust an icy path through my veins, instantly halting my life’s blood from leaving its vessel. My hearing had not yet recovered, though that was of no consequence for the sulfuric cloud that flooded into my nostrils spoke of Uther’s pistol discharging; a happening that would have certainly deafened me. In the sudden chaos of combat the goblins’ divided attention allowed me to fell two of the vermin with my spear. I was not aware of when, but the others joined the melee and made short work of the others. Surveying the room we discovered Lonjiku, Ameiko’s father, burnt and encased in glass, a truly horrific sight. At this point we were desperate to find Ameiko, discovering a set of stairs we descended to a cellar. I followed Lynn down with Uther and Zandu directly behind me, the rest of our band preceding Lynn.
At the base of the stairs the path split into two paths. It was decided we split and cover ground quickly. Lynn was unfortunate enough to wake the sand worm as it were. An arrow flew into the hall just missing Lynn, who immediately entered the room as only a madman would. I suppose I qualify as my body followed suit, before me stood a drunken male half-elf reminiscent of Ameiko. Assuming this to be her brother I mentioned we were trying to locate her, he responded curtly “Die!” He was swift and very agile fore though I tried many times to strike him only once did I make contact and it was poor at best. On the other hand he bare-handedly taken three of my comrades out of the fight, I was selfishly happy none of the fists he threw at me connected. After clearing a path in the hall he made for a tunnel in another room we ad quickly glanced through earlier. When I entered the hall in pursuit Zandu was holding the door to the tunnel closed; I furiously shoved past knowing that I could not let Tsuto escape. He was nearly to a bend in the tunnel when I arrived. I hurriedly made and threw a bomb, it struck coating him in volatile fluid that combusted violently filling the hall with a flash-fire. As the flame cleared Tsuto remained standing and was hit with some sickly green orb conjured by Lynn. Luckily Uther shot once more before Tsuto could round the corner to his freedom. Uther’s bullet struck true, showing just how dangerous a pistol can be, I could have sworn I saw a hole clean through Tsuto’s upper chest.
None of my new friends were grievously injured, and we were able to take care of those who had been removed from consciousness by Tsuto’s furious assault. Moxie Discovered Ameiko sometime during the fight. She was beaten but alright. An expeditious search of the area reviled Tsuto’s journal as well as some gold and silver dust used in coloring glass. The journal explained that Tsuto and the old priest’s daughter, believed till this point to be deceased, had been organizing the goblins and had more attacks scheduled.
Ameiko was saddened by the loss of her father and disheartened by her brother’s path. For saving her she granted us free stay at her inn for life, a most generous offer, given the circumstances. Since seeing the powdered silver and gold a thought had been congealing. A sudden realization of electrical possibility formed. Gold is often used in electro-alchemy as a conduit. If I were to utilize a salt-bridge in the construction of my bombs it would allow the untapped electrical energy to discharge through the air potentially disorienting the target; furthermore if I were to use a cupric compound the arcs of energy would be spectacularly green in appearance. Perhaps I will get the opportunity to test this hypothesis soon…

Journal entry:

Twenty Third day of the Month Rova
Association – Plans – Undead

Perhaps I ended a might hastily last night. After the last fight with the goblin’s and their rat-hounds, the group of brave souls and myself decided to gather at the Rusty Dragon and share our varied stories. Indeed a most fascinating collage of travelers, I fear that the events of the evening had my mind befuddled as I am unable to remember most of what was said last evening. What I can remember is that there are two Taldorans. One as I guessed earlier is the gun-bearer known as Uther. The other a noble who hails from the same town as the afore mentioned taldoran. A gruff dwarf who handles his axe very well and such should be expected as he claims to be a giant killer. There is a local Varisian, Zandu, who has traveled all his life, as they are known to do, to distant and fantastic lands. He carries an interesting long-spear that vibrates the air as it passes making a dreadful whistling sound one might affiliate with the moaning of the dead. An arctic elf from the far north has come to seek adventure; I feel he may have found just that. Of course there is little Moxie, the very skilled gnome, who though seems a child, has confessed she has seen fifty-some rotations of the heavens. I feel it would be a true disaster to underestimate this fair creature. Ah and the spell-sword who was so quick on his feet earlier, wants us to call him Lynn. He is an educated elf hailing from, curses I forget the city, but it becomes apparent later that we have similar morals. The quiet Tian, I fear that is all I know of her other than she appears to be of half-elf decent as well. That and she carries herself lightly, that as a leaf on the wind.
Now as for this morning I awoke quite early to prepare a few formulae that may prove useful throughout the day. When I arrived in the front room some of my new friends were already enjoying a mighty break-fast. Young Uther was of the notion that we should band together and hunt the goblins down; he even figured that if anyone was to plan such an excursion, it would be Hosk. I decided to join him in running next door to inquire on such an event, however, Hosk had made no such plans and instructed our eager friend to find Sheriff Hemlock. I believe Hosk noticed Uther’s discouragement and offered five gold coins per pair of goblin ears brought to him.
Upon our arrival back at the Dragon, the rest of our virgin group had entertained a meal together. Just as I was sitting down to have another bite or two, though my robes may need extra cloth sewed in if I continue to feast as I have these past few days. Hmm, oh yes, Foxglove made an appearance and once more made a scene of thanking us, and threw a hefty purse onto our table. Before I realized what had occurred Uther had divided the contents evenly and slid perfect little stacks of platinum coins to each of us. This was quite the kind gesture on Foxglove’s part, not one I was expecting either. As I figured it was not without a follow up, as he asked us to join him on a boar hunt the next morning. As my friends agreed one by one I decided it would be best not to insult the man and go along even though I believed I could be of more help around town.
We agreed to meet back for lunch and discus what to do with ourselves. I went to help a local herbalist who seemed quite excited at my offer of assistance. I set up my meager supply of reagents and began making simple salves to help heal cuts and keep wounds closed and clean. I could have sworn she would have preferred to talk then work, and thinking back I should have properly entertained her desire to do so. She is quite the fetching elf, although, as always, I realize this too late. Pah!, better I remain alone, many who share my desire find a less then pleasant fate at their own hands.
I returned to the Rusty Dragon a little later than I had wanted to, I had to promise my herbalist friend half a dozen time that I would be back after lunch to continue my work. After all I left all of my flasks and reagents for her disposal should she require them. I was surprised to find my friends out front talking with Sheriff Hemlock. With him he had a large cart with what looked like scrap metal and strips of what I believed to be leather though it was hard to tell under the grime. I believed, at first, that this was ruble from the night prior. I learned otherwise when I heard him explain that this was scavenged from the goblins we had ended. The most notable were three elixirs found; two were superior to what I am currently able to produce, and the other smelled more on par with my abilities. A purse full of coin was offered Lynn and I wanted the money to go to the townsfolk to help with recovery, Zandu quickly pulled me aside and informed me this was a gift of thanks from the townsfolk and it would be insulting to refuse it. Not at all wanting to insult those who had been so kind to me I, heartily as I could, accepted the gift, I believe I will give it to my herbalist friend so she can restock and in doing so still help the delightful people of sand point. I returned henceforth and worked diligently till dinner.
In the midst of our dinner back at the rusty dragon father Zantus came hurriedly in looking for Sheriff Hemlock. I myself did not hear the discourse shared between them but some of my colleagues did and made not of it. At which time I learned that the crypt of passed priests stood ajar, and this alarmed Zantus a great deal. We quickly gathered our necessary belongings and followed them to the town’s cemetery.
Twas quite dark when we reached said cemetery and the noble and I had the same idea. We struck sunrods at nearly the same time, the yard instantly burst forth with light. I quickly tied mine to my spear as the dwarf and noble went to fully open the crypt. Soon as the door was opened two ghastly creatures came forth. I was later informed that they were in fact zombies, an abomination I had only ever heard about in my classes. They proved to be quite resilient as well. The group was too congested for me to throw the explosives as I had done the night prior. I decided it would be better if I had a slightly higher vantage point so I drank an elixir of enlargement to strike at the foul creatures safely over the heads of my new friends.
I landed two good blows that I feel should have wounded the creatures more but was satisfied as the second pierced ones head through and it collapsed forthrightly. The other had already fallen and a few of us went to look about the crypt. The recent father who died the year prior in the great fire, his coffin stood open, body missing. I found a robe with two holes that looked like something had been torn free but no one was able to find significance with them. The dwarf found goblin prints that lead over the wall to the crypt, and then back out to the forest. We left quite befuddled unsure what to make of the entire situation.

Twenty Fourth day of the Month Rova

When I came to break-fast the next morning, the noble Foxglove was awaiting us with what he called boar spears for each of us. It was suitably close to the spear I carried and, not wanting to offend, I gladly accepted the weapon. We trekked some hours to a forest known to hold such game, all the while Foxglove could not keep quiet. He was constantly asking one of us questions of our homelands, our background, history of adventures and so forth. He was mostly intrigued by the Taldoran noble who was not at all put off by this attention. When he did start to take notice of me he claimed that throwing bottles was not heroic. Though I quite agree with him, and never claimed to be heroic, for I am not. I was unable to allow this annoying man to belittle me so I told him he should do it sometime. He quickly downed some drink and threw the empty bottle, he even seemed surprised when it simply shattered into fine bits of glass on the stones, as if he expected the same results as my horrendous devises. Suppressing a smirk I handed him a vial of alchemist’s fire and told him to throw it as some rocks. This effect pleased him much, though I will have to replace the vial of my own expense I feel I won our petty conflict.
We had not been in the forest long before our group was surprised by two boar charging out of the brush. These stout boars put up a terrible fight I do not believe any of my friends took too grievous a wound but it was more excitement than I was expecting. After the squabble it was found that Foxglove stood quite paralyzed by the encounter, skin a pale that even our arctic friend could not contend with. We ran the boars through and decided one to go to the White Deer and the other to the Rusty Dragon. A feast most fantastic followed upon our return with the large boar. My stomach is complaining now as I was quite fervent in filling it this evening and I fear I will be soar come the morning from the day’s outing.

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Well I started to hand-write Friedrich's journal, however, after getting halfway down the third page and not even to the point our characters ate lunch; I figured I would make two versions. One is curt, the other, how Friedrich actually perceived the events of the day.

Twenty Second day of the Month Rova.
Sandpoint-Swallowtail Festival-Temple opening-Tragedy-Discovery

Long, but more fun version!:
Today was a most interesting one. My hand trembles even now from a most horrendous event, but I shall start with the early, joyous festivities before covering the slaughter of innocence.

I awoke in fine spirits this morning, knowing the day was to hold much entertainment and merrymaking. I packed light, donning no armor or true crafted weapon and only strapping a more decorative dagger to my person in an attempt to add a touch of color to my simple regalia. I nearly emptied my robe of its many elixirs, potions and makings, but I did not want to leave those unguarded. For, Shelyn forbid, if some curious sneak-thief got into my room and incinerate themselves I would be most distraught. Especially since I had not the funds to cover any damage as such. I headed first off for the new temple, rumor stated there was to be food and a speech or two. Speeches yes, unfortunately food would not be served till noon. As such I went about suppressing my hunger a few hours.

After the speeches put on by a few individuals, I fear I was not paying much attention to them. My eyes seemed to drift across the crowds and take in the bright colors and joyous faces. I believe the mayor and sheriff spoke, then some over-dramatic by the name of Mr. Drocas, came to find he was head of the theater in town so that explains it, gave a long winded speech on one thing or another.

It took me a moment or two to realize people were moving about me, the speeches had come to an end. I decided to wander the streets and join in with a few games. I found myself in line for what an eccentric gentleman called the "Goblin Toss". This man appeared to me to have an overzealous way of cheering when the goblin dolls landed in the "fire pit", thus I found him quite agreeable and entertaining. He more than deserved my custom.

Tossing before me was a man I recognized from the inn I am residing in. The main point of interest on his person was the wooden and metallic device, firmly attached to his waist. A pistol I believe they call it, a type of smallish firearm used with a single hand. I have, on occasion, seen them in the possession of nobles back in Qadira but was astounded to see one here. This man must have an interesting story to tell, wonder if I will ever hear it? Though I was unable to approach him for two accounts; firstly it was my turn to throw, something I was quite looking forward to as winners were awarded bags of jerky. Secondly he had only gotten a single of three goblins into the fire and I was unsure how his demeanor would be affected such, and I am aware I am far from subtle about my interests and some have taken offence to such an abruptness in the past; I had no interest in a demonstration of the device to my person. However I digress, my goblin tossing exploit was average. Besting but two of the fowl bean-gutted cloth terrors; the third was left to ransack my mythical house obtained but seconds prior. I was at least rewarded a piece of fine jerky, my empty stomach begged for more after that fantastic morsel but I did what was needed to ignore its meager pleading.

I wandered a touch more finally eating lunch in the square of less-than-entrapping speeches. The three main inn keepers providing fine meals. Seeing many of the same faces I had earlier in the day. I was surprised to see multiple gentlemen in armor and carrying spears or swords. Even ran across the man with the pistol, though I now had a new reason not to speak with him as I overheard him speak to some random passerby his dialect was unmistakably Taldoran. So once more I let him be.

Aw I fear I have put this part off long enough, as evening began to fall we gathered in the square of less-than-entrapping speeches for the christening of the Temple. The Father Zantus started the first decent speech I had heard in that particular square. Releasing hundreds of swallowtail butterflies near its completion, a most fabulous sight to behold. A scream let out to our rear, the first explosion of many to come and the appearance of small disproportioned creatures I recognized as goblins from the dolls I had tossed earlier that day.

They were laughing as one slaughtered some random canine they had pounced upon. A shrill voice came out in some poorly tuned song; I was not able to make out the words for the sudden chaos that abounded. Many ran, most screamed, some died. I felt a mixture of fear, nausea, and panic. The fewest of us did not move, they stood soaking in the picture of what was before them. They were rocks whilst the waves of people flowed around them in terror they acted. The first move was done by a spell-sword, he charged the group of green terrors and threw a swath of color from the fingertips of his left hand blinding two of the creatures while his right deftly drew sword from scabbard. More joined his defiant charge.

My body moved before I knew what was happening, it advanced without my conscious self. Hands quickly grabbing and mixing volatile reagents from pockets; to my horror it was crafting some concoction dangerously unstable.

Then, it left my hand.

Tracing its parabolic path in my mind I witnessed the effect before it happened. Fire engulfed three of the goblins as the fragile container struck the hard cobblestone street, the sound should have been deafening but I heard nothing. Perhaps that can be accounted for from the pistol's sharp retort moments before.

The melee took but moments, my mind still in shock from the actions of its host. I think I tried to speak but nothing came from my mouth. It would not have mattered either for another group of goblins come forth from the other end of the square less-than-entrapping speeches. I was once more in control of myself, though I fear it may not have been the best time. I tried to imitate what by body had made before and was pleasantly greeted with another explosive bottle. Why is it still in my hand? Its getting warmer! THROW! HOW COULD I FORGET? THROW! It flew through the air hitting its mark perfectly, more fire, more death; both of green flesh and an innocence I had held dear.

This group was dispatched as easily as the last. More screams north. I handed the spell-sword a potion of swift-feet and drank an elixir to copy its effects. We bolted forth, the rest of the weathered rocks followed close behind. More goblins ahead, some with large swords riding rat-like dogs. They put up more of a fight, the dogs more vicious than the goblins and biting long after their bodies gave to steel and fire. A noble saved, an innkeeper grateful. Finally as I put pen down, a rest most needed.

Short and well... short.:
I played some games, ate some food, fought some blasted goblins. Ooh I also learned I am much better at throwing fire at goblins instead of goblins at fire!